Thursday, February 19, 2015


Greetings all,

I recently asked my crush for coffee since it was reading week and he told me he was seeing someone. This was on Valentine's day. I actually asked him a week before but never got around to checking my messages. He thought I meant if I wanted him to organize a social for the improv group but I responded eventually that I was asking him out. I was a bit disappointed and also embarrassed. It really reaffirms to me that if a guy likes you, he'll do the work. I guess now I feel like a loser but I have to act normal when I see him again at improv as we have a show next week.

Maybe he did like me but liked someone else better and pursued that since maybe the girl was more explicit in showing her interest in him. Oh well, just another reason why it sucks to be an introvert.

I guess I can't linger too much over this as there are plenty of fish in the sea.

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