Thursday, March 31, 2011

Kundalini Teacher

Greetings all,

I had ran into a Kundalini teacher on the street last week. I only took one of her classes. This was a donation class so she was teaching it for free. The class was supposed to be an hour. She was late by about 10 minutes and we ended up only doing a few exercises. There were 4 of us and during one exercise a student challenged her about an exercise. She was saying that she did it another way and the teacher wanted her to do it as she said to do it. I guess the student was being a bit of a brat because it may have been better to speak out about the exercise after class. When you are learning something, usually it is best to just follow the instructions and I didn't see a point in bringing up how you've done it differently.

However, as mentioned, we didn't spend much time doing exercises and I think for about 15-20 minutes, the teacher was lecturing us. She was lecturing about how when she says how to do something, that is how we do it and she lectured on about other things and overall, I felt this class was a waste of time. We could have done a few more exercises and I probably would have felt the class was useful. I basically felt she was being anal and a control freak. She seemed uptight and angry, considering she was a KY teacher. Most teachers that I meet that are yoga teachers, they are fairly laid back and happy. They are not normally angry and so controlling.

I had spoken to someone about her and it looks like she was just this type of person and it just wasn't her having an off day.

So when I ran into her, I got this vibe that was negative. I felt like on some level this 'nazi' vibe. Now I'm not saying she was a nazi but just this vibe of being controlling and angry. She seemed like she had some dark and negative energy in her that was very deeply embedded into her character.

Now for me, I don't understand how someone can be a teacher and not have this work affect them. I would think it helps one to deal with these undesireable qualities like being a control freak and being angry. There was a darkness to her soul and I wonder why.

Is she not serious about working on herself and so just goes through the motions? I wonder how long she has been doing this for and how much she practices.

If you do something good for you, surely it must affect you positively over time. I guess it is possible that kundalini yoga has helped her and maybe without it, she'd be even more angry and controlling.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Greetings all,

Still job searching and generally getting frustrated. I figured I'd have found a job by February. I've applied to more jobs and have had more interviews then when I was job hunting back in 2009 and I have more experience and skills and yet still no job. I really don't know what to make of this and frankly I do not want to go back to school. If I go, I don't want to go because I feel desperate, which is what I am feeling at times. I want to go cause I want to, out of my own free will.

* * *

The family cat Sally apparently has a male suitor after her. A few weeks ago my dad was outside and a cat started to rub himself against him. Apparently my dad had Sally's fur on him so that was what he was attracted to. As well this tom cat tried to come into our house. I am guessing he can sense Sally. This is quite terrible that my cat has more guys after her then me. I'm just in a fictional facebook relationship with a candy dispenser!

I am wondering if I should dump my fictional boyfriend on facebook. My friend sometimes puts him in inappropriate situations like some of his female friends will kiss my Shroom, which makes it look like he is cheating on me. Shroom is supposed to be a good and loving and devoted boyfriend. Not some playboy.

* * *

The dating/relationship forum for women is still up but no one is posting as it was to close on the 18th. Someone took the initiative to start a new one and I got to check it out. I have no motivation to continue with this board but I wanted to see what it looks like. I may check it out on occasion to see how it's doing. Right now it seems like there aren't too many posters posting but I'm sure that will change in time. Not that I care because I've learned all I can about men and I'm done with having discussions about them!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The 5 Tibetan Rites

Greetings all,

I've been practicing an exercise set called the 5 Tibetan Rites. I first heard about this from a Raviana dvd on kundalini which features this set. I've been doing so for a week and it's been interesting. One of the exercises, I have been practicising on occasion, the back of my head has popped a few times. It's number 4 in this set. These exercises are all exercises I learned before and you can do them on their own. It's just they have been sequenced in this way.

The first exercise is spinning slowly clockwise. I'm not sure about the science behind it but I think probably making yourself spin a few times probably has some effect on some brain parts or some glands as many exercises can stimulate certain parts of the body.

The 4th exercise, which is known as table or bridge I did on its own before I learned of this set. I was doing it a few times before I was practising this and the back of my head popped but what was funny was yesterday when I did this set, it popped 3 times.

I have a lot of tension in my head, which I have managed to release over the years but I can feel certain parts of my head that are blocked and it's annoying. The imbalance is mostly on my right side of my head and there are a few points where I feel are blocked so when I do my energy work, I can feel where my head is still stuck. It is frustrating but you have to work at it to clear it so it's just a matter of time.

It's for youthfulness and energy. I don't feel I need to be youthful. I look young for my age. I want to move forward in life and I guess I need more energy to do so and I need to dump all negative emotions and thoughts from my body.


