My study group finished reading our book just before Christmas and we had a couple of weeks off as we meet on Sundays and this time Christmas and New Year's was on a Sunday. We had a potluck the following week and were discussing which book to read next. We decided to paint for about 2-3 weeks before we jump into our next book. This isn't ordinary painting. This is using water colours and painting on wet paper. I believe the technique is called wet-on-wet painting. We were doing profiles last week and it's a headtrip I tell you. Because you use water colour on wet paper, the painting is very mobile. My profile took on 4 different faces until I settled on some smiling woman with an afro. This painting technique just sucks you right into it and it's a safe way to have your mind messed around with.
Yesterday I got to present to my group my presentation on Evil that I did for my Foundation Studies course last year. We then painted based on my presentation.
(note to my fellow improvisers: insert joke here)
I was only half done so next week I get to finish the rest of my presentation.
Today I got to vote as here in Canada we are holding a federal election. I like to vote because then it means I have the right to complain about my government. If you don't vote, then you really shouldn't be complaining. I am just ensuring my right to hurl insults and provide commentary on the ignorance and stupidity of those who choose to make politics their vocation.
I think this whole process is so stupid. I think the concept of belonging to a party is so high school. Three hundred years from now, people will look back on the decades where people had a party and laugh that such juvenile political practices were in place.
I think the whole political process needs to be reworked and modified. To me being a politician is job. Why do you need a party? When you apply for a job in a corporation, do you have the support of a party?
I think that an objective and unbiased third party should be set up so that it can provide funding to politicians. The money should be a uniform price based on the region and on the position. Screening processes need to be put in place so that legitimate candidates get funding and a penalty to those who abuse funds. Funds can range for local positions $2000 -5000 (this is just some guess for me) which will go towards getting flyers and pamphlets out and canvassing. Also whomever runs for Prime Minister should have previous political experience. This organization will also organize debates and televise the candidates nationally. Candidates who are running nationally will receive more funding and those running locally will have these debates run locally.
This third-party, unbiased organization also has to be accountable to the public. It cannot give people more money or accept bribes, etc. It has to make all of its financial records and funding public.
Now I know that implementing this new procedure will take many years before it actually works. It will take at least one or 2 generations before people let go of this archaic concept of belonging to a party. Many people who currently are politicians, will not let go of their party affiliation. They will still follow party affiliation even once that procedure is eliminated.
My idea is an idea in progress but I think it is something that will need to be implemented.
So many people are disgusted with politicians and about the whole idea of voting for a party. We need independent people. But when these people try to get this job, they are overshadowed by 'parties'. It isn't right frankly. Being a politician is a job like any other. It is time to level the playing field.
Politicians need to be fighting for themselves and coming up with their own ideas. I know that there will always be corruption in this industry but I think people will feel more comfortable knowing that it's an individual they can oust.
I know that parties were created for one reason and at the time it probably was the best solution but now it is not relevant.
Politicians are meant to serve its citizens and not their own private agenda. This is the ideal, but it is never to be forgotten.
Let's hope that three hundred years from now there will still be people.
And that those politians didn't keep ignoring our environment to make their friends money...
If we piss her off, Mother Nature will swat our arogant asses and you can call us "dinosaurs".
I totally agree. I think of all the problems we have in the world, the most important to be dealt with is the environment. If we don't take care of the earth, then we'll just kill ourselves. I always think of that George Carlin bit he did about how Mother Nature will be the one to get rid of us (or something like that). The earth's been around longer and has been through more then us humans.
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