Monday, April 28, 2008

Evil from an Anthroposophical Perspective - Part 4: The Transformation of Evil

I believe half the battle in transforming evil lies in becoming aware of it and to be willing to acknowledge its existence. Sometimes evil works subtly and quietly in individuals and in our social, economical, political and educational institutes. It is important to realize that dealing with evil is an ongoing process.

In our movie and story telling culture, one evil being is presented and then is defeated. In reality we have multiple evil beings to deal with. We are continuously working with them and it is not a question of destroying them but how to use them effectively.

In How to Know Higher Worlds, Steiner informs the spiritual student, “In every evil, we must seek out the elements that allow us to transform it into good. We will then see more and more clearly that the best way to combat wickedness and imperfection is to create what is good and whole. We cannot create something out of nothing, but we can transform what is incomplete into something more perfect. The more we strengthen our creative tendencies, the sooner we will find ourselves capable of the right attitude toward whatever is bad and imperfect.” (pg 104).

I believe the solution to evil can be found within itself. We must not view evil as bad. We must look within it to see how we can transform it. We must not run away from it nor seek to destroy it. We must confront the evil within us first and by accepting and transforming our own evil and egoism, we can meet evil around us with the same love and compassion we created for ourselves.

He continues to inform the spiritual student about 2 Guardians. One of our most important spiritual experiences is with the First Guardian of the Threshold. This guardian is an astral entity and it is the collection of all of our past errors and fears. Because it is such a horrible sight, we must have developed enough inner strength to perceive it. This being reveals to us the corrections we must make in life.

Steiner also discusses the Greater Guardian of the Threshold. This meeting involves choosing the black path or the white path.
“You have freed yourself from the world of the sense. You have earned the right of citizenship in the supersensible world. From now on, you may work from there. For yourself, you no longer need your physical bodily nature in its present form. If all you wanted was to acquire the capacity to dwell in the supersensible world, you would never need to return to the world of the senses. Look at me. See how immeasurably I am raised above all that you have already made of yourself up to now. You have reached your present stage of completion by means of faculties that you were able to develop in the sense world while you were still dependent upon it. Now you are entering a time when the powers you liberated must continue to work upon this sense world. Until now, you have worked only to free yourself, but now that you are free, you can help free all your fellow beings in the sense world. Up to now, you have striven as an individual. Now you must join yourself to the whole, so that you may bring with you into the supersensible realm not only yourself, but also all else that exists in the sensible world.

Some day, you will be able to unite with my form, but I myself cannot find perfect blessedness as long as there are others who are still unfortunate! As a single, liberated individual, you could enter the realm of the supersensible today. But then you would have to look down upon those sentient beings who are not yet freed. You would have separated your destiny from theirs. But you are linked together with all sentient beings. All of you had to descend into the world of the senses to draw from it the powers required for a higher world. Were you to separate yourself from your fellow beings, you would misuse the powers you were able to develop only in consort with them. If they had not descended into the sense world, you would not have been able to descend either. Without them, you would lack the powers you need for supersensible existence. You must share with the others the powers that you achieved with them.

Therefore I refuse to admit you to the highest regions of the supersensible world until you have used all your powers for the deliverance of your fellow world and fellow beings. What you have already achieved entitles you to dwell in the lower regions of the supersensible world. But I will stand at the doorway to the higher regions “like the cherubim with the flaming sword before the gates of Paradise.” I will deny you entry as long as you still have powers that you have not put to use in the sense world.

If you do not use your own powers, others will come who will put them to use. Then a high supersensible world will incorporate all the fruits of the sensible realm, but the ground you will stand on will be pulled out from under your feet. The purified world will develop over and beyond you. You will be excluded from it. If this is your choice, then yours is the black path. But those from whom you separate yourself tread the white path.”

It is in this meeting of the Second Guardian that we experience our greatest temptation. The black path is choosing the path where we are only concerned with our inner salvation. On the black path nothing that our egotism desires is denied us. The fruit of this path is the complete satisfaction of egotism.

