Thursday, June 07, 2007


Greetings and Salutations mon amies,

I am currently vacationing in Vancouver. I am exhausted because I went from my hostel on Jericho Beach all the way to Stanley Park and then I circled the entire perimeter of Stanley Park. I don't cycle and when I had to go up a mini hill or up the bridge, I would walk up with my bike since it was taking up too much of my energy. I'm in shape, but not in shape to cycle well.

I went to Vancouver Island on Monday morning and took the ferry. I went to Nanaimo and Tofino. I arrived in Tofino on Monday night and I stayed at a small hostel. Our host said it was karoke night and we all went to the pub where they were having it. Usually when I meet people for the first time, I am polite and quiet and I appear reserved. However, as someone who performs, I do have the capacity to be outgoing and out there. I sang 3 songs and my first was Baby Got Back. The crowd was a young fun crowd and there was a mini dance floor. After I was done, everyone was telling me how awesome I was and one cute guy who was staying at my hostel from Finland said it was the best karoke performance he ever saw. I was dancing while I was singing and the hostel host and a guest came up and danced along side me.

All right enough about me talking about how awesome and surprised they were by me as I appeared to be that shy, quiet girl. I don't know why I get quiet and shy when I meet people for the first time but it never made sense to me to be out there. I wish I was more outgoing but my shy demeanor does not keep me from going after the things I want.

The host seemed smitten with me and intrigued by my dual nature of shy and outgoing persona. As much as I love getting complimented, I reach a point where I feel it's enough. I don't think much of my karaoke as it is just karaoke.

So on Tuesday I had surfing lessons for 2 hours and practiced on my own for a bit. It was quite challenging but I did not manage to stand on the board. My arms and pec muscles are so sore. I think I will look into surfing in Ontario. I'm thinking there might be some pool that generates waves that let's one practice surfing.

I drove back to Nanaimo and waited for 30 minutes for the next ferry to Vancouver. There was a delay in the arrival. The ferry's speed slowed down and the captain or the captain's bitch (i.e. the second in command) announced that there was a situation which was why we were slowing down. The captain's bitch announced again another 10 minutes that there was a situation. Then the captain come on a few minutes later to announce that there was a bomb threat on Horsebay (i.e. where the ferry docks). I was calm at first but then I started thinking about how I didn't want to die yet. Most of the time I thought things would be fine but every once in a while I thought about that movie Titanic. This was only my second time on the ferry. A ferry newbie such as myself shouldn't be subjected to this.

I think perhaps this was a false alarm and we all arrived safely.

1 comment:

karlthebunny said...

You may be "shy", but you are definately an exibitionist.