Monday, February 12, 2007

Greetings and salutations,

Last night I completed my 6th journal. I have been keeping a physical journal since February 2000. It's not one of those wussy journals, it's 9 x 7 inches and is 196 pages. I tend to write more about my emotional states in my journals. I don't like to discuss my frustrations and lows in public as so I try to keep my blog perverted and happy.

I like to think that what I am writing will be valued in the future for historians. I like to think that someone reading it in the future will find it interesting to hear one's intimate thoughts during this time. I don't think they would find it valuable because it's mine but rather because the concept of struggle is universal and something everyone can relate. Although we live in such a materialistic age, I think they would find it interesting to see how someone copes and see what one values in life and how one seeks meaning and what theire hopes and aspirations are.

I do actually write positive things in my journal as well as sometimes good things do happen to me. And yes I do write about my sexual experiences and in one of my journals I begin my first journal entry (volume 2) writing about the first time I had sex with a partner (I was not a virgin at the time, it was just our first time getting it on).

I'm sure my future grandchildren would love to read sex stories about their grandmother.

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