Greetings all,

I had a show last night at a club called Absolute. It was their Pro/Amateur night. Most open mics I go to are not at clubs but run by comics. I do not get paid for this and this was the first time I actually went over my time. We are given 7 minutes. I was the second comic on and the first guy was over time by a minute and 33 seconds. I practiced before and I think it was 5 or 6 minutes. I ended up being over time as well and was a minute and 26 seconds. The manager pulled me aside and was quite upset that I was over time and kept telling me over and over that I was over time and that I need to practice and time myself before hand. This was my first time before over time because usually I keep my sets under the time.

As well I wrote a while ago that back in November, I bombed for my first time so I guess I'm becoming more official as a comic because I am experiencing all the negatives that come with it.

I was looking for a light to signal my time as usually there is a signal. Apparently there was no light and they say on the line up sheet, which I normally don't pay attention to. I felt bad for going over time but I didn't think I was. I hope this doesn't effect my chance to get a spot in the future at this club but I don't think so since it was my first time going over time. As well, if they don't accept me, it's not a big deal because there are multiple ways to get success. Certainly it's important to not go over time and it's a bad habit to get into as it can alienate the club owners, who are your employers.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Greetings all,

I am still lurking on the forum I used to be on, it's end will be this week. I really don't care about it as the drama seems to have died off a bit, although as mentioned the blocked user came in as another name and is insulting some people. It's a little creepy and it actually reminds me of how my exroommate behaved after I called the cops on her. This user is just trying to bait the members, just as my roommate did. It was tempting to say something back and quite hard to ignore her but this is what perpetuates the drama. Some posters online would respond back but if she was ignored, maybe she would give it up. I could see the poster trying to poke at people and looking for their insecurities and deliberately trying to be insulting. Just like my exroommate.

With my sat nam rasayan training, I've learned how to not react to things and so I think this is a skill everyone needs to cultivate. Why react to these things? This is what some people want but it doesn't make it right.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The End

Greetings all,

As mentioned earlier, I had left the relationship forum for women last month. I have, however, been lurking on it and these past few days there has been much drama. I had mentioned that a few of the women are quite petty. One of them was rather insulting to another poster who happens to just be an antagonizer at times, but however makes valid points. The later was persistantly fighting with the moderators about how the initial poster was insulting her. The moderators have no real power, just authority. Eventually the woman who runs this business and the site decided to close down the forum. As well, she 'blocked' the antagonizing poster, although not the insulting one. It appears the blocked user created another user name and has left a few posts. Frankly, I think both were out of line and didn't think it was fair to just block one person when both should be.

I think it was quite sad but I did email her my feedback about why I left but I wasn't pointing out anyone specifically. I said I found the environment generally petty and immature and either structure it better or close it down. I really don't think I had much influence but I'm sure the woman got tired of probably receiving numerous emails from angry women who can't handle when someone says something they do not like. I think people want a supportive environment but they at the same time, some seem to want to be babied and can't handle someone saying something they don't like. They can just be so overly sensitive at times. It was annoying.

There definitely were some level headed people but it seems like the few rotten apples win out. As I was watching people's reactions and comments, I felt a bit like a social scientist. It was amusing because people would keep repeating themselves defending their point and clearly no one was budging. I think if you think you can change someone by repeating yourself, you are fooling yourself. You really need to learn to ignore someone at times, which is quite hard. I had to do this my ex-roommate. I know how people just want to put their 2 cents in but sometimes just not reacting is more effective. It just adds fuel to the fire. You can't rationalize with someone who is on defensive autopilot. Their minds are just no longer under their conscious control and logic is bypassed. I've seen it happen to myself but I see it when trying to argue with someone. It's just typical human nature.

Even as the announcement was made to close the forum, a couple of women are still using it as an opportunity to insult and be smug to people. I just can't fathom that. I really can't. I guess some people are just so unhappy with their lives. I am out of work, and therefore had the free time to watch what was going on, but I don't know how some of these women find the time. I do think a forum is useful but you do need to interact with people in the real world. I was on it less when I had a job so I was trying to not be on it too much because I realized I might use it as a means of distraction and time waster.

I know for me, I am glad I left. I realized many of these women just are not at my maturity level and probably never will be. The best thing is to not spend time with people like that because they will just bring you down. Some women just don't have class and it's sad.

I wonder if it turned so ugly because they are bitter, angry women or if it is just human behaviour. This kind of behaviour is not uncommon in forums and people have to learn to behave as they do in real life but many do not. But then people behave appropriately because most people keep conversations superficial. People don't get riled up over talking about the weather. I would think dealing with relationship issues, it might make you more vulnerable emotionally and therefore more sensitive and prickly to the advice of others. Or maybe not. I always welcome truth, even if it was something I didn't want to hear because at least you can mull it over. People just need to realize that you are the common denominator in your life so if you are consistently experiencing the same problems, then it might be you or your approach.

But it does make me wonder why this behaviour online would occur. How can people learn to govern themselves online and be civilized and tolerate disagreements? I guess relationships is a touchy issue. Or maybe not. People can be passionate and therefore sensitive to many things, like their favourite sports team.

