Greetings all,
I've been practicing an exercise set called the 5 Tibetan Rites. I first heard about this from a Raviana dvd on kundalini which features this set. I've been doing so for a week and it's been interesting. One of the exercises, I have been practicising on occasion, the back of my head has popped a few times. It's number 4 in this set. These exercises are all exercises I learned before and you can do them on their own. It's just they have been sequenced in this way.
The first exercise is spinning slowly clockwise. I'm not sure about the science behind it but I think probably making yourself spin a few times probably has some effect on some brain parts or some glands as many exercises can stimulate certain parts of the body.
The 4th exercise, which is known as table or bridge I did on its own before I learned of this set. I was doing it a few times before I was practising this and the back of my head popped but what was funny was yesterday when I did this set, it popped 3 times.
I have a lot of tension in my head, which I have managed to release over the years but I can feel certain parts of my head that are blocked and it's annoying. The imbalance is mostly on my right side of my head and there are a few points where I feel are blocked so when I do my energy work, I can feel where my head is still stuck. It is frustrating but you have to work at it to clear it so it's just a matter of time.
It's for youthfulness and energy. I don't feel I need to be youthful. I look young for my age. I want to move forward in life and I guess I need more energy to do so and I need to dump all negative emotions and thoughts from my body.
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