Sunday, April 19, 2009

Fuck Men!

Greetings and Salutations,

Alright, let's get real. The title of this blog is basically pointing out my frustration with men so this is not going to be a pretty post. Basically I have ranted a bit about relationships but this will involve more ranting and the frequent use of the word Fuck and Fucking.

I went out to a meetup group last night for single ladies. Of course, what usually ends up happening is at some point we have a conversation about men and dating. Some bitterness is expressed and a general feeling of not understanding men occurs.

I've read some relationship books and so I feel I have some knowledge about men. Plus I have socialized with men and have men friends. I think I have some understanding that men are basically alot more simpler then women.

I'm just angry because men are fucking stupid sometimes. Sure we are told women are the emotional ones but really the reality is men are fucking stupid when it comes to emotions and it takes a real men to get this concept of emotional intelligence.

Men run away from a good woman out of fear and then come back after months. Does that make sense? Maybe in a man's world but not for a woman.

I'm angry because being a woman is probably a million times harder then being a man. We have to worry about looking attractive. We have to have babies within a certain time frame and we hear our biological clocks ticking. Men don't fucking have that feeling at all and it creates a real drive within a woman. Men can make babies when they are in their 70s for fuck sakes! Men don't have periods. Men can fucking leave a baby behind and not have the responsibility of raising it (although some women have abandoned their children but percentage wise, it's usually the men in the majority and the women a minority)

Men, here is an important message in case you haven't figured it out:
You have it fucking easy. Grow up already!

I saw there was a meetup group for men to understand women. I messaged the organizer because I think that's a good step for men. How many fucking women make the effort to get to understand men? Plenty, let me say. I wonder why many men actually make the effort to understand women (as people not just as something to sexually take advantage of)?

To me, men just all seem to be busy focusing on work, playing their stupid video games or racing or watching/playing sports to actually take the time to assess women. It really makes me wonder if they actually think about the people that they care about because on the surface it just doesn't really look it since men always seemed more preoccupied with THINGS rather then their interactions with PEOPLE, unless of course it involves the use of a technological gadget like texting on a Blackberry.

Basically men are just boys.

Anyways, I have read and heard about men complaining about how easy it is to be a woman but really it isn't for reasons I have discussed. That is just basically men being childish. Women haven't even been recognized as humans in many countries until the late 1800s or early 1900s. Women still aren't even recognized as humans in many countries and cultures. Men have always been recognized as humans. You've always run the show and caused a lot of trouble resulting in murders, destruction and violence. Some of you have evolved enough to realize that that is wrong.

I try to see things from the male perspective and so I can understand a bit from how they see things. But I basically think men have to put more effort into relationships and understanding women. It's just not about bringing home the bacon anymore since women now can do that and can take care of themselves financially.

But relationships are two way streets. Women can't be expected to do all the work and to learn about men. Men it's time you stepped up to the plate.

And have the fucking balls to admit when you are wrong about something or are not being honest with a woman about your fears. It's childish!

* * *

I understand that as a woman, I have my own biases towards relationships and may have difficulty taking a broader perspective simply because I am on Team Estrogen. I understand that on some level most men and women want the same thing, which is basically love, a supporting partner and sex. Come on you'd be lying if you didn't want to admit you want sex as well!

* * *

I am also tired of the single life and many people probably think it's great to be single. People think I have so much freedom. It's not great because I think for most people it's a basic human desire and need to want a companion and it is very frustrating to be looking and not finding someone who 'fits'. Then all them fucking idiots who are happy in relationships throw out stupid cliches to make you feel better like "you're better off being alone" or "you'll find someone when you stop looking"

Those statements are all total bullshit! A good man isn't just going to come to my apartment.
"Hey I'm Jack, are you Paula, cause I got this message that you were my soulmate and I was also given your address, how convenient and kind of the universe!"

That never FUCKING happens!

It's a lot of work to go out and date people and to search for someone and it's annoying because there are some people who find someone who is right for them so much sooner and it's just doesn't seem fair to me.
It's like always being passed over for a promotion. You know you've got the goods and the skills and you just don't understand why you are not advancing.

Being single is painful, whether people want to admit it.
I am for the most part secure in who I am and have a certain level of self love and respect for myself but you can feel this pain when you are at parties and you are surrounded by couples.

