Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Greetings all,

I am in an email group for Sanskrit Mantras and many people from the group are using a 5 mantra stack that is good for finding work and so I have decided to give it a try. I am half way through this job stack discipline. So far, no prospects. Dry as a well, no calls for interviews at this point. I am hoping that something will appear.

Anyways, I am doing part time work doing Census and we were told yesterday our crew leader assistant has been moved to another district as a crew leader so that meant someone had to take her place on our team. Someone else got this role from our team, which I am a little upset about since I was the only person on my team who had previous experience and I think I probably should have gotten it. I am not sure if I should ask my boss the selection process because it wasn't like they asked us who would be interested. I feel offended that I wasn't picked and sometimes I think it's because people are threatened by my intelligence and skill. Would it be unprofessional to ask why I wasn't picked? I don't think so and I am thinking of sending her an email.

This position wouldn't have lasted long anyways because our time doing the Census will be coming to a close and so I am telling myself that something better is coming my way but I can't help but feel upset about this. I feel I have a lot of talent and intelligence and sometimes I feel it is overlooked. What do I have to do to get noticed and promoted?

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Men Patterns

Greetings all,

I have been aware of a pattern where I pine for an ex for quite some time after it's over. These are usually people whom I have fallen for, not all of the guys I have been involved with. I have a full life and always make myself a priority, however I notice that I pine for a past ex until I find someone new whom I enjoy and really like. I am also quite fussy about who I like so it takes me quite a long time to stop this pining. Some days I think of the person and others I am fine and don't care.

I wonder how common is this as I am sure I am not alone in this. I had thought of the best way to deal with this but I think the best thing is to accept that I do this as it is human.
I guess I have to accept my mind pines for a while after I've fallen for someone. It doesn't make sense to fight it.

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Dogma of the People

Greetings all,

I've heard many negative attitudes towards Catholic schools and churchs. I went to a Catholic school, elementary and high school. Some people seem to think we are brainwashed. In my education, we were not brainwashed. We were taught subjects like everyone else. We were taught math, physics, chemistry, biology, history, etc as they taught in regular schools. God was not mentioned at all.

The only difference between a Catholic school (in my day) was that we had to wear a uniform and we had to take religion class. This is where we learned about our religion. In grade 11, we had learned about the major religions of the world. I don't know if in the public system they learn anything about other religions. Maybe they don't get exposed to religion education until they get to university.

The other thing was sex education. I think we had our first sex ed class in grade 6. It wasn't until high school where they advocated no sex until marriage. We all know this was poppycock because the teenagers probably experimented by the time they brought this up.

I went to church a lot as a child because my mother is a regular church goer. I don't think I mind going until I hit 14 and then I started questioning religion. I remember in grade 8, everyone was getting confirmed and it was about consciously choosing to be Catholic. I was skeptical about doing it but only did it because everyone else did. I think 2 people in my class didn't because they weren't Catholic so I don't think it would have been a big deal to not do it.

We didn't have pedophiles for priests in my church. As far as I know. My mom is involved in church life, such as giving out communion so I'm sure if stuff like that was going on, she may have told us.

So many people think it's unfair that Catholics get their own school. Obviously when it first got started, it was a reflection of the people - the population was mainly Catholic. Now times have changed and more people are either agnostic, atheist or humanist.

I personally support Waldorf education so for me, I would rather see Waldorf become mainstream.

I've had my own beef with the Catholic church but I don't think religion will go away. People will always desire religious community in some form. I just would like people to be more open minded towards religious schools and not assume we who have gone through it are brainwashed and poorly educated.

The other thing that bothers me is that people think if you have a religion, you obviously believe in all its theories. The truth is that many people do not agree with 100% of what a Church stands for. It's like a company. Chances are you belong to a corporate environment but you do not 100% believe everything they do and believe. But you still belong to it.

The Church has to have a tenant of beliefs to stand upon. They have to have values that all churches of the same belief 'agree to'. Does this mean all Catholic people believe in it? No. How about we talk to people as individuals instead of lumping them all and assuming they all share the same beliefs.

Religious freedom means letting people have the freedom to decide whether they want to associate with a religion or not.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Missing the Car

Greetings all,

It's been my first week without a car and I hate it already. I have to take 2 streetcars now to get to my Sat Nam Rasayan class on Sundays. I stopped by Kensignton Market and bought something for my dad for the upcoming Father's Day after my class. Usually I feel spacey and don't want to be around people so the ride home was awful for me because there was so many people and I feel more vulnerable to the energy around me so it just grosses me out. In my car, I just get a little flustered from all the traffic, but at least I have some feeling of privacy.

I had a job interview today and it was all the way up on Sheppard and Dufferin. It probably would have taken me about 40 minutes by car to get there but I have to take the bus and then a subway stop and then back on the bus. It took about an hour. I went home a slightly different way and took the subway all the way to Bloor and took the bus home but waiting for the bus took over 10 minutes and then 2 of them come along.

My patience is short to begin with and I am missing the convenience of a car. I have to get a job first before I can even consider a car. As well I want a condo and that costs money too. It just seems like every time I try to move forward in life, I just get pushed back. I'm tired of fighting and struggling. I've been out of work for almost a year now and this is looking bad on my resume. I've been job searching since September. I am poor! We talk about poverty in other countries. Fuck that, it's happening here!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Goodbye Car!

Greetings all,

I put my car down on Thursday. It was a sad moment for me but I knew it was coming. I took my car last week to another mechanic as I got a groupon for an oil change and inspection. I wasn't able to use it, because they wouldn't work on my car due to spring issues. I decided to go this week to my regular mechanic for their opinion and they said driving my car would be dangerous. I've also had some problems with some fluid leaking. Can't remember which but he said that fixing these things would be too expensive.

I'll miss my car. I've had it for 12 years. I've had sex in the backseat. I'll miss blasting music around and my freedom.

I am thinking of getting one of those 3 wheel scooters by Piaggio called MP3. I don't know how I will do without my own car. I mean, living in Toronto, I have fairly decent transportation but I have an independent spirit and like doing things on my own. Maybe the scooter is just what I need so I don't feel stifled. I have read people can use them all year round. They are safer too because of the 3rd wheel. They cost a lot, but not as much as a car. And they save on gas too. Parking it around the city would be free.

Friday, June 03, 2011

Greetings all,

I had this really amazing dream Sunday night, which I think was related to my Sat Nam Rasayan class. We only had 3 people show up and so I had 2 people working on me and then we switched. I wonder if having 2 people work on me created this type of shift internally.

My dream was about 2 men and I am not sure if they were the same man. They were my love interests but with the second man, he radiated such love and it felt amazing. It was nice to feel such love emanate from someone towards me, even if it was just a dream.