Friday, September 15, 2006

So I found out on google that Hawksley Workman is gay. I thought he was because my gaydar was slightly going off. Well at least I never have to worry about dating a man who is gay and is hiding it, thanks to my trusty gaydar.
My best friend in high school dated a guy for 4 years in high school and he told her he was gay either when they broke up or afterwards. I knew he was gay the first time I met him. He didn't treat her well either but I guess she tolerated it because she was so desperate to be in a relationship.
Gaydar (i.e. the ability to identify homosexuals) should be biologically studied. Maybe gay people emit some pheromone that is different from straight people.

My parents will be going on a pilgrimage to Rome with the church (they are Catholics)at the end of the month for 2 weeks. There is an itenerary and they haven't received more specific details on what they will be doing. We were at Red Lobster for dinner tonight and I asked my parents what they will be doing there. My mother said that 2 bishops and a priest are also going with the group for this pilgrimage tour. They will get to attend a mass at the Vatican. My mother said that they will get to visit churches and stay at a monastary. I asked her if you're allowed to have sex at the monastary. I think I would totatly love to have sex at that sort of environment. It would be kinky. Maybe even a gang-bang if I felt more adventerous! She didn't give me an answer but I think it's an important question. Because we all know ideally the priests that stay there shouldn't but if you are a guest and are married... then I think you would have some sort of obligation to be fruitful and mulitple.

I think it would be fun to be conceived in a monastary. It can be the new trend. Monastary sex.

They'll start making bumper stickers that say "I was conceived in a monastary" or "Conceived in the house of the Lord".

I went to a Catholic school and basically was forced by my mother to attend mass up to the age of 17 or 18. I think around 14 I started questioning everything about the church and I started to see it as an unnecessary stage in my spiritual development. I always liked Jesus and the stories that I learned about him. I thought Jesus was someone I would like to be like because he was not judgmental and was compassionate. Everything else about religion and church didn't seem to matter. I didn't get the whole repetative nature of mass. I liked the homilies somewhat(i.e. when the priest spoke) but I thought it would be more interesting if we all could discuss our issues and struggles. My mother would motivate me to go to church by letting me use the car if I went. I would only go so I could get the car. Every Sunday I had to fight and argue with her about how I didn't want to go. It was awful and I just wish she would understand. She still wishes I would go to church but I don't understand her fixation on going to church.

I always thought Jesus was the type of guy who had a good sense of humour. Even though I might make Jesus jokes or religious jokes that may have not been found 'acceptable' to others, I always thought that at least Jesus would understand because he probably knew that my intention wasn't malicious and he probably would appreciate my mischieveous and twisted sense of humour.

My study of Anthroposophy is a Christ centered philsophy. However, many of Steiner's work do not necessarily discuss Christianity, for example his works on social issues and his Philosophy of Freedom. He does talk about spiritual beings and personalities such as Buddha and the Christ. My study group has decided to read Christianity as Mystical Fact and then we will read the book that I suggested, The Renewal of the Social Organism.

Steiner's ideas on spiritual beings, particularly about the Christ, strike a particular cord in me. I feel a deep and intimate connection about what he has to say about the Christ. It's a little bit different from what is traditionally taught. He discusses the impulse that Christ brings to the earth and for me it makes sense in a way that is hard to describe.

Christianity as Mystical Fact was the second Steiner book I read way back when I first started studying Anthroposophy. I took a bunch of books out from the library as my boyfriend at the time thought I might be interested in Steiner's spiritual philosophy. CMF is considered a basic book but I really don't think it should be. I read through it and thought about how stupid this Steiner guy is. It wasn't until I read Theosophy that I really started to understand where he was coming from. My group read about 8-10 pages on Sunday and I had a much better appreciation of this book.


karlthebunny said...

I'm not sure how one could prevent someone from having sex in a monastary, after all, it only takes one...
but usually, if they have view on it, they will ask that you repect their wishes.

When we stayed in London at the Missions Club, where rooms are available for Missionaires enroute, or tourist such as ourselves, they ask politely, no sexual relations please.
This being said, my sister and brother in law shared a room.

The Monastary we visited in LYON, had small rooms, known as cells, with very narrow beds. But that again wouldn't stop anyone from haveing a friend over.
I guess it comes down to curtesy and respect for differing opinions

Though I'd have to say that Mary mother of G-d liked her sex too.
(theologically, imaculate birth has its merits, but realistically, she was banging her brains out!)

speaking of "banging", you didn't mention if it was your boyfriend or an attempt to "convert" the monks in your little day dream...

karlthebunny said...

When I read Jesus in the Bible, I see a hot head.
A trouble maker.

Today's churches try so hard to be 'nice' places with 'nice' people.

Happy, shinny, sexless, people.

I prefer RLP. I can better relate to him.
I like to listen to Joel Olsteen, but I don't relate to him.
I also don't hear alot of Bible in his sermons, but a whole lot of 'self help' speak.

which, hey, works for many.
(look at his attendance)

Anonymous said...

There actually was a study done on gaydar as it related to pheremones. They discovered that men were horrible at detecting anyone who was gay. But women could id gay man a high percent of the time, and occasionally id gay women. The study said this was because gay men put off similar pheremones to straight women. But gay women tended to have the same pheremones as straight women. Which is why they were harder to detect with 'gaydar'.