Sunday, February 04, 2007

A rap for all my bitches and hoes

To all my bitches and hoes
I say can I getta what what
On the Saturday bend
I takin it
Like a freefall side of the loo
I say to all my bitches and hoes
Where yo heart be at
I'm from the mean streets of
I'm from the ghetto projects of

Where does my master lie?
Can you take the baseball and hit it
Likes I rhymes wit you
You likes to rhymes with me
Yo holiday bitches and hoes
Take my cornucorpia
And make slide slide
down the Saturday bend
Yo bithces and hoes
Yo bitches and hoes
Yo bitches and hoes

I be bringin' it to ya
Tay Bell
I be bringin' it to ya
Mo tell
I be bringin' it to ya
Funer Rail

Ghetto back
Ghetto hoes
Ghetto bitches and hoes

Welcome to all my bitches and hoes
Don't be messin with the
Don't be playin' with my
You ain't got my quickness
My slickness
My ghetto fabulous
Mmmmmm VEM
Shut up all y'all snitches and no hoes

Ghetto back
Ghetto front
Ghetto spiral it all out

Welcome to all my bitches and hoes
I say welcome to all my bitches and hoes


Craig A. Rintoul said...

In the words of the immortal Mr. Weird Al...

Unknown said...

The plural of "ho" is "ho's". Biyatch.