Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!

Greetings and Salutations,

Today is the beginning of the new year. I've been reflecting on my life this past year. My main highlights were going to Vancouver for a vacation, moving out of the parent's house and being independent and using my ortho c lens to improve my vision and switching to contacts from glasses as my vision slowly improves.

I am looking back and thinking I didn't get to do all the goals I set out for myself. I don't know if it's a combination of not having enough realistic expectations and needing to get over my tendency to procrastinate.

I feel like I am perpetually behind because I am one of those people who 'blooms slower'. I guess we all grow and evolve at different rates but I feel behind because I have moved out on my own at what I perceive to be the old age of 28. Other things that haven't quite worked out for me yet that causes me to feel this way is not having a serious relationship. Lots of people my age have already begun this process of marriage and making babies. And the other annoying task of finding a suitable vocation.

I am generally not a stats fan but I am putting some down because I love numbers and if I think about numerical things, it will help distract my mind from the fact that I am in desperate need of some sex. The average age worldwide for a woman to marry is 26.8 years. In Canada it's 27.4. So I should have been married sometime in 2006 between the months of May and June. (I was born January 13, 1979)

I'm pretty confident, however, that I will attain all of my heart's desires. The big question is how long is it going to take.

I have made significant progress in my qigong practice. I've had several important cathartic moments and have managed to significantly reduce the tension in my neck, head and face. I do not know why I haven't considered my improvements as a highlight of this year, especially since I have been able to initiate spontaneous self movement after 8 months of regular practice even though it normally should take one 3 months of practice. I guess I don't consider it a highlight since I still have more clearing to do in my head area.

My plans for the new year is to go to England, France and Spain. For a while now I have been pondering where I want to go travel next and I had a vision of these 3 countries in a dream and so I decided to make my way this year. I actually went for my passport a few weeks ago and received it a few days ago so now I can legally fly out of this country.

I want to leave my job as well. I've had enough of what I've been doing. I am not sure what to do next. I am not sure if comedy is my true calling or if I should just go back to school.

1 comment:

karlthebunny said...

as a Canadian, you could emigrate to the UK and then everything would be a puddle jumper or ferry boat away...