Sunday, March 05, 2006

Claim it

I bought myself a music stand a few days ago so I could put my sheet music and my jazz book because it's easier to not play with a book on your lap. My guitar instructor gave me some blues chord and the general style in which they are played. Some of the chords I already knew but don't practice. A few are new and challenging. It's not easy to play the guitar especially an accoustic. I didn't think playing would be so physically demanding. My idea of demanding is lifting a tree but it's physically demanding for a small part of your body; the left hand and forearm. Now that I'm more familiar with blues, I find myself immensly enjoying it. My roomate in Yellowknife played blues alot and so that's why I wanted to learn some. I normally don't listen to blues.
I also learned chords for Holiday by Greenday and part of American Idiot. They're just power chords but one of them is challenging for me at this point.

I haven't been actively participating in the 'dating scene' but I have in my dream life, which I find amusing. I met some wealthy and successful young businessman and he had some nice home and he was in love with me and we were engaged. I had to break it off because I wasn't in love with him. I found that strange since why would I get engaged in the first place to someone whom I didn't have feelings for?
Another one I had a few days ago was I was dating someone and then he dumped me. The guys that I'm dating in my dreams don't look like anyone I've ever met.

The bebop and the swing section in my jazz book are the largest section and I'm just concentrating on them for now. I've learned 27 out of 31 licks from that section. There's another section for the bebop but it's about 6 licks. I'm going to skip to the jazz chords section either before or after I finish the bebop.

I was reading this book entitled The Wisdom of the Enneagram (a non-anthroposophical book) by Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson and it's a book on personality types. I found it relevant and I seem to relate to the 8th personality which is the Challenger. There is 9 main types. The book lists the basic fear of each type and their desire. I read these type of books because I'm interested in personal inner/spiritual growth. I think inner, emotional and spiritual growth is the most important thing to do in life and it's unfortunate that the education system and our society neglects this. To me it's very practical because once you learn to pay attention and work with your inner world, it makes it easier to get along with others, to get things done effectively. I think it's relevant as well because one can choose to change the way they perceive the world. You can change things about yourself that you don't like.
Anyways, for my type the basic fear is of being harmed or controlled by others and of violation. The basic desire is to protect themselves and to determine their own course in life. For me that seems relevant to me. I'm not sure how to 'achieve' my desire to be protected but for the other aspect I have been meditating on the thought that I am in control of my life and I feel better and less tense. There were other things I felt were relevant for me and so I am working on that as well.

The book doesn't try to typecast people but it does provide a framework.

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