Greetings all,
I was actually watching the Blair Witch project at my friend's last night. I never actually watched it when it first came out 10 years. I was in high school and it seemed like everyone was talking about it.
I think the concept of the movie was decent and thought it was put together well enough but the realist in me just gets angry at the choices the characters make in the film. This movie is a mockumentary and so is imitating the style of documentaries.
I don't know how old the characters are supposed to be in the movie but I am assuming they are supposed to be around 25. They all looked like they were people who probably finished high school and bummed around for a few years and then decided to go back to school so they don't seem too naive to me and the Heather chick just looked old so I figured she was a mature student like the rest of her crew mates.
I worked up in Yellowknife back in 2003 for the summer so I know a bit about the reality of being out in the bush and although they are supposed to be film makers, they were not well prepared for life in the bush.
First of all, if you are going into an area where there are no trails, you use trail markers to help you find your way back so that you don't get lost. These idiots probably wouldn't have gotten so lost if they just brought fucking trail markers!!!
Secondly, the crew seemed like a bunch of wimps. Especially that Michael guy.
oooooooo you're lost Michael, now you gotta pull a hissy fit and make a big scene about being lost! What kind of man whines about being lost? You're never lost if you are a man, there is always a way out.
Honestly, if you are lost, what good does it do to yell and freak out? Then eventually Heather yells at him and has her dramatic freak out.
People, what ever happened to team work and to toughing it out!!!
Stick together and shut the fuck up!
They had a compass too and you mean to tell me they couldn't find their way out?
There was a river too and they could have just walked along side the river, either up stream or down stream, depending on where it would go. Everyone knows most rivers don't go in a circle!
So as you can see, I was very angry watching this movie.
I didn't even see them eat and I think that angered me as well. How can you be out on the bush doing all this hiking without eating??? You need to eat! Maybe Michael was so angry about being lost because he was really hungry.
Finally the ending I did not like. What are these idiots doing going into an abandoned house at night? You guys just lost Josh and are asking for trouble! The screaming at the end by Heather was cliched as well. Like okay, we get it you are scared. But nobody made you go into this abandoned house at night eh!
I hated this movie by the way...
1 comment:
Yes, you said it all... which is exactly why I don't like Blair Witch Project and others of the ilk. Horror, or most any other unrealistic movie... bah, forget it. And what a waste of time and money.
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