Sunday, March 25, 2007

Happy Internet Day

Greetings and Salutations,

Today I am declaring that the world needs a day to celebrate the internet. Today I choose to make it Internet day which is a day in celebration of the wonderful and beauty of the internet.

I love the internet and I am grateful that I have access to it on a regular basis. I enjoy the quickened ability to search for things, whether I am looking for information or things to purchase that I may not easily find in stores such as my qigong dvds.

I also enjoy that the internet is a fairly democratic medium.

I do not know how else to express my appreciation of the internet but oh internet how do I love thee!

Happy Internet Day!


karlthebunny said...

Be aware that the big cable companies and those who make money on delivery of the net want to take its freedoms away.

Check out Free Press to learn more.

Happy Internet day!

Bernie said...

And on April 3rd every year, the internet will honour you. It's cheese weasel day!