I had my birthday gathering on Saturday and many people didn't show up due to the weather. I had plastic cups and I accidently used one of my roommates since mine were at the back of the cupboard. She went ballistic on me again the next day and I tried to explain that it was an accident.
I had sent her an email earlier saying to clear her stuff in the living and her dog's toys. She never cleared her dog's toys and there were empty boxes in the kitchen with some empty beer and wine bottles. I found them to be unsightly and although I never told her to put them away, I decided they shouldn't be there and so I put some on her book shelf and the 2 big boxes in her room, along with the dog toys. Of course she has her little fit when she comes home and yells 'Paula stay the fuck out of my room'. I really don't know why she acts that way. Does she really think she is scaring me? I open my door, only to find that she has all the boxes and toys all out in the hallway, making a mess.
Here's what the boxes looked like in the kitchen when she put them back. It looked like this before as well so it's understandable why I would put them away.
So she demands that I replace her beer cups. I only used one and so I washed it... but she continued to demand that I replace it. She writes on the whiteboard 1. beer cups 2. deposit. I erase this and she writes it back up again on the board.
I went out to a meetup on Monday night and left early to wonder the downtown of Oakville because being in my apartment has been so stressful. When I returned home the roommate was still demanding the deposit and that I replace her beercups. I already washed the one cup that I communicated to her that I mistakenly used. She told me in a threatening manner that she will make the next 3 weeks difficult for me. She wasn't saying this nicely. She was yelling to me. I had to contact the police on Monday night and so they had talked to me and to her. I was shaking and scared. She is terrorizing me and making me feel unsafe and I had enough. I am not sure the cops understood what I was feeling because I didn't just call the cops for no reason. She was bullying me and there was nothing that I was saying that was sinking in and she just kept behaving worse and worse. I felt verbally assaulted and frankly I think it should be illegal to yell at someone.
I went out for my birthday with my family yesterday. When I came home from my parents and took a bath my roommate was calling a friend and deliberately talking about me and how I have gone off the deep end. She said once she gets the police report, she is going to file a civil suit against me. She was telling her friend as well that the cop thought I was crazy. I will have to see what they wrote in the report because she seems to think it made me look like the crazy person. She was saying to her friend that she is worried I will hack her dog so she is going to keep him in her room.Since I have 2 mentally ill brothers with schizophrenia, she said 'now her parents have 3 crazy children'. So like a bully - to use information gained against the person to cause harm.
She also started smoking in the house. I smelled it yesterday and saw her smoking today. She is not allowed to smoke because that was what was written in the contract. I just started documenting things as well and taking photos. I will have to take the photo of the ashtray that she left out in the living room.
She was also telling her friend about how I want to be a stand up comic and I'm sure she was making fun of me but I didn't hear. It's pathetic but whatever information I told her, she is using it against me.
She is keeping her dog in her room while she is gone. She wrote on the whiteboard to stay away from her dog. This morning as well she kept telling her dog she is keeping her safe from the crazy lady and when she returned she would ask him if he was safe from the crazy lady.
Today she slammed her bedroom door really hard as I came out of the bathroom. Not once though, twice about 10 minutes later. To prove a point I'm sure but it just makes her look like an ass.
Also she hasn't been doing her dishes and has not been taking out the garbage in the kitchen. She stuffed the trash can and it is overflowing with garbage.
I have come to the conclusion that on some level she is jealous of me and ever since that day where I wouldn't switch rooms with her so she can put her couches, she has been power tripping on me. Someone pointed out to me that she wanted my room because she wants what I have.
She has been packing since yesterday and I look forward to her leaving.
I think she is lame and fucked up. A bully and a pathetic one when she doesn't get her way.
I had a bad room mate back in college. (I was half of the problem. I did not communicate well, something I'm still working on)
Get her out and get a new roomy, the stress isn't worth it.
Happy B-day!
She is leaving Karl on the 1st of February and I'll be moving on the 1st of April. I want to move to Toronto. Hopefully find work that utilizes my creativity.
Hang in there Paula. She'll be gone soon. In the meantime, try not to fall into her "games". Just ignore her as much as you can.
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