Thursday, April 10, 2008


Greetings and Salutations,

Today I had a really intuitive/psychic moment. I have been buying the Tim Horton's medium hot chocolate lately so that I can play their Roll Up the Rim to win game (which I haven't won yet and I am rather bitter about). Normally they cost $1.23 but today when I was originally thinking about just bringing to Tim's (I work in the mall and they have a Tim's) the $1.23 in change, but after some thought, I decided that maybe I should bring my wallet because I had this odd feeling that the price went up.
So when I went down to get my medium hot chocolate, the price actually did go up 5 cents and cost me $1.28.

I didn't win at the Roll up the Rim contest but I was happy that I had this intuitive moment.

I sometimes have trouble listening to my intuition because sometimes my emotions get the better of me. Whether it is my fear or anger or my doubting things, I'll sometimes just not grasp the various intuitions I get.

I admit that I don't listen to things when I should be.

I don't know if it's because I don't trust myself sometimes but I do try and listen to it. Sadly there are many things that get in the way of me hearing things clearly but I do work on keeping my intuitive channel clear through my meditation and qigong practice.

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