Greetings all,
I have written previously how in the past I have done various 40 day and 120 day disciplines of Sat Kriya. I basically have stopped doing kundalini yoga ever since I went traveling this year in March. When I returned, I felt it difficult to settle into a discipline and so I just sparingly did kundalini yoga and meditate.
It upset me on some level because I was always so disciplined. I am not sure if I stopped doing it because of my health issue as part of what I was feeling was fatigue and low motivation.
I decided on Sunday night to do the Sat Kriya workout. It basically is doing sat kriya for up to 27 minutes but it is broken up into smaller segments and doing exercises in between.
Here is the set:
I have always been stuck on doing SK for 11 minutes and on occasion would be able to do 22 minutes. I think I've done 31 minutes twice. It frustrated me that it would take such a Herculean effort just to break through 11 minutes but I got the Teacher Training manual from the Kundalini Research Institute a few days ago and decided that this was another way I could get my system doing more SK but going at it from another angle.
I find whenever I take a break from SK, the first day of doing a discipline usually results in lots of tears and crying. This occured to me on Sunday and I really needed it as I was feeling a lot of anxiety over my health, my future, my schooling that I want to complete and my lack of a job and apartment and basically still with my parents.
It felt good to do SK again and I felt wonderful doing it. I felt all this negativity and then I felt myself rising above this negativity and feeling the pain of it all and letting it go and getting back to neutrality. I felt wonderful that in me I had this capacity to elevate myself from the dark thoughts that were building up inside of me. I felt empowered.
I felt the light inside of me and I want more!
Hello Paula, wow you managed to do Sat Kriya for half an hour....I struggle just to get barely five min in.
Just wondering, do you feel energy rising up into your higher chakras as you progress with your sat kriya practice? They say one of the purposes of sat kriya is to get kundalini energy to rise from lower chakras to higher chakras. Do you feel like your third-eye tingling....or do you get any strange sensations (like visions, hearing voices, etc.)? I found your page by searching for "sat kriya experiences" because I wanted to know how people felt after practicing for some time.
start out small. Start out with 3 mins and work your way up. as I mentioned in this post, I was doing it the way it is outlined in the Sat Kriya workout. Doing 31 minutes straight is hard and I found breaking it up into smaller components helped.
Also I always advise to work on the navel so do nabhi kriya. Commit to actual 40 day disciplines, where you write down your start date and calculate when it will end. Having that end day in mind can make it easier to stick it out
I've had various sensations while doing SK and sometimes I don't notice anything. The point is not to get distracted by the sensations because those are always changing. I observe how I am and how I feel after doing the practice. Am I calmer, am I able to let go of negativity faster? I think sometimes newbies get lured by the novelty of meditation but it's work and the goal is to get in touch with your centre and be at peace and use your meditation to get back to peace.
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