Saturday, December 10, 2005

Don't you just hate it when, after putting in a good week of work, you wake up on your day off tired? I'm all tired and restless and I have errands to do.
We have completed our 3rd week of training. I find the process of integrating so slow. Many have been stressed this week because we've been getting tested. We had Q.A. mark our calls yesterday morning and everyone was tense. I was nervous as well and I just started writing so I could focus my mind. We're having a written 'test' this Monday and we were told to study as we wait for our mock phone call. So here I am sitting in class just writing away my thoughts because I just couldn't focus on studying. Calmness was washing over me and then I began writing poetry. I produced some really nice lines that perhaps have potential to become something more.
At the end of our training period, we need to have 2 consecutive calls at 80% in order to become certified, which I think they will do by the end of next week. We got our scores back in the morning and I think everyone passed. It's not that hard really, I just don't know why people get so worked up. I averaged 86%. One person got 100% but she studied and was so nervous about failing.
I was always one of those people who - whenever everyone else started stressing over something like a test and got anxious about pressure - would always stay calm.
I only seem to get stressed and anxious (not that that happens a lot) when everyone else is calm.

I ordered these 3 books (from the same author) that features 101 licks (aka riffs) in Rock, Jazz and Blues. I've been learning jazz licks this week. I thought I should just focus on one lick at a time but I found I would get frustrated a lot and decided it would be better if I focused on several at a time and keep learning new ones and reviewing ones that I've memorized.
Jazz is really fast and I haven't been able to keep up to the speed yet. I'm not really a jazz fan either. I took guitar lessons when I first started for 2 months and my teacher kept raving about jazz. I'm feeling some of the jazz, but some of it I just don't get. I'm learning licks from the swing section.
I find memorizing the licks easy because I'm good at pattern recognition and memorization. I want to be really good at the guitar but it is so slow. I started in July 2004. I want to comfortable playing in front of people too because I'm still self-conscious about my skills.
Anyways, I've learned 4 for this week. I'm not going to learn all 101 because many of them sound similar and I don't think it's necessary.

I finished my first 2 40 day mantra discipline this week and will continue for the full 120 days. My eye mantra discipline will finish next week. I read that stubborn issues may need a full 120 practice. I think these disciplines have had an effect on me and I definitely think fruit will bear within the 120 days. I've had some interesting experiences so I think it will be worth doing them for 120 days (i.e. 3 40 day disciplines). I'm just taking it a day at a time to see how they go.

I've got so much self-discipline coming out of my ass. Does anyone need self-discipline because I've got lots of it...
I'm giving it away folks, take it!


Anonymous said...

Hey Paula, you might want to check out cordie [] if you are looking for specific songs to learn to play instead of buying entire books. I know several people who love the site.

Unknown said...

Mmmmmm .... discipline.

Paula said...

Thanks Corrie for the link. I'm actually a member of some online guitar thing but I don't use it often. I only have 4 guitar books in total now. I found those 101 Licks book at the library and found it quite useful so I decided to purchase the books. They come with a cd so it makes it easier to know how what I'm playing is supposed to sound.