The white path is choosing the path where we are concerned with liberating all of humanity and ourselves. This includes people who have hurt us or do not understand us or annoy us. Taking the white path does not appeal to our egoism. When we have this meeting with the Greater Guardian and have chosen the white path we will realize that the black path leads us nowhere. It is the white path that allows us to be creative and loving.

The task of confronting evil will enable us to not only to liberate ourselves but also to contribute to the liberating of the human race. We can offer our gifts and talents to the sacrificial altar of humanity.
Greetings and Salutations,

I booked my tickets to London last Monday. I am leaving on May 23rd in the evening and arrive in London on May 24 at 10 am (Saturday). I wanted to fly out of Spain but it was a bit more so I decided to journey back to London after I've visted France and Spain.

I bought a backpack from the Rick Steeves web site as he is a travel writer and had some traveling gear. I think I'll have fun.

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Well I'm sure I've frighten some people away with my essay about Evil. It is pretty advanced material that I am covering and it is more geared for those who are anthroposophists and I am not too sure how many out are reading my blog!
If you were more familiar with basic anthroposophical concepts, then my essay might be more interesting.

There's only 2 more sections I cover I believe so bear with me.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Evil from an Anthroposophical Perspective - Part 3: Evil Spiritual Beings

According to the Anthroposophical perspective, there are several evil beings that humans have to deal with. This was allowed by a divine wisdom for the sake of freedom. It is necessary to know that it was the beings of light, the divine wisdom that allowed these counterforces to work in humans.

The first tempters for humans are known as Luciferic beings and they affected our astral body during the Moon stage, prior to our receiving an I. This is known as Original Sin or The Fall as we had inherited sin from Lucifer and had fallen into sin. The influence of Lucifer is implanted in our astral body. Luciferic beings are retarded or backward Angels.

Another type of evil beings are the Ahrimanic beings. They are retarded or backward Archangels. They influence our etheric body.

If we imagine a threefold cosmic stream, Lucifer would work from the surconscious and Ahriman from the subconscious.
These two beings are usually compared against each other in order to understand them.

Allows people to form hypothesis, build up imaginative pictures, have ideas
Art is an example where this force is vital
Not interested in people
Allows us to soar above our actual circumstances, looking at the world from an aerial perspective
Works in time
Body: Softening, Rejuvenation
Soul: Fantasy, Dreaming,Mysticism
Spirit: Falling Asleep
Illusion: Spirit arises out of matter
Countermeasure: Illness, Suffering, Pain


Down in the dumps lonely spirit who doesn’t readily make his presence known
Responsible for technology
Wants world power, lusts for power, tries to rule over others by using and manipulating their weaknesses
Works in space
Body: Hardening, Calcification
Soul: Pedantry, Philistinism,Materialism
Spirit: Waking Up
Illusion: Forces of physical world permeate soul or physical world is only reality
Countermeasure: Karma

In 8000 BC people were in danger of being too Luciferic. Education was not important as it is today and school was more for scholars. Aim was to reign people’s powers of fantasy. Education today has taken an Ahrimanic direction. Science is excessively ahrimanic for it takes only the physical world into consideration.

Lucifer incarnated around 3000 BC in Asia. Ahriman will incarnate in the West around 2000 - 3000 AD. These beings prepare a long time for their incarnation. The Ahrimanic influence began in the 15th century. Ahriman wants people to believe in material science and not to realize the limitations that it has. The gifts that we have received from science are truths but are not absolute truths. The materialistic science merely presents one side of reality.

Ahriman will also try to stir up the emotions that will make humans go against each other and divide into smaller groups, groups that attack each other. He does this through the intellect because with our intellect we can prove or disprove any argument based on logic. Our intellect has limitations however Ahriman wants us to believe that our intellect is our source of knowledge. For example, by using our intellect and logic, we can prove spiritualism exists and that materialism exists as well.

