I started to have my seasonal allergies start up 2 weeks ago. I went to Hamilton and figured it was from my parent's cat as I stayed overnight. When I came back to Toronto, I was still sneezing and feeling stuffy the next day so I figured my seasonal allergies probably kicked in. It was pretty bad. Last year I only relied on my neti pot and it worked good enough.
Now I used my neti pot a few times and I use it occasionally during the rest of the year but that didn't help out my allergies. I decided to look for Naseleze, which was a product I tried a couple of years ago and liked but haven't needed to use it so I only had it for one year.
I went to a few health food stores in the area and couldn't find it. I wondered if they took it off the market or something because I would have thought I'd have found it. I wanted a naturopathic product and I saw a few at one place but I wanted to at least review them online so I just wrote down the names of them.
I ended up checking Zellers and actually found Sinol. Now I decided to buy it even though I saw a couple of other products at the health food store and wanted to research first before I made the investment. Maybe it was the attractive design of it that prompted me to just buy it.

It's a nice shade of blue isn't it? Baby blue, delicate and soothing.
I don't think the other products had the same design but maybe that's why I bought it. I ended up picking a winner. Hey, I did read the label and examined the product thoroughly before I bought it.
You are to spray each nostril 3-12 times a day. My first day I used it 9 times. I had decided to go to the washroom at work so that my coworkers wouldn't be offended by the snorting sound I would make as you have to inhale deeply into your nasal cavities. I personally wouldn't care what people thought, but you know, I have to be professional.
Each time I went to the bathroom, sometimes there was one person already in the stall so they wouldn't actually see what I was doing. They would just hear what I was doing and sometimes I would wonder if people thought I was doing drugs or something. And technically I was, but they were legal drugs!
One time the director of our department came in and I was snorting up and holding the product in my hand. So I felt a bit awkward about that.
Technically the product I was using is a homeopathic drug, although I think they only labeled that for legal reasons. It contains water, aloe, rosemary extract, sea salt, vitamin c and benzalkonium chloride. The active ingredient however is capsicum or the ingredient commonly found in red peppers.
So when you use it, there is a bit of a zing to it but it goes away quickly and it actually relieves the symptoms quickly. It's supposed to desensitize the mucous membrane and as a result makes them less irritated by stuff.
My headache from the allergies were pretty bad and it ended up taking a full day for the pain in my head to subside. I don't have to use it much and by my second day of using it, I only used 5 sprays and now I just use it twice a day.
I'm not sure how long I'll need to use it since I probably just experience symptoms for a month but the weather has been weird so hopefully by May I won't need to use.
I really enjoy using Sinol and recommend it.
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