There's this interesting web site that features surveys and I'll occasionally amuse myself by taking some of them. They have one that I've taken 4 times and it's related to the chakras. As someone who is interested in spirituality, I am quite familiar with them and what they are. Also referred to as 'power centres' by Caroline Myss, a term more appealing to us crazy Westerners. The web site is
The first time I took it, I assumed that my 3rd chakra would be the most highest as I tend to have a pretty strong will. If you take the test, they will give you more info on what each chakra is responsible for and what are signs of imbalance. But much to my surprise, I found that my heart chakra was the highest. Only one time was it not the highest and that was because my crown chakra was a 9.8 whereas my heart was 9.0. I'm not a huge fan of these quizzes but I think it had some accuracy to it. They only give you 4 options to choose from but they should give a 5th because for some of the answers, like maybe 2 or 3, I felt more neutral to the question.
I'll copy the description from today's test. I've placed in bold, the text that pissed me off.
This chakra is located in the center of your chest, near the heart. The fourth chakra represents higher emotions, such as love, tenderness, and compassion. In your case, this chakra appears to be clear and unblocked so that positive energy can flow from it freely. Radiating positive energy from your fourth chakra indicates that you've cultivated higher wisdom concerning the important life lessons associated with this energy center. You're apt to possess an emotional maturity and depth that allows you to empathize with others. Whether you're interacting with strangers or the people closest to you, your fourth chakra conveys the kind of true compassion that can set others at ease.So when loved ones have problems, yours is the shoulder that they're likely to cry on. Perhaps they simply know that you'd be a good listener, or they sense your deep appreciation of people and their problems. It's not that you're always drowning in emotion; you have the ability to be self-contained. It also doesn't mean that you're so focused on others that you fail to care for yourself. It just implies that you have a ready knowledge of and connection with other human beings. This is a gift. Another gift that comes from strong fourth chakra energy is that of forgiveness. Being able to look past others' trespasses is a valuable life skill that has surely served you well in your relationships.
Your fourth chakra is a level 9.8 out of 10. This means that right now, you appear to be the epitome of embodied compassion. As a result, you likely feel an unconditional acceptance of most people with whom you come in contact. You're also much more able than most people are to make your heart open and available to others. This is sure to engender not only positivity in your fourth chakra but also positivity in your life.
I feel rage at the above statement. I don't think it's true. But I keep taking this test and keep getting the same answer. Damn it I'm narcisstic and self absorbed. Maybe people who read this entry should take this test and tell me if you find it to be somewhat reputable or accurate.
To take the test you need to create an account, which doesn't cost you anything. (if you want a more detailed report on some of these tests, then there is a fee, but I just take the free information that they gave as it is sufficient. Taking the chakra test below is free unless you want to upgrade. I personally do not upgrade) The link to the test is
The tests done on this site claim to be PhD certified premium tests.
I could have scored high simply because I am delusional. Either that or the test isn't really well constructed. See for yourself folks, particularly those who have some knowledge about chakras.
What an insult... to be called the embodiment of compassion...
1 comment:
I really enjoyed a nice chicken-fried chakra in white wine sauce.
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