Greetings all,
I had gone to my doctor last week because I have been feeling sleepy since the beginning of September. I am still with my doctor in Hamilton and will need to find a Toronto doctor. I've contacted one place but they weren't accepting new patients. I may go down to that clinic since it had multiple doctors. I am currently with a female and prefer a female doctor, although maybe having a male would not be so bad.
I have not been feeling fatigued tired, just sleepy tired. Like feeling drowsy. I've been yawning all day and generally want to sleep although I can't. I had a blood test done so it looks like my iron is low and has dropped from last year. I was taking iron pills for 6-8 weeks and then was to take them during my period. I was doing this for a few months but didn't notice much of a difference in my sleepiness. I had figured that it was because of getting less sunshine due to the winter that I was feeling sleepy so that was why I went to the doctor. I was hoping there would be some medicine to increase my alertness so that I wouldn't feel sleepy all the time.
It's possible maybe I needed to stay on it longer. Back in December my iron was at 16, prior to that 25. Now it is at 10.
I had given blood a few times this year and someone told me black molasses was high in iron so I would start drinking that a few times a month. You just put in a tablespoon in a glass of hot water. I've read that giving blood can lower your iron so maybe that was why, however I would take the black molasses the day I gave blood and a few days after it. I had stopped giving blood because I felt too drained afterwards and felt like it took a bit too long to feel normal again. I felt a little low energy. When I took the black molasses, I felt like my recovery time was fast and I didn't feel that drained the next day. I had figured taking some black molasses would help with my iron issue.
I don't know if low iron is my problem or if it's symptomatic of a larger issue. I eat meat every day.
I'll be seeing the doctor again in November, so we'll see how much my iron levels improve.
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