Saturday, May 14, 2005

Men and Sex

I have this problem with men and sex. I am having trouble finding a guy that actually likes sex. I find that guys really don't like it and if they do they are jerks who are stupid and that's all they can think about.
Are there not any intelligent men with careers and hobbies and friends etc who still enjoy sex and actually think it is a vital component in a relationship?
I have 2 potential guys in my life who I could have sex with but they seem to be happy not getting any. And it's not me because they are attracted to me. They are guys that I did go out with and we are friends. One of the guys I am casually seeing. They just don't get the importance of sex. And I am not a skank also. I am selective in my men. I like smart, funny and nice people.
I have a pretty good sex drive and so I don't understand what is their problem.
It's been like 2 months without it and that's too long as far as I am concerned.
So please tell me where are the good men who like sex????????

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