Greetings and Salutations Withering Fools,
I have been watching American Idol lately. I normally don't watch it but since I am bored out of my mind and lazy, it helps pass the time, thus bringing me closer to my inevitable death.
So many people want to be famous. I wouldn't mind being famous and successful. I've actually spent time contemplating whether I'd be willing to sell my soul for success. After much soul searching, I decided that I would be willing to sell my soul to be wealthy, successful and famous. I've been a nobody for 28 years and I feel that I have suffered enough. I have no social rank and the only place where I feel I get respect is in my anthroposophy group because I'm so insightful and deep.
Well let me tell you, being deep and sensitive don't boost the ego and my ego definitely needs to be stroked. I stroke my own ego so much, it gets tiring. It's time for the rest of the world to make a contribution to keep my ego satiated.
Hey Satan... I'm willing to sell my soul for some worldly success.
On the flip side, it is possible to be successful, wealthy and famous without comprimising one's integrity... or is it?
Interesting that you equate not being famous or rich with suffering. I think you'll find that true suffering is much, much worse.
I do not think I am equating lack of fame and richness with suffering. I think I equate lack of success as I am defining for myself as a form of suffering. There are many ways and areas in life an individual can suffer.
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