In The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness, Steiner talks about the spiritual war that lasted from 1841 to 1879. A spiritual fact is that events that occur on earth are prepared first in the spiritual world. Steiner says the mirror image of this war can be found in World War I. The Ahrimanic beings were cast out of the spiritual realm into the physical. When they are in the spiritual world they are more likely to leave humans alone and so their being cast down allows them to influence humans more. This type of battle has occurred numerous times over various issues.

Ahriman’s field of activity is in our thinking and will impulses. They thrive under our prejudices, ignorance of reality and our fear of spirit. Ahriman basically wants people to deny the reality of the spiritual world and so he works through us in our thinking by making us only believe in the physical world. It is a law of the universe that what science observes is only the past. It is the spiritual world that points to the future. By only observing the past, Ahrimanic beings essentially are denying us our creativity, hope and the ability to find solutions to problems.

Another evil being is known as the Asuras. They are retarded Archai. The Asuras tear out fragments of the I and consciousness soul and bind them with the earth. The fragments they take are lost forever. At this point there is no countermeasure for the lost I fragments. The Asuras also deceive humans into thinking their I is merely a product of the physical world. They want people to live completely in the physical world and to be oblivious to the reality of spiritual beings. They want us to believe that we are merely sophisticated animals and have descended from them. Our morals are only channeled animal impulses. The Asuras will lead humans to live like animals and to only have interest In animalistic type passions and impulses.

One important evil being is called Sorath who is also known as the Antichrist, Sun-Demon or Two-horned Beast. Sorath is directly opposed to the Christ principle. Humans cannot be the adversary of Christ, they can only let the opportunity slip away.

Christ made his appearance in the etheric body of the world between 1930 and 1940. Christ is a being that allows the individuals to lift themselves into the spiritual world so that we are not lost to materialism. Christ has performed many sacrifices for humans enabling us to become more selfless. For example he has worked on our sense organs to make them selfless and concerned with the whole. (See Four Sacrifices of Christ lecture)

Christ brought humanity karma and allowed us to fix the errors we commit. If one chooses to have Christ work within them, this power redeems himself and the Luciferic beings. (See: The Deed of Christ and the Opposing Spiritual Powers)
I believe that all 4 beings can be redeemed when we allow the Christ to work within us.

Sorath is generally not concerned with the earthly realm. He only becomes interested in earth when it becomes possible for him to gain rulership. This occurs in specific conditions, namely when Christ descends to Earth. He wants to lead people into evil and to sink into the abyss. He is the tempter to Black Magic, which is the misuse of spiritual forces for purely egotistical purposes.

Steiner did not live on earth to experience the second appearance of Christ, however other Anthroposophical writers believe that Sorath made his appearance during World War II.

According to Peter Tradowsky who wrote Christ and Antichrist, Hitler was possessed by Sorath. Sorath wants to make himself God and he typically does so by pretending to be the Christ. Tradowsky has done some historical research on Hitler and here are some interesting findings:
Hitler was quoted to say “The work begun by Christ, I will bring to a conclusion.”
During a 1932 election campaign, he used an airplane and flew over Germany creating a Messianic image.

During WWI one of Hitler’s generals did not think he would make a good leader and he seemed quite aloof. Hitler did end up becoming a charismatic leader and had the power to eliminate or paralyze the thinking capacity of others through his eyes. Sorath makes use of both Ahriman and Lucifer. An example of this can be seen in Hitler’s style of speech, which is a mixture of fanaticism and reasonableness.

Other major world events that occurred in the 1930s include The Great Depression from 1929 to 1933. The Great Purge in Russia that involved Joseph Stalin was from 1929 to 1939. World War II was from 1939 to 1945. It is possible that all 4 beings worked together and created conditions that would make it difficult for people to experience the Second Coming of Christ. I believe that attacking humans economically first would make it easier for humans to be influenced politically.

