Saturday, January 28, 2006

An Interview with Paula

One of my most interesting moments in life was being interviewed by the one and only G-D. I had this exclusive interview and keep a transcript of this conversation.

G-d: You are perhaps one of my most unique creations. You didn't really turn out the way I expected but you somehow managed to turn into this highly inspirational human being. I can honestly say, I didn't really put much effort into you. Frankly I had other things on my mind. So Paula, can you tell the Spiritual Hierarchy and the dead how you managed to turn out so fabulous?
By the way, I am so glad that you took time out of your busy schedule to let me interview you.

Paula: Well thanks God. I never really considered myself to be an inspirational person. I've always wanted to be that person whom everyone would speak so fondly of. I wanted to be that person who had a presence to them and who could convey to others, through their mere presence, that they were confident and loving towards others.
Frankly God, I don't know how I did it, but I did it through perservance.

G-d: Those are such honest and simple words Paula. Everytime you speak, it chokes me up. I really want to know how a creation such as you turned out the way you did. I mean, it baffles my mind.

Paula: Well first off I'd like to tell you God, why the hell did you put me into the family that I was born in? Seriously, none of these people are like me at all. Not the sharpest knives in the drawer. Yes I know they have good work ethics... but God so many times, these people would just say things that would make me shake my head.

G-d: Um, yeah I'm really sorry about that.

Paula: (speaks with the most gentlest of voices)
Do you really mean that God?

G-d: No.
Damn it I didn't know where else to put you. I have a rule when I create families. Every family must have one member who is rational, courageous, industrious and compassionate. This person is literally the glue that keeps the family sane, otherwise the entire family would self-destruct. You know I thought your mother was that person but I forgot to add the rational to her. Every family needs that one person who can think independently, who can question the 'establishment', challenges ideas, get people thinking.

Paula: Excuse God, are you insulting my mother? I don't like it when humans or divine beings insult my mother.

G-d: Oh my Paula, no I'm not insulting your mother. She is fabulous. I'm sorry. Can you forgive me?

Paula: Well God, I would be more then happy to forgive you. Listen God, let's just concentrate on getting this interview done. I just don't understand how you claim that I was not properly designed and yet you place me into a family, claiming I was the glue to keep it together.

G-d: That's an excellent question Paula. I just made you rational Paula, I didn't even do a good job in that, I just gave you the passing requirements so that your family does not self destruct. Somehow, you ended up becoming this fabulous compassionate and brilliant person. That was not my intention. Your evolving was quite miraculous. I'm trying to teach my Hierarchy how you succeeded. You are a mystery to me Paula. And I'm supposed to be Omnipotent and Omniscient.

Paula: Come on God you know that's a load of B.S. You cannot be omnipotent if we have free will, which we so obviously do God. You created free will and in doing so you renounced your omniscient and omnipotence.

G-d: You know that's what I like about you Paula. You tell it like it is. Thanks for keeping it real! You are one of the few humans who has the guts to stand up to me, to correct me when I am wrong.
This brings me to my next question Paula. How did a shy, introverted, nerdy little girl evolve into one of the most brilliant minds of the 21st century? How did you evolve into such a friendly, outgoing, confident and amazingly hot woman? I know I wasn't answering your prayers, so how did you do it.

Paula: You know God, you may not pay much attention to your creations or even put much effort into us, but inspite of your flaws, their is a spark of divinity in each and everyone of us. It can be so tiny but it is enough for us to rise up and fight the ignorance and fear, within ourselves and outside of ourselves.
Not everyone has the desire the find it and many choose the path of darkness and evil, believing it to be answer to their problems. The path of evil is a wonderous path of illusion. It is a path that leads no where. It may take people many lifetimes to finally realize this. I have been fortunate enough to realize the futility of this path. I have realized the only reality is that of goodness and love. Everything else is a false reality. An illusory reality.

I give my credit to this realization to Christ, formally known as JC. Like Puff Daddy becoming P Diddy becoming Diddy. Jesus Christ has taken his name from Jesus to Jesus Christ to JC and now he is simply known as The Christ. He works quite subtly in the world and in my own soul. He is basically that force that motivates you to purify your selfish nature into a more loving nature.

G-d: The name sounds familiar...

Paula: (rolling eyes)
He was your only Son and you sent him from heaven to earth to give humans the impetus so that they can choose to rise up from the dark path of materialism and choose love and shit like that... you remember right?

G-d: (in a slightly angry tone)
Look let's just finish the interview. When did you start to learn to play the guitar and when did jazz become an influence in your musical career?

Paula: Listen God, if you have forgotten your son, you need to acknowledge that. It's okay for you to admit your mistake.