But I feel the pain the most when I go to bed at night and fall asleep in my bed with no one next to me. There is an obvious lack that I feel that many couples take for granted.

Couples take what they have for granted and then trivialize the whole Single experience for us with their trite expressions. Maybe you think you are showing sympathy but you are really showing insensitivity.

This world basically boils down to the Haves and Have Nots.

You couples are in the Haves category whereas the Singles are in the Have Nots. People who have money and good jobs are in the Haves category whereas those who are poor are in the Have Nots. People with great health are in the Haves category. The sick and infirm are in the Have Nots. Doesn't it make more sense to appreciate what you have if you are in the Haves category and to stop patronizing those in the Have Nots category?

Stop complaining about your mates because there is obviously something that drew you to them in the first place. Don't talk about how hard it is to have someone. It's harder to NOT have someone. If you don't like your mate, leave!

Stop having your fucking affairs. Can't you just appreciate what you have instead of going after other single people. Leave the singles for the singles. Don't take more of what you already have. It's selfish.

* * *

I think this is what it boils down to.

We humans are by nature social creatures. Here this topic of singleness gets trivialized because no one really wants to admit that Men need Women and Women need Men. And not need in the sense that they make us happy because that's not true at all. We are all individuals and thus are responsibility for our individual happiness but part of happiness includes having co-operative relationships with people, such as friends or colleagues or a mate.


karlthebunny said...

Relationships are a one way street.
All for the other.

I get frustrated when I'm pissed off or angry about something and zelda trys to make it all about her.
I hurt her or something.

I have the right to be pissed at time with out explaining anything to anyone.

If you are not ready to do for yourself and for him, keep working on it.

Many times women want the guy to focus only on her.
Life don't work that way.
Quite selfish when you think about it...

The guy has his focus, what he's interested. Work, sports, what ever.
The powerful women thru time realized that to be interested in what the man in her life was interested in, and to be able to talk about it, made her the most interesting person he knew.

They you have babies and it's all about them...

karlthebunny said...

So by your arguement...
being in a relationship is nervana?
No work?
No pain?
No sense of loss?

Singleness = pain?
Relationship = heaven?

Right now as a single, you can be who you are.

Once in a relationship, you lose, hide away, parts of your self that had expression in single hood, that have no place in a two person union.

I think you paint too rosy a picture of "the other side"...

Sorry you're hurting...

Paula said...

Hello Karl,

In response to your 2 comments. I am usually not a selfish person. I'm not perfect either and usually do take the time to ask a man about his interests and work because I am a curious person anyways. I do understand a relationship is a 2-way street.

I just think it's more stressful to be a woman and we probably require more 'maintenance' (emotionally... men have emotional needs as well) then a man.

I think biologically as well we are under more stress. We are only fertile for so long and the pressure to have a family is not just a cultural drive, but a biological one. Mind you not all women want children but you probably will find more women wanting children then men. Is it a cultural bias or biology?

In response to the second post.
Being in a relationship is not nirvana. Being single is no nirvana either! Like everything else people are not perfect and so you are dealing with flawed people.

My problem is like I mention, couples who forget what it's like to be single. It frankly is a hell of a lot more work to be single. You always have to search for company. We are social creatures by nature. At least if you in a relationship, it is so much easier.

If people lose themselves while in a relationship, that is their fault. I see many people who stop hanging out with their friends but that is because they are lazy. There are couples out there who do still maintain their independence and pursue their hobbies. My opinions are based on the later, which I feel is a more healthier type of relationship.

Just because people mess up in relationships and let it 'drown' them, that is their issue and doesn't negate the fact that being in a relationship is far more beneficial then being single.

And I believe you said you dated a lot and so you probably understand as well that many couples tend to paint singleness as a rosy picture as well.

The search for love is a real need in people and to deny that is foolish thinking!

Cadi said...

Oh, I can so relate!

People used to tell me my time will come to meet a nice guy, but I seemed to be a jerk-magnet.

I hate to be one of those people telling YOU that, but my time has come & although i don't know if it will last, it's beautiful in the moment. Check out my blog for details. ;-)


Paula said...

Hello Cadi,

I read your blog the other day about this new guy. Hopefully something good will come out of it.

Anyways, I'm glad that at least I don't attract jerks.

I feel better though having expressed my anger. The search for love can be so hard.