Friday, July 15, 2011

Ah Neighbors...

Greetings all,

I recently kept running into one of my neighbors. We saw each other a few months ago and acknowledged each other a few times. He has a bit of an issue with his leg so he bends to his side and looks like he is lifting his leg. In my head, I nicknamed him Hobbie McHobbster (or something like that), since he hobbles when he walks.

Now the neighbor above me I hear sometimes having sex and so I have been curious to know who is above me. Now I just hear the bed noises, I don't hear moaning or anything. So it's annoying for me. Earlier on in the year, the bed noises had a certain rhythm to them and had a certain strength to them but lately they have been weaker sounding but also the rhythm has changed. I wondered if a new couple moved in or if it's a girl/guy who now has a new partner. As well, I had thought maybe it's a different man but it's possible the difference in sound is the woman being on top. Lots of theories floating about in my mind. As well, this neighbor would indulge in 5am sex, which was annoying for me as it would wake me up. I can't imagine having sex on a weekday. Weekend morning sex, sure I would indulge. But on the weekday? It's too much. I prefer night time so I can decompress. People would tell too if I indulged in morning sex. I'm just too obvious.

So Hobbie McHobbster I found out is the neighbor who lives above me. I was joking to myself that I bet he was the neighbor above me and I asked him and lo and behold he was.

We became friends on Facebook and he sent me a message saying he was interested in me. I declined and said we could be friends. He wanted to 'embrace the woman' in me. Translation: I want to fuck you because you are so close to me geographically.

I figured he was probably a player because he probably sleeps around or has a fuck buddy so I took his comment with a grain of salt. He was making his move about 2 weeks ago and just last Saturday I heard him going at it. Ah the joy of players!

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