Saturday, November 28, 2009

Is there something wrong with me?

Greetings all,

I think many people probably feel this way about themselves, i.e. that they feel like something is wrong with them. Today I was wondering if maybe what I really am feeling, is me becoming aware of some of my 'weaknesses' that I may not have wanted to acknowledge. I know that I do have some limitations and weaknesses and for the most part I accept them but maybe I'm becoming aware of other things. I guess we all possess strengths and weaknesses.

Being that I possess a raging ego, maybe this is sort of a process of humbling.

I feel that I am socially ackward too. Like people scare me. I think once I get used to seeing the same people, the fear dissipates.

I don't know if I've mentioned this already, but when I took my career exploration workshop back in August, we got to take the official Myers-Briggs personality test. I was an INTP. I got to keep the test and technically I am an INTJ as well since my J(judging) and P(perceiving) were tied and the way they structure the test is that P takes precedence if there is a tie.

My thinking and feeling were the ones with the most difference. My introvert (I) and extrovert were quite close as I probably have become more extroverted over the years. My score for thinking was 20 and my feeling was 4.

I wonder if this is why I feel like something is wrong with me. Maybe I am too strong of a thinker. A lot of things people do doesn't make sense to me. I guess maybe because I can be so logical, alot of emotional decisions people make just doesn't make sense to me.

I think this affects how I feel as a woman as well, because typically we women are the 'emotional' ones but I actually have a high ability to shut out my emotions, which I find can be an unhealthy thing so that is why I consciously try to talk about my feelings but it's not natural for me.

Sometimes when I am around women, I just can't relate to what they talk about. I don't really like shopping. I know actually I am not the only one as I mentioned to some other women and I know at least a few that aren't shoppers. I know women don't always talk about this stuff but sometimes they do and I just don't get it.

I am trying to increase my emotional intelligence but it is hard. I can just be very cold about situations simply because I look at them logically but I think as a thinker, I do care about being fair and compassionate.

I am in a very weird place in my life. I am almost done being 30 but I feel odd. I am no longer able to slack off in life, like in your 20s, you can get away with doddling but now it's crunch time, otherwise by the time I hit 40 I'll be messed up and unhappy.

I have read that Marriage is one of the big markers into adulthood. I wonder though if I would gain some 'credibility' as an adult if I were to get married. I also had this fear that I would settle but then I realized I probably wouldn't because it's just not in my nature to settle.

I don't have the 'career' thing going.

It is frustrating because I know of several people my age who have nice careers and are married with children. I still feel like a child, even though I am responsible at work and pay my bills. I get the freedom to do what I want. When am I going to start feeling like an adult?

I think these are my current neurotic thoughts and insecurities going on.

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