I've been watching Much Music's VJ Search. I know, I should know better. I'm 27, I'm too old to be watching what has become a station of mindless sloth. I can't help it, I've been sucked in! Most of the contestants are 21 and a few are 23, one was 28 and another 25. The 28 year was kicked off probably because she was 'fat' and 'old', even though the judges didn't directly come out and say she was too old and fat for this position. I have fat and old in quotations because these terms are what I think the judges perceive. I didn't think she was fat or old as these terms have been used in relativity.
Anyways, I wonder what I would have been like if I was 21 and auditioning for this on tv. They are so whiny and emotionally immature. I don't want to be picking on them because it's a challenging situation to be. I've occasionally had moments where my emotions get the better of me. It just looks like they are letting their emotions out of control too much.
I guess I just don't understand how people can let themselves get so emotionally worked up all the time and I don't understand why people don't know how to keep things to themselves because sometimes it's better to keep your mouth shut. I've been pissed off and annoyed by people so many times but I didn't go around consistently discussing this because I find that I more I discuss negative people or what annoys me, the more miserable I feel. Oh sure I've had the occasional rant but I think that's normal.
I think when I was around 21, I was striving to be emotionally mature and since I was 18 I have been consciously working on myself spiritually. So I just wonder if these people are aware of how they come off when they complain so much about trivial things. I liked a couple of the contestants because they believed in taking the high road and not being petty.
We had some interesting discussions in my study group on Sunday. We somehow got into the discussion about why don't people realize the spiritual content of The Lord of the Rings? One woman had a couple of books that discuss the philosophies of the book/movie but many people seem to be oblivious to the spiritual nature of the story. Apparently Tolkien knew CS Lewis and Owen Barfield (Barfield was a student of Rudolf Steiner's Anthroposophy) and I believe it was Lewis and Barfield who would engage in spiritual discussions and Tolkien was absorbing the various ideas. So there's probably a bit of anthroposophy in Lord of the Rings.
I think it's pretty simple as to why people are oblivious to the spiritual content. It's because people are afraid of admitting that there's a spiritual world. Even I get afraid of my spiritual experiences and try and look for a logical explanation. I study anthroposophy, a spiritual philsophy and there are many times where I experience this fear of the spiritual world.
I find that the more sex I have, the more I want it.
I find that the less sex I have, the more I want it.
Is there no happy medium?
Hmmm ... Tolkein himself always denied any religious overtones to LotR. Seems though people never take the word of the author, and always try to overlay their own impressions upon them.
Are there religious overtones in LotR? There are if you look for them. You can find religious overtones in a cup of potato soup, if that is your inclination.
Did Tolkein intend religious overtones? He says no. Good enough for me.
I said spiritual. Spiritual and religious are 2 different concepts.
Anyways, I was never really a fan of the movie and never really understood the hoopla.
Where did you find this statement of Tolkien anyways?
G*D gave us sex and religion tells us,"No".
And we wonder why we have inner stalkers...
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