I haven't been blogging for a while but there is much to report. I actually sent the English Muffin (aka Daniel) a message back in the middle of October and I actually heard back from him a couple of weeks after I sent it so we are talking again. Although recently I had to tell him that I will be keeping my messaging to a minimum as I find it cold and impersonal to get to know someone that way. I'm also still dating others and I am mostly meeting guys online and so I am keeping the time I spend messaging them to a minimum and this new rule I implemented for myself is going across the board. Besides I would rather talk on the phone and then meet for a date. Some guys I've been messaging for over a month and by that point I feel you should be chatting on the phone. I have no problem taking things slow but the phone is my preferred method of communication. Some guys also want to talk to you right away but I feel there must be a balance as I am looking to see if a guy is normal in the beginning and usually after exchanging a few conversational messages, you can tell and that usually takes around 3-5 messages.
I started reading books on relationships back in July and have modified some of my strategies and behaviours. One idea I've learned about it to wait until you get a commitment to be exclusive before you have sex as having sex early can bond you prematurely and is more harmful to women due to the chemical oxytocin, which increases during sex.
Another thing I learned is to give men space to process things and to not chase after them. I think in our culture, this is a lost art because we women are now expected to be go getters and sometimes I would apply this to the men I was interested and 'hunt' them but this works against women in the long run.
I am also dating around since I am shopping for a boyfriend. Since it is easy for a woman to bond to men and sometimes bond prematurely, she is better off dating multiple men until one decides he wants exclusivity and dating multiple guys keeps her from getting too focused on one prematurely.
I find dating discouraging at times and this process of finding someone is frustrating but I try to make the most of what seems like a bad situation. Some day soon some man will realize how wonderful and awesome I am and will want me all to himself. Until then, my loyalty is to myself and to no man.
I really wish I learned this kind of stuff earlier because I probably would have been smarter about how I behaved towards men I was interested in.
My roommate has been getting on my nerves again. On Monday she had the nerve to phone me at home while I was sleeping at 1.19 in the morning. She went out to a local hockey game run by some friends and she brought her new co-worker friend with her. She said on the phone that she was bringing a bunch of single guys from the hockey game and she wanted me to come out and socialize. I was not in the mood because I was tired and I didn't want to have to go through the hassle of getting dressed. As much as I enjoy socializing with single men, I do not want to at 1 in the morning.
I was quite upset and the next day I told her I was not impressed. She was getting sick so I never really had the chance to tell her how disrespectful it was to do that. I will be telling her tomorrow hopefully as she's been sick these past few days and I haven't seen her much.
She justified her actions by saying 'well at least I phoned'.
Childish and lame!
Anyways, I have been thinking of moving to Toronto and my friend and I will be looking tomorrow. I haven't told my roommate but probably will tomorrow. She has been starting to behave disrespectfully towards me and not being considerate when inviting people over and frankly I find her behaviour to be rather immature and lame.
I also wanted to mention that at some point she and her co-worker were yelling at these guys and saying how labeling men as dogs is an insult to dogs since dogs are loyal. I don't think the men stayed that long and I think their rudeness towards them was probably why they left early. I don't know if they were drunk but I would be offended if I were a guy.
So there is definitely some motivation to get out of here, although she is not the only reason why I want to move. It saddens me that things have been going downhill with her and that she's been starting to get way too out of control. I can't blame myself for her behaviour as I've always been a fair, accommodating and respectful roommate and things have gotten ugly because she is immature and unable to handle things and treat people like an adult and with respect.
A few weeks ago as well she had a couple of other people over and I went to bed at 11. This was a Friday and I was staying in as I was sick all week and although I was healthy, I didn't want to go out. She had the music on loud in her room and I had a hard time sleeping. I messaged her to lower the music as the last time I told her to keep the music down was at her party and she gave me attitude and I didn't want to be embarrassed like that again in front of her friends.
Honestly she needs to live on her own because she isn't courteous enough towards the people she lives with and she seems difficult to please at times.
Ah, Paula,
I was excited to read a new posting of your's. I enjoy hearing about your on-going saga with your roommate, and of your determined, focused goal of finding a suitable boyfriend. Of course, I have read all of your past postings, in chronological order since your first. It gives us the reader, the stranger, some wonderful insight in the life of another human being--in this case what I can sense as a wonderful, interesting, curious, and independent-minded woman trying to find her way in the world. And, then you add another layer (the Anthroposophy). For myself, an Anthrposophist, it is not too often, actually rather rare to get to read another Anthroposophist's blog. So few of us dare to fully live in the real world, to be modern, and yet seek and attempt to live a balanced, meaningful life. I did comment on one or two of your older postings, and was much entertained by your YouTube comedy videos. Good on you! Keep it up! And good luck in your endeavours.
Hello Stephan,
I visited your site and was glad to find that you are an anthroposophist as well. I have another person that I have met here that is an anthropop as well.
I am sure there must be other anthropops who like to participate in the real world!!
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