In Apocalypse of St. John, Steiner informs the reader about the War of All against All. We are currently in 5th epoch, in the 5th cultural epoch. This war is set to occur in the 7th cultural epoch, which will occur in approximately 4000 years. The ego has a dual nature. It gives man independence and freedom and also self-centeredness. The ego needs to be independent and free so that out of its own inner volition, it chooses to offer love to God and others. If the ego does not discover love, it hardens within itself and enters the abyss. Because we have been given I-consciousness, we can rise to the highest of ideals or sink to the lowest. This war will involve those who have taken the Christ impulse, the impulse of love against those who have chosen not to, the Sorath impulse. The foundation of this war is the increase of egoism, of the desire to only serve oneself. It will become evident that humanity has split itself into 2 races, the evil and the good. Those who do not take up this impulse will be rescued after this War by the good stream.

This type of war will repeat itself throughout our earthly evolution.

When I mention this concept of evil beings to people, many people believe that in saying there is a devil or evil being is an excuse for immoral behaviour. In my research into these 4 adversarial beings, I never got the impression that they were responsible for the errors and evils humans commit. I think humans are responsible for how they relate to these beings. We are all influenced in ways we may not realize and I believe if we allow these beings to influence us in a negative way, it is our fault. These adversarial forces were introduced by the good cosmic stream so that we can choose between good and evil and act in freedom.

I have no direct experience of these 4 beings, Lucifer, Ahriman, Asuras and Sorath. I still struggle with trying to see how they work in our world. I would like to have a direct experience, as merely understanding them theoretically is not enough. I think the concept of adversarial forces working in the world is challenging for people of today to understand.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Evil from an Anthroposophical Perspective - Part 2: Some Insights on the Nature of Evil

Evil manifests itself in an individual and can manifest itself in groups and institutions. Evil that is manifested in groups is known as collective evil. Examples of Group evil can arise in a social group of friends (say of 5 people), the army, schools and the media.

Typically when evil arises in a group, it ends up becoming its own entity and taking a life of its own. The group manifests something that is not of them but is a result of their working together. One movie that illustrates the nature of group evil can be found in The Corporation, which is a documentary that shows how the majority of corporations running today possess sociopathic tendencies because they only care about pleasing the shareholders and making a profit. They do not care about laying people off and that they are destructive to the environment. Corporations become like narcisstic children who can only think of their own interests when they choose to think of only their only needs.

In these types of situations, no one person is to blame, due to specialization. Specialization has allowed for evil to flourish as it allows people to pass responsibility onto another department.

Evil grows because it seeks an environment that is receptive to it. Group evil flourishes when individuals stop thinking for themselves and submit themselves to the will of the group. The group as a result takes on a mind of its own and it allows people to do things they normally would not do on their own.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Becoming an Anthroposophist: a brief explanation of my journey

My study group has read many anthroposophical books by Rudolf Steiner. One we read a while ago a book called Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts. This book basically is a series of letters Steiner writes for those in the Anthroposophical Society and for more advanced students. My favourite part of the book was the first paragraph as I feel for me, it states to me what anthroposophy means to me. I'll include the paragraph below.

"Anthroposophy is a path of knowledge, to guide the Spiritual in the human being to the Spiritual in the universe. It arises in man as a need of the heart, of the life of feeling; and it can be justified only inasmuch as it can satisfy this inner need. He alone can acknowledge Anthroposophy, who finds in it what he himself in his own inner life feels impelled to seek. Hence only they can be anthroposophists who feel certain questions on the nature of man and the universe as an elemental need of life, just as one feels hunger and thirst."

I'm sure this quote may be misinterpreted but to me this quote really summarizes what draws me to anthroposophy. I felt a great need for spiritual ideas early in my life. By the time I was 20, I was dying spiritually inside. I was experiencing an existential crisis. I was introduced to anthroposphy by my first boyfriend, who actually denied to several people that I was even his girlfriend. My first love, who also tormented my soul, led me to one man's body of work who had such a huge influence in my life. His father was a reader of Steiner and my boyfriend suggested that I look into it. I took out 3 books from the public library and the first 2 books I read of his, I thought were completely stupid and I did not get it. It wasn't until I read the third book, Theosophy, that I understood and enjoyed what he was writing about.

