Sunday, May 25, 2014

Har Singh Nar Singh

Greetings all,

These past few days I have been listening to Nirinjan Kaur's Har Singh Nar Singh mantra and I feel hungry for it. I've had a few times where I just want to listen to a particular mantra. I usually don't know why but I have had a few times in my spiritual practices these days where all I want to do is hear the mantra and really immerse myself in the sound. I am having that moment again with this mantra. I don't know why but I will go with it. I am not sure if I should do a 40 day discipline or just write down when I started doing this and see how long it lasts for.

I like it and it feels good. According to Spirit Voyage's Mantrapedia, this mantra is for making one a conqueror of evil and that it works on the evolution of energy, and the strength of the masculine energy. 

Maybe it's related to the issues I had with the Introvert group. Aimee was a rather evil person and perhaps this is protecting me from the negative energy of that group.

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