Thursday, March 19, 2009

News Update

Greetings all,

Today's post is just about news. Nothing exciting to report in Paula World.

I got my letter from Mensa yesterday as I took the Mensa home prep test to see if I actually had a chance to be in Mensa, which is for people who have IQs in the top 2% of the world. Well my letter said I didn't pass and I emailed to see how close or how far I was from passing and it turns out I was really close and was only 1% from passing.


I am one angry nerd!

Anyways I will actually go and get an IQ test which means I'd have to get a psychologist who does these tests so that I can get an actual score. I can actually get into Mensa without taking their supervised test but my IQ has to be at a certain number so I figure I'd rather just get an IQ test and if have a high enough IQ, I will just submit my application.

The good thing though is that this means that I probably am a genius so as I was out having dinner with my parents this evening, I was telling them how I will be able to brag about my intelligence and if necessary rub it in people's faces, because really what is the point of being super smart and not being able to rub your intellectual superiority over people.

Use my intelligence for good?

My mother said I need to be humble but if I am around someone that is a complete idiot and a jerk, I will throw out the genius card. Hey people out there use the race card, as a nerd, I have the genius card.

I don't have a problem with people who aren't as smart as me but I have a problem when people try to act smarter then what they are and try to make it seem they are know-it-alls and are unwilling to admit when they are wrong and unwilling to learn something knew.
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I've been really bored lately and I think moving will be good for me. I need to get working and probably will need a day job for a while until I can start making money in comedy. I am not sure how things will work out but I am committed to my vision for my life.

I have way too much free time at this point. I don't like the idea of working full time either because then I end up with not enough free time.

I did some packing and I have been taking things slow mainly because I think I can get all packed by the 1st.

It'll be weird and now I won't be able to see my friends in Hamilton much either.

And I'll have to change my area code, thus I will feel more estranged from my family and friends in Hamilton.

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I've been going to some spiritual type meetup groups and one of them, which I only went to 3 times and stopped going because I felt we weren't learning too much and it seemed more like a yak session, I recently found out the organizer is part of some magic spells circle and they are actually power hungry and stealing people's energy using hooks (I've heard of stealing energy but never heard of using hooks). These are psychic hooks folks, not literal hooks! I was told there's 3 of them in the group and one of them is not aware that the other 2 are stealing people's energy. They cast spells and I guess don't possess enough of their own juice to make it happen so they steal fresh energy from others.

I don't know if my fellow readers believe in these things but if you are a believer in this concept of energy, then you ought to know there are people out there who pose as spiritual type people who are really power hungry and seek to take what does not belong to them for their own selfish reasons.

I was surprised to learn this because it doesn't make sense to me. You can tap into the universal energy of the world, there is no need to take people's energies for whatever reason.

And what kind of spells are these people trying to cast? I mean really, this life is about learning to love and to grow and to be of service to people. We are really here to make the ego subservient to the higher self and not the other way around where we use spiritual forces to please the power hungry ego.

Another group I was in and have decided to stop going, the same type of stuff was going on although it occurred during a reading I had with the organizer and I don't know if she was doing that during the meetup groups.

I also don't know if she is conscious of what she was doing. I had a reading with her a month and a half ago and she claimed to send energy to me. She said she was 'helping' me with during the session (said I had a curse on me, which I didn't really believe) and I ended up feeling rather tired and napped that day. The following day I felt dazed and the next day I was angry and that lasted about a day and a half.

I didn't know what happened but I went to get another reading done by someone else as someone I knew recommended this person to me. I think I had this reading done about 3 weeks afterwards. I am not someone who is 'reading happy' because I believe you need to learn to trust your own inner guidance instead of always looking outward but I think every once and a while it doesn't hurt to go to one.

This person was telling me that I had a spiritual vampire in one of the groups I was in and instantly I thought of the woman whom I had the reading with. I began to tell her my story and she said she was dumping her negative energy onto me and taking mine.

I think she was right because I never had a good feeling about this person as soon as I met her but I like many people, have a tendency to rationalize my feelings and continued to go to this meetup group. I went though because I liked the other people in the group and felt they were really positive people.

I don't know if she is aware of what she is doing and I think perhaps there is a part of her that wants to do good in the world but she does have an ego and has lots to learn if she is claiming to be part of a spiritual path.

I know that if you are engaging in spiritual pursuits, there will be people, like in anything else, who cannot walk the walk but merely talk the talk. There are what I like to call Spiritual Posers and fortunately for me, I was smart enough to realize what was going on in this group, although I wish I was more aware of it sooner.

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