Thursday, March 17, 2011


Greetings all,

I had a show last night at a club called Absolute. It was their Pro/Amateur night. Most open mics I go to are not at clubs but run by comics. I do not get paid for this and this was the first time I actually went over my time. We are given 7 minutes. I was the second comic on and the first guy was over time by a minute and 33 seconds. I practiced before and I think it was 5 or 6 minutes. I ended up being over time as well and was a minute and 26 seconds. The manager pulled me aside and was quite upset that I was over time and kept telling me over and over that I was over time and that I need to practice and time myself before hand. This was my first time before over time because usually I keep my sets under the time.

As well I wrote a while ago that back in November, I bombed for my first time so I guess I'm becoming more official as a comic because I am experiencing all the negatives that come with it.

I was looking for a light to signal my time as usually there is a signal. Apparently there was no light and they say on the line up sheet, which I normally don't pay attention to. I felt bad for going over time but I didn't think I was. I hope this doesn't effect my chance to get a spot in the future at this club but I don't think so since it was my first time going over time. As well, if they don't accept me, it's not a big deal because there are multiple ways to get success. Certainly it's important to not go over time and it's a bad habit to get into as it can alienate the club owners, who are your employers.

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