Thursday, January 26, 2006

Why I'm not a skeptic

I've been spending some time researching skeptic James Randi. I've also looked into skeptics in the past and I've always been bothered by some of what these people believe. I was reading this really good article entitled Why I'm not a Skeptic by Michael Prescott. I will be including that link at the end of my entry.
I consider myself a thinker first. Although I've been studying Anthroposophy now for almost 7 years, it feels weird to call myself an anthroposophist. But I know I can call myself a thinker and I don't feel weird in doing so.
I consider myself fairly grounded, practical and logical. I also have an interest in things of a mystical nature. I almost feel embarassed to talk with people about my various spiritual experiences because I don't want to be perceived as a kook. I know lots of people who have this interest in mystical topics tend to be a little... flaky. Mind you not everyone but there is tendency to not formulate clear thoughts and just focus on feeling good.
So with the spiritual experiences I have, I usually keep them to myself for a while and then I might tell a few close trusted friends. I feel most comfortable with sharing these experiences with my study group because we all have an interest in spirituality. I've never had a spiritual experience where I wasn't filled with self doubt. I've never had a spiritual experience where I didn't question what happened. Along my way I get these little pieces of the puzzle that just defy my logical mind.
I think it's unfortunate that many of these so called skeptics believe that anyone who is willing to consider that maybe there is a God and that maybe there is a spiritual reality, are stupid, foolish and naive.
I can go on and on but I'm going to leave you with a link because many of what Mr. Prescott writes about, I agree as well.

Why I'm Not a Skeptic article

1 comment:

Unknown said...