All I can say is, humans are strange. I am almost embarrassed to have been on that site. I didn't think it would end in such a sad way.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

More thoughts on Sat Kriya

Greetings all,

I thought I'd talk about sat kriya as I have worked with it a lot last year and have done a 120 day discipline and several 40 day disciplines. I am working with it again after a 2 month break.

I think I stopped working with it because I felt like I wasn't getting anything out of it but maybe that was an excuse. I think because I worked with it a lot, not much was happening as it was in the beginning, where I felt more stuff coming up. I think maybe I can experience different things because I've cleared a lot. I guess maybe I expect the same amount of clearing but I think I just need to accept that now I'm in a different place when I work with that kriya.

So lately for the past few weeks, I started to experience more positive feelings. I would still cry when I experienced these feelings, which I still don't understand why. First I felt like I was destined for greatness. A few days ago I felt like I was unique and recently that I am master of my domain (i.e. I can direct my life and have self control). I don't know why I cried at these realizations but it reminds me of this Marianne Williamson quote about how we are most afraid of our light and not our darkness. So maybe this was why I have been crying? I am not sure at this point but will continue to work with this kriya.

Damn Immigrants!

Greetings all,

Yesterday I went to a meetup for job seekers and people wanting to make a career transition. It was primarily in the evening, although if you wanted to stay past the hour you could. Since my bookgroup meets that day, I didn't stay long and think I was the only person to leave at 6.30.

A few people were immigrants but one of them really stuck out in my mind and I thought she was very hostile. Now some of that is probably due to frustration and is maybe understandable but I didn't think it was appropriate.

First of all, if you immigrate into a country, it is an honour and a privilege. We don't have to let you in. You are not entitled to a job and have to prove yourself. She sounded Indian so I'm guessing she is from somewhere in the Middle East. She was trained and has experience as a Clinical Social Worker. Frankly I thought she needed the help of a Clinical social worker because she came off as so harsh, rude and angry.

She was really bitter about being out of work for a year, which I understand. She was also frustrated that she feels her experience is not being recognized because she is from a different country. First of all, if one researches the employment rates across the world, she will see that unemployment is difficult everywhere.

I would think you would do your research first before coming into another country and possibly have a job lined up or at least a strategy. The rate for India was 10% whereas in Canada it's 7.8%. A 2.2% difference but our unemployment is still high. The fact is that with our current economy it is hard to find a job anywhere.

I know for many born Canadians, we are having a hard time finding jobs (myself included). I don't know too much about the immigration process but I would think the government only lets in a certain number of people and frankly I think it should co-relate to the employment rate (if it doesn't already). If we have lots of jobs available, and a low employment rate, sure open the doors but if we the citizens are struggling, let's take care of ourselves first and not let so many new comers into our country.

My dad came to this country when there was lots of opportunities and it was easy for him to find a job. I would think if times were better economically, that should reflect in the number of immigrants we allow into this country.

Another point I am making is this woman was complaining how her experience isn't recognized. First of all, Canada has one of the best education systems in the world and is in the top 5. I think these people need to accept this fact that maybe the education they received, is not up to our standards. Now I'm sure there must be something to bridge this gap so that we can at least recognize the training they did. Maybe they need to take a course or two to meet our standards but to complain about our standards is just nuts.

I wrote an article years ago for a volunteer organization in Hamilton called SISO so I know of the discrimination that trained immigrants have in finding jobs that match their skills. Certainly something has to be done about that but this is a risk that they take when leaving their countries and frankly it's something they need to accept. I don't go to their country and expect them to cater to Canadians.

This woman complained how she had a one day a week job with the municipal government of Toronto and had a job in Retail. She motioned with her hand towards her head like a gun, that she wanted to shoot herself (remember this is a clinical social worker...). She definitely has this entitlement mentality. A lot of people have to take crappy jobs while they hunt for a better job. Just because you are an immigrant and have experience and education, you think you are entitled to finding the ideal work? Suck it up sister, because lots of Canadians struggle too for work. Times are challenging whether you are an immigrant or not. Have some respect for the country you are residing in.

I just reverse this situation in my head. Would I expect to go to another country and complain about finding work when locals are struggling themselves? Would I complain about taking crappy jobs just to make ends meet? The answer is I would respect their rules and the struggles I would endure, because I am the one who is the guest. I can't expect to go to a country and expect them to serve me. I have to prove myself and show myself as deserving. I have to have the humble attitude, not the entitlement mentality. And I am sure if I went to another country, they probably would prefer giving jobs to the locals over an immigrant. I'm the outsider and have to prove myself and gain their trust and respect. This is the challenge of being an immigrant but at the same time, it is what makes someone proud when they can overcome these challenges.