She doesn't feeel the same way I do about her. She is one of those aloof cats and isn't really affectionate. She hates people as well. She hisses at my 2 brothers who come over every Sunday. She hasn't registered the fact that they are apart of the family even though they don't live here.
I find my cat incredibly sexy. If I were a male cat, I would totally want to get it on with her. She just oozes a sexualness when she walks. However, I Paula, the human would never seriously consider getting it on with her. First of all, she's a cat. Secondly she's a female and I'm not into the whole girl-on-girl thing and finally, Sally wouldn't give me that emotional attention and affection that for me is very important to have in a relationship.
Anyways, here's Sally, the love of my life. Gosh, isn't she so fucking beautiful! And hot!

1 comment:
Nice to meet you Paula,
I heard a radio interview some time ago with an American philosopher talking about the philosophy of smoothness and modern man's desire for it. The cat is very smooth ( I'm thinking of the panther in particular.) That is a cat quality as Felix intimated. Perhaps this smoothness is the water nature endowed from Old Mother Moon herself.
Dogs on the other hand, tend to be a little rough around the edges.
The Venusian animals such as Dolphins and Bees, are very social
creatures- the Bee in particular having a marvellous social structure.
This is the way of Christian Initiates who with strong individualities
work cooperatively together in Brotherhood. Christianity is found in the "other", without the other there is no love and that after all is the
purpose of Humankind.
The Rhinoceros is a loner, and because of this quality HPB once said the
he is the symbol of the Black Magician. Rudolf Steiner remarked once that the book Robinson Crusoe was Satanic in nature. The philosophy of
the man sufficient unto himself was seen by him as Ahrimanic. Daniel
Defoe was a Satanist BTW.
The lion has been held as a symbol of Christ ( the lion of the tribe of
Juda) and also of with its mane, the Sun.
Dante on descending into the underworld meets a lion, a panther and a
she-wolf. The lion is pride, the panther: pleasure or luxury - (that
smoothness!), and the she-wolf: avarice or insatiable desire.
The cat was first domesticated in ancient Egypt and from there made its
way around the world.
Helena Roerich remarks in a letter "In Egypt, cats were very useful
against invasion by rats and mice. Moreover, the cat possesses a great
deal of animal magnetism and was used for the lower evocations - also in
Egypt there was not a little necromancy."
In Fiery World 3, a book from the Agni Yoga series, it says:
"Manifestations can be either subtle or connected with the dense world.
Not rarely do dark entities [from the Subtle world] strengthen
themselves by the presence of creatures of Earth which they attract.
Thus, there may appear some stray dogs or cats or mice or annoying
"Dark entities strengthen their substance form animals. Repeatedly has
the teaching pointed out the participation of the animal world in subtle and low manifestations. Sometimes they cannot manifest without the
participation of animals. But for the courageous spirit all such
manifestations are as nought.... but it is very important for science to
know these connections of animals with the Subtle World. I do not advise
having animals in bedrooms. Certain people themselves sense the
practicality of such vital precautions, but others, on the contrary,
aspire, as it were, to attract invisible guests."
In a letter Helena Roerich comments on the above, "And if dogs and birds
are so objected to, what can be said about cats, whose natures are
definitely considered as belonging to the dark orders? One should be
fond of animals, and should pity them, but it is disgusting to see the
distorted sentimentality lavished upon them by certain types of people."
The Earth and the Moon were one body once. So that humanity could
continue on with its development, certain forces of hindrance from the
past were expelled with the Moon. This occurred in the region of the
Pacific Ocean. A fuller description is found in the works of Rudolf
"The moon is for the spiritual scientist the focal point of certain low
forces, which still work today in the human nature, and which humans of
the future �under themselves� will force."
I don't believe HPB knew the secret of the Earth being one with the Moon
but she did know of its deathly nature and that it was being reabsorbed:
" ....The Moon is now the cold residual quantity, the shadow dragged
after the new body, into which her living powers and 'principles' are
transfused. She is now doomed for long ages to be ever pursuing the
Earth, to be attracted by and to attract her progeny. Constantly
vampirised by her child [Earth]. she revenges herself on it by soaking
it through and through with the nefarious, invisible, and poisoned
influence which emanates from the occult side of her nature. For she is
a dead yet a living body. The particles of her decaying corpse are full
of active and destructive life, although the body which they had formed
is soulless and lifeless."
The battle of the Bhagavad Gita was this very battle of the Sons of the
Sun (Surya) and the Sons of the Moon (Chandra).
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