Sunday, May 29, 2011


Greetings all,

I've been pondering this concept of Success lately. For me, I have been wanting to achieve material success for quite a while but never really felt like I have. I have friends who've gotten their degrees and gotten good jobs and have homes. I think in some way they are lucky. For me, I don't see myself going to school. Maybe when I am older. I have considered going to school but just don't feel drawn to it. I have the intelligence to go through it but if I don't feel drawn to something, it's hard for me to muster the motivation to do it. I have to believe in it I guess.

I have one friend who has worked at the same company for 10 years. I think she is lucky and think this 'success' was little of her doing. I on the other hand have worked at over 50 different companies (I was a temp for 3 years) and have been laid off 3 times in my 10 year work life. The difference is that I don't have a science degree but I do know of some people who have these kinds of degrees and still struggle. A degree doesn't guarantee you anything, although it does help some people out. I'm not against education but the truth is some schools are just in it for money and are a business.

From an Anthroposophical point of view, I see this more as an issue of karma. I am not sure I can 100% believe this but it seems to me to be the best way I can make sense of it.

People have good things happen to them and they do not earn it. I see it as a gift from the universe. Two people can do the same actions but yet one can end up with more success then the other. Why is that?

I don't want my belief in karma to seem as some fate thing because I do believe we have some choice in life. We may have difficult karma to work through but I know there are tools out there like yoga and mantra that can help us attract and work through what we want. I just think it's foolish for some people to deny that they have been blessed in their life and the blessings they have received are probably not their doing.

I don't believe in using the term god, I use the word universe. It does seem like the universe favours some more then others.

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