I started reading Steiner around July 1999. I finished my first year of university that year and was quite lost internally. I was working at Stelco (a steel factory) for the summer and I would read Steiner during my shift as I was a tester and there was about 15 minutes in between tests. Some of his ideas may be perceived as unusual but when I read him, I understand many of his ideas and I 'intuitively' understood them. I don't understand how I could understand these ideas but they just made sense to me. I've always questioned why I had this compulsion to read his work. In my early 20s I yearned to just be normal like everyone else my age. I just wanted to be getting drunk every weekend and having mindless sex. I didn't want to be so concerned about life and the deeper questions of life. Why couldn't I be shallow and mindless?

My study group is comprised of people over 40. The only other young person there who is around my age moved out of town a few years ago although he does join us for social activities like when we have a dinner or potluck. I think he has the same experience in reading as I do, in that he intuitively understands the content.

I feel unique because of my intense need for spirituality and I certainly do not want to believe that I am the only one who feels this intense need. It was nice to have him around as it's nice to talk to someone in your age group.

I've looked into other spiritual philosophies and religious ideas but I always find myself finding deep spiritual nourishment in anthroposophy.
Spiritual hunger.
Where does it come from?

I've met some people who I thought were nice people but they didn't believe in a spiritual world. While the people may be kind and compassionate, I just don't understand how such evolved people could deny this. While I myself have questioned the existence of a spiritual world, as any seeker would, I really believe that the material world as we see it, is just one part of reality.

In my study group, we have had discussions about how anthroposophy is a need of one's heart. I can't force someone to study it because it has to be something that comes from within you. We all have needs in our hearts and we can't force our personal agendas onto people's hearts.

A Steiner quote

"People go through the world with far more hatred than they think - far more antipathy at least. It is a fact of life: hatred gives satisfaction to the soul, and for this reason, as a rule, it is not at first experienced in consciousness. It is eclipsed by the satisfaction it gives."

Rudolf Steiner Karmic Relationships Volume 1

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Evil from an Anthroposophical Perspective - Part 1: The Origins of Evil

Greetings all,

I have decided to publish my essay that I wrote back in 2005 when I took the Foundation Studies course at the Rudolf Steiner Centre.
I decided to research Steiner's works on Evil as I find evil a fascinating topic because if one truly wants to live ethically and morally in this life, we must face evil with courage and we must examine it deeply to understand its true nature.

My entire essay is 11 pages so I will break it down in several pieces. Steiner's philosophy is based on his experiences of being able to perceive spiritual realities and that includes things such as angels or the dead. You may not believe in these things but please read and be open to the possibility. This can be an exercise to train one's thinking.


The Origins of Evil

Evil has always been an important spiritual and philosophical topic for humans. I will briefly introduce some views on how people try to make sense of evil and its origin.

I will begin with the view of evil by the Stoics, a group of 4th and 3rd century B.C. of Greek philosophers who base their views on the teachings of Socrates and Plato. They tried to figure how one should live in the world and the came up with the Ideal concept of the Wise Man, one who has managed to conquer their emotions and passions. They believed that the ego needed clarity in the world but was clouded by their emotions and passions and so it was necessary to overcome this. They also believed that humans were free to choose this Ideal. They could choose to descend into a lower realm where they would let their emotions and passions run freely.

Saint Augustine believed that evil and wrongdoing did not exist but were negations or absence of good. He believed finite beings had weaknesses and could not continually do good deeds. As a result of this failure, good is limited and whatever is remaining, i.e. the shadow side is simply the absence of good. This view is simplistic because it is like saying coldness is simply the absence of warmth.

A common view on the origin of evil is that because humans live in matter, this creates a hindrance for the human spirit. The source of evil is the immersion of spirit in matter. Neo-Platonist, Plotinus, believed this.

