Greetings and Salutations,
One of the common expressions that I loathe to hear from people is the expression "I'm busy" or "I've been busy" or "I'm too busy". I find people will use that as an excuse for their own laziness or the fact that maybe they just don't care about people and can't be bothered to make the effort to communicate with them or because they don't have the courage to admit that they don't want to do various activities or are trying to avoid people and/or things.
I remember my first boyfriend after a while started saying that to me and it always bothered me. He could have just told me that he wasn't interested in me anymore and break up with me but he kept stringing me along. I don't believe anyone can ever be too busy. I believe that you "make time". It doesn't take long to tell someone that you miss them or that you care about them. With the technology we have today, you can send someone a simple email and it will only take a minute.
Are you that important that you can't even spare one minute of your day to tell someone that you care about them or miss them?
I will never use the expression "I'm too busy" because I believe that I make time for things. I am like everyone else in that I only have 24 hours a day but I spend them wisely and I get shit done. I have wasted time in my life but I do try to live my life as efficiently as possible. I also manage to have lots of fun in my life. I manage to exercise and meditate and eat right and maintain a full time job.
I believe people perceive themself as busy because they don't know how to manage stress and stress creates the perception of busyness. People as well make themself feel busy so that they don't actually have to deal with their own personal issues. There really is no excuse for neglecting your friendships and relationships because you are too busy.
I bring up this topic because I am tired of hearing people use it. Life is precious and the people in your life are precious. Why can't you just demonstrate basic common courtesy instead of being so self absorbed and so selfish? Everyone in this life is busy to some degree.
I just *love* your blog! I have a "friend" who pops up every now and then and writes an e-mail telling me how busy she's been (too busy to answer my last e-mail usually), but then goes on into something she needs me to do for her in some shape or form. I realized this only when I read a few of her e-mails, and they all started with something along the lines of, "I've been really busy lately, but I got your e-mail. I will respond soon, but in the meantime I was wondering if..."
Take care! :-)
Bright blessings,
You do realize Paula, that by saying that, you're just dissing everybody who actually does work 60 hours a week or actually does get stuff done?
What annoys you isn't the fact that people say they're busy, what annoys you is that people are saying they're busy as an excuse not to spend time with you. The former might just be lazy use of language, but there are busy people in the world. (At least, I consider myself a rather busy person, with the work hours I keep and the projects I do.)
The latter is a sign of a different problem.
Well Jerry, the second paragraph sounds a bit helpless to me. If you work 60 hours a week that's your choice. People sometimes forget that by the decisions they make in life, they are creating their own life and what happens. Some people might like working 60 hours a week but if you don't, then find a different job. How are the other areas of ones life if they work 60 hours?
Everything has a price and people need to learn how to balance and manage things.
My favourite Steiner quote is one where he states that we must learn how to separate the essential from the non-essential.
So many people nowadays think it's essential to have a cell phone or a tv and the best cable packages or an SUV.
Please. If I threw you in the wild, you will truly learn what is essential in life.
Food, shelter, some social interaction.
You can have your 60 hour work week but if there are things in life that end up being neglected, a person needs to think if working 60 hours is essential.
Everything has a price.
Thanks for the compliment Cadi
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