Greetings all,
I recently joined a new anthroposophical book group and we started meeting last week. I just found out about them as well last week in the Steiner Centre e-newsletter. The guy who hosts lives near where I live. When it warms up I potentially can walk as it's probably a 20 minute walk but since it's so damn dark so early, I'd feel safer driving.
The group is for young anthroposophists, although we have one guy who is 'old' but I think he knows some of the people in the group. There are some guys in my group, a few which are 'hotties'. There's about 5 or 6 guys and one other girl (not including me). It's a switch from my last book group which had mainly older women and one guy close to my age and one older man (everyone was pretty much over 40 when I joined).
I read the book for the first time probably when I was like 23 or 25 so it's been quite a long time. The biggest thing I remember was that the spheres of economy, politics (rights) and culture/spirit, had to be autonomous. I wonder what I'll get out of reading this book again.
Steiner wrote it after the first World War, so a lot I think has changed but I am sure the principles are still timely and relevant. I know lots of people are cynical about the way our society is but I think humanity is evolving and progressing, I just think it takes time and I think we sometimes don't look back to how far we have come.
I think it would be foolish to say there aren't things that need to be worked out, rights that need to be established, laws that need to be honoured, evil that needs to be dealt with.
I think in the past 1000 years there has been progress. People have various rights and have access to education and other resources. I think humanity is trying to work together to some degree.
Anyways, I think change is possible but I think it requires as Steiner talks about, social will.
I think humanity is evolving, although maybe not as smoothly as possible, but I think nevertheless, progress is being made. I know that might sound naive but I really feel it's possible, it just takes some time and effort.
Besides, most of the problems that are created, are really problems humanity has created for itself so I think as well that is why these things can be solved. Society is a human construct so if it's a mess we made, then surely it can be a mess we clean up.
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