Japanese philosopher Nakae Toju who lived in 17th century had a similar view. He saw the world as duality. Ri, was a realm of spirit and Ki was a realm of physical nature. Humans have both aspects and due to the combination of these two realms, human will and desires emerges. This creates the potential for evil.

Jacob Boehme believed that in order to become self aware, divine beings needed to encounter opposition. For example, when we wake up in the morning we become aware of ourselves by encountering objects in the physical world. He believes other beings cannot give us this opposition and that we have to be our own adversary and set boundaries within ourselves by creating this opposite.

Herman Lotze was a 19th century philosopher. For Lotze, the reality of evil in ourselves and in the world could not be denied. He believed that evil represents a threshold to our powers of perception. He rejected Leibniz’s idea that although much evil exists, this was the best possible world. Lotze argued that we could not claim God to be omnipotent if we attribute evil and wrong doing to a divine source and by doing so we would limit God’s omnipotence. Lotze’s conclusion was that the existence of good and evil must be due to a divine wisdom that we cannot fathom and which we are not capable of perceiving. He transfers our understanding of evil and wrong into an unknown and inaccessible world of wisdom.

For Steiner, the basic characteristic of the evil emanating from humans is egotism (selfishness). From the smallest oversight to the most horrible of crimes, egotism is the fundamental trait. We cannot seek the origin of evil in actions and deeds but must look upon the underlying tendencies.

There is a paradox that arises. When one prepares to enter the spiritual worlds, the forces that lead to egotism must be strengthened. If we only lived in the spirit world, we would only be able to develop inner capacities. It is only in the physical world where we develop morality and altruism. In the physical world we find the conditions to overcome this egotism. Our soul appears as a duality of spirit and matter. When it is the spiritual world, it must focus on itself and develop its inner strength and capacities whereas on earth it must learn to grow out of and beyond itself and unfold the capacities it developed in the spiritual world, so that it can be of significance and worth for the world.

For us this means that we must not transfer something that belongs in one world to another. Essentially everything has its place in the world and evil can arise when we take it out from where it belongs. Something good can become evil if it is being misapplied.

Another paradox is that when ascending into the spiritual world, we must penetrate it without egotism yet we must penetrate it with egotism.

The origin of evil is our higher nature. We have a potential for evil because we are spiritual beings.

Qualities such as cruelty and malice in the physical world, if withdrawn and applied to the spiritual world can become qualities that advance and perfect us.

It is our egotism that is responsible for how we apply these qualities. We can use them for productive and helpful reasons or for more destructive purposes, depending on how much egotism lives in us.

It is for this reason that philosophers like Lotze believe that our understanding of evil is inaccessible. His perceptual faculties are not prepared to perceive the spiritual world and evil cannot be explained in physical terms since is it a misuse of forces that are of the spiritual world. Any philosopher who disregards the world of spirit is unable to trace the origin of evil.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Viva la France!

Greetings and salutations,

I am officially going to England, France and Spain on May 23 or 24. I booked 2 weeks off work. I haven't booked the flight yet but will wait last minute. I am hoping to leave on Friday night so that I can arrive Saturday morning. I will be backpacking across the 3 countries. I will start out in England and leave from Spain. I want to see Stonehedge and visit London. In France, I want to see crypts and catacombs and I think I'll spend lots of time in Paris getting cultured. I also want to check out Normandy. In Spain, I don't have anything that I feel I need to see. I do want to go Barcelona and Madrid.

I have this feeling that I'll probably enjoy being in Paris. I am more interested in experiencing the different culture and atmosphere of these countries.

I think I will also try and get some International Dick as well. As much as I've enjoyed being pleasured by the Canadian stock, it is time to get some international lovin' and to show other nations how wonderful Canadian women are.

I'm also no longer with my English Muffin so my goal now is to bed a man in each country I visit. In theory I can do this, however, since I am super picky, I may have a hard time finding someone who I would be willing to bed.

