Wednesday, January 16, 2013

21 Stages of Meditation

Greetings all,

I wrote previously how I was at a crossroads with my meditation practice and found reading the book 21 Stages of Meditation by Gurucharan helpful in making sense on what to do with my practice.

I was explaining to someone how I enjoyed this book but I also realized that this book was not covering the stage I was experiencing, even though the book gave me some sense of why one meditates.

I realized that I was going through the state of Doubt in regards to my meditating with Gan Pattee kriya. I had done many 120 day disciplines and during that time, it cleared a lot of mental and emotional garbage. I did wonder if there was anything more that I could do with this meditation because I wondered if I had 'exploited' it to the max. I tried using sodarshan chakra kriya which Yogi Bhajan said was the highest meditation one could do but never really enjoyed doing that.

I think what I was going through was Doubt. I was doubting if I was using the right meditation for me. I was doubting if it would have anymore impact in my life. I doubted if meditation was worth doing. None of this was really covered in this book and I do wonder if Yogi Bhajan talked about it at all.

I think Doubt is probably that middle stage between starting out and attaining 'enlightenment'. I think the only way to progress is probably experiencing this stage and then becoming aware of it and moving on. I am glad I shared my opinion of this book with someone because now that I reflect upon it, Doubt has been plaguing me for a long time and I think now I can practice with more faith. I may not know what fruits my meditation practice will bear, but it will bear fruit at some point in time. All I need to do is Keep Up as Yogi Bhajan advises.

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