Wednesday, February 19, 2014

My Tastes They are a Changin'

Greetings all,

I used to shun drinking tea but at my school they started offering free tea in the fall so I being the one to enjoy free things, started getting into the habit of drinking the free tea. So now I am a tea drinker. I used to be anti-tea. I don't know why. Maybe because I thought it was a weird beverage or I associated it with snobby people. But now I'm one of them!

I also decided that I am done with instant coffee in the morning. Last week I was tired and had a Star Bucks and the next day had a Second Cup. I preferred the Second Cup drink that I had and decided that I want real coffee for breakfast. I use the Nescafe instant coffee and it just has no flavour, no umph, no nothing. My mom is going to give me her little Moka pot. We bought some ground up coffee today and I got to see how it works so now I will start drinking real coffee in the morning. I might buy the Second Cup coffee grounds but may require a coffee grinder for that.

I've just had enough with shitty coffee. I want some flavour in my life!

I'm changing so much, who am I?

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