I'm happy that I get to travel. Going away last year made me realize how much I've denied myself the pleasure of travel and so now I plan to see more of the world.

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I had mentioned that I am no longer with my English Muffin and unfortunately it did not work out for reasons I shall not disclose at this time. Although technically he was not my official boyfriend, we were still allowed to see other people since we never actually met. I did go on a couple of dates with a couple of guys but it didn't work out so now I am back to searching full-time for a new boyfriend.

I'm not really worried because I'm sure I'll find someone whom I can settle down with. I'm surprised I haven't been snatched up because I really think I am a great catch. I'm easy to get along with and am smart, funny and nice. It is true that I am a bit of an eccentric, but that's what makes me more interesting.

* * *

I found out one of my plants has mealy bugs. It looked like there was this white fungus on it and I did see some insects but apparently they secret this honeydew and now my plant seems to be dying. I bought some spray and sprayed the plant last night. The bugs are on the underside of the leaf so it'll be a bit more difficult to get to it. I am hoping I can save it because it is turning brown on some leaves.

I only have 3 other plants but they are spread out in my apartment so they probably won't get infected. The plant only cost me $13 but I want to try to save it. I think it is possible since some leaves still look decent.

Evil mealy bugs, you have met your match!

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Greetings and Salutations,

Today I had a really intuitive/psychic moment. I have been buying the Tim Horton's medium hot chocolate lately so that I can play their Roll Up the Rim to win game (which I haven't won yet and I am rather bitter about). Normally they cost $1.23 but today when I was originally thinking about just bringing to Tim's (I work in the mall and they have a Tim's) the $1.23 in change, but after some thought, I decided that maybe I should bring my wallet because I had this odd feeling that the price went up.
So when I went down to get my medium hot chocolate, the price actually did go up 5 cents and cost me $1.28.

I didn't win at the Roll up the Rim contest but I was happy that I had this intuitive moment.

I sometimes have trouble listening to my intuition because sometimes my emotions get the better of me. Whether it is my fear or anger or my doubting things, I'll sometimes just not grasp the various intuitions I get.

I admit that I don't listen to things when I should be.

I don't know if it's because I don't trust myself sometimes but I do try and listen to it. Sadly there are many things that get in the way of me hearing things clearly but I do work on keeping my intuitive channel clear through my meditation and qigong practice.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

I'm Busy

Greetings and Salutations,

One of the common expressions that I loathe to hear from people is the expression "I'm busy" or "I've been busy" or "I'm too busy". I find people will use that as an excuse for their own laziness or the fact that maybe they just don't care about people and can't be bothered to make the effort to communicate with them or because they don't have the courage to admit that they don't want to do various activities or are trying to avoid people and/or things.
I remember my first boyfriend after a while started saying that to me and it always bothered me. He could have just told me that he wasn't interested in me anymore and break up with me but he kept stringing me along. I don't believe anyone can ever be too busy. I believe that you "make time". It doesn't take long to tell someone that you miss them or that you care about them. With the technology we have today, you can send someone a simple email and it will only take a minute.
Are you that important that you can't even spare one minute of your day to tell someone that you care about them or miss them?

I will never use the expression "I'm too busy" because I believe that I make time for things. I am like everyone else in that I only have 24 hours a day but I spend them wisely and I get shit done. I have wasted time in my life but I do try to live my life as efficiently as possible. I also manage to have lots of fun in my life. I manage to exercise and meditate and eat right and maintain a full time job.

I believe people perceive themself as busy because they don't know how to manage stress and stress creates the perception of busyness. People as well make themself feel busy so that they don't actually have to deal with their own personal issues. There really is no excuse for neglecting your friendships and relationships because you are too busy.

I bring up this topic because I am tired of hearing people use it. Life is precious and the people in your life are precious. Why can't you just demonstrate basic common courtesy instead of being so self absorbed and so selfish? Everyone in this life is busy to some degree.