Greetings all,
Thought I'd take a moment to rant about relationships. I haven't had a boyfriend in either 3 or 4 years, although I have been dating people. It's frustrating for me as I want a relationship and have a boyfriend but can't seem to find the right person and I'm not someone who gets a boyfriend just for the sake of having one.
I have one relative who was married for about 5-7 years and they divorced I think either 1.5-2 years ago and he's already been in a relationship and is now living with this person and they have probably been together for over 6 months. I know also of another woman who was divorced and she was probably married for over 7 years and got divorced around 2 years ago and is now on her second relationship.
I guess one could argue that maybe they are jumping in too quickly into a new relationship and haven't learned from their mistakes, or maybe they have learned from their previous relationship and have been lucky.
But who cares?
What about me????
What about meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee??? (whiny voice)
I think it's unfair.
You know the expression when God closes the window, another door is opened.
Fuck God, I'm suffocating in here!
Open the god damn window or the door.
Have you forgotten about me???
You closed one window and never opened a door or a window.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Bitch slap God.
I know that it is what it is. So I just have to suck it up and deal with it.
I'm not doing anything wrong so I guess I just have to sit and wait as I am doing all that I can as since I am going out meeting people and making myself available on dating sites but it sucks.
It sucks large!
And whining online is less annoying then whining in real life.
What does your philosophy say about being single?
My opinion on being single is that obviously sometimes you need time to be single as sometimes people are afraid to be alone and so always need someone but will settle.
I think for me, it is not good that I am single because I want a relationship and to have a family. The good thing is at least I am dating people so my situation is somewhat tolerable
I think I do a good job of being single. I have fun and enjoy my life and do what I want and make myself happy.
It's time for me now to move on to new experiences.
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