Greetings all,
Yesterday I got my last 2 wisdom teeth taken out. I had my top 2 taken out about 12 years ago. On my right side, my tooth was starting to erupt and had managed to become visible. I had been wanting it out for the past 6 months but because I got busy with school, it was difficult to schedule a day for a consultation.
I wasn't sure about getting my left tooth out because it was below the surface but I figure I should get them both out because I am on a student dental plan so might as well take advantage of it as who knows if the left tooth will ever cause me trouble down the road.
My right tooth would sometimes give me pain as I could feel it when it was pushing through my gums. It was more of a nuisance pain. I was rather happy getting the surgery yesterday. I'm not sure what other patients are like but they kept saying I was doing good. Are they just saying that or am I really a good patient? I was just on the local anesthesia and not the laughing gas. For the most part I was fine although there was some times where it hurt a bit.
They worked on my left side first as that required more work. They had to drill a bit on my right and made incisions but I thought it would have been easier to remove that one since it was already coming out. It took maybe a bit longer than I expected.
My left cheek is very swollen now and I hope it goes down soon but they said it would take about 3 days. I am putting ice on it but I don't know if that is helping.
I have an antibiotic to take and also percacet (not sure of spelling) and ibruprofen. I also have a mouth rinse to use. I don't think I've ever used so many drugs in my life.
I have one more exam to worry about but I don't think my surgery will impact my studying. I am going to study a bit today and hopefully get focused solely on this exam over the next few days
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