Friday, June 01, 2012

Boyfriend No Moe

Greetings all,

I dumped my boyfriend of about 8 months a few days ago. I am not terribly heart broken over it but I am sad that I won't be talking to him all the time. He was a good friend and a confidante and I will miss that. I just felt like we should feel love for each other by now. I want things to move forward and they don't seem to be. I think his grey hair bothered me too much. I think he just looks so old for his age and it bothers me to some degree. If I loved him, maybe I wouldn't care but I didn't. I felt like if I continue to stay with him, I might be settling. It's not easy to dump someone that you get along with fairly well but love is either there or it's not.

Breaking up with Old Man Winter wasn't as difficult as the situation with English Muffin, which was really emotional. I think some of my break ups with men are not emotional and some are. I would say at least one quarter of my relationships have been very difficult to bear when over.

I am not sure if I want to start dating again. I need to get a part time job and an apartment. My life is a little crazy right now and hopefully things can get in order this summer.

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