G-d: (crying)
Okay I'm sorry. I just had other things to do. Why do I have to put so much effort into saving humans? Come on learn to save yourself sometimes you motherfuckers! That's why I sent Jesus down. It gave me time to think. It gave me time to play golf.
So he's going by the name The Christ? Fucking son of a bitch. He originally wanted that name but I told him it sounds too Hollywoodized. It sounds like some bad religious movie.
(In movie announcer voice)
Coming soon... The Christ.

(lets out a long sigh)

Paula: Okay God how about we recap this conversation. I turned out so brilliant because of divine intervention by Christ. This divine intervention also goes by many other names and is basically the path of love intervening in one's life. This is my secret of brilliance. It is my realization through darkness of the wonderful, creative nature of love.
Are you satisfied now with this fucking mystery God? Have I fully answered your question? Do I need to explain myself further? Have you forgotten about the path of love? Do I need to go into the idea of negative ego and serving only one's own egotistical need and how that is part of the 'black' path.

G-d: No, that's a sufficient explanation Paula. Again I am lucky to have placed the future of humanity into the hands of my son. Unlike some former political leaders.

Paula: Remember God, it too shall pass.

G-d: Fuck didn't I write that? That's some good shit!

Paula: Did you have any other questions to ask me?

G-d: No Paula. You have been so fabulous to interview. I feel so much lighter. I feel so wonderful and... happy. It's so true what the Hierarchy and the dead have been saying. It is a pleasure to work with you and to be around you. My staff and the dead would like to take a moment to thank you for allowing us this opportunity to interview you. It has been both a pleasure and an honour to have spoken with you.

Paula: Thanks. It's been lots of fun.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Why I'm not a skeptic

I've been spending some time researching skeptic James Randi. I've also looked into skeptics in the past and I've always been bothered by some of what these people believe. I was reading this really good article entitled Why I'm not a Skeptic by Michael Prescott. I will be including that link at the end of my entry.
I consider myself a thinker first. Although I've been studying Anthroposophy now for almost 7 years, it feels weird to call myself an anthroposophist. But I know I can call myself a thinker and I don't feel weird in doing so.
I consider myself fairly grounded, practical and logical. I also have an interest in things of a mystical nature. I almost feel embarassed to talk with people about my various spiritual experiences because I don't want to be perceived as a kook. I know lots of people who have this interest in mystical topics tend to be a little... flaky. Mind you not everyone but there is tendency to not formulate clear thoughts and just focus on feeling good.
So with the spiritual experiences I have, I usually keep them to myself for a while and then I might tell a few close trusted friends. I feel most comfortable with sharing these experiences with my study group because we all have an interest in spirituality. I've never had a spiritual experience where I wasn't filled with self doubt. I've never had a spiritual experience where I didn't question what happened. Along my way I get these little pieces of the puzzle that just defy my logical mind.
I think it's unfortunate that many of these so called skeptics believe that anyone who is willing to consider that maybe there is a God and that maybe there is a spiritual reality, are stupid, foolish and naive.
I can go on and on but I'm going to leave you with a link because many of what Mr. Prescott writes about, I agree as well.

Why I'm Not a Skeptic article

Monday, January 23, 2006


My study group finished reading our book just before Christmas and we had a couple of weeks off as we meet on Sundays and this time Christmas and New Year's was on a Sunday. We had a potluck the following week and were discussing which book to read next. We decided to paint for about 2-3 weeks before we jump into our next book. This isn't ordinary painting. This is using water colours and painting on wet paper. I believe the technique is called wet-on-wet painting. We were doing profiles last week and it's a headtrip I tell you. Because you use water colour on wet paper, the painting is very mobile. My profile took on 4 different faces until I settled on some smiling woman with an afro. This painting technique just sucks you right into it and it's a safe way to have your mind messed around with.
Yesterday I got to present to my group my presentation on Evil that I did for my Foundation Studies course last year. We then painted based on my presentation.
(note to my fellow improvisers: insert joke here)
I was only half done so next week I get to finish the rest of my presentation.

Today I got to vote as here in Canada we are holding a federal election. I like to vote because then it means I have the right to complain about my government. If you don't vote, then you really shouldn't be complaining. I am just ensuring my right to hurl insults and provide commentary on the ignorance and stupidity of those who choose to make politics their vocation.
I think this whole process is so stupid. I think the concept of belonging to a party is so high school. Three hundred years from now, people will look back on the decades where people had a party and laugh that such juvenile political practices were in place.
I think the whole political process needs to be reworked and modified. To me being a politician is job. Why do you need a party? When you apply for a job in a corporation, do you have the support of a party?
I think that an objective and unbiased third party should be set up so that it can provide funding to politicians. The money should be a uniform price based on the region and on the position. Screening processes need to be put in place so that legitimate candidates get funding and a penalty to those who abuse funds. Funds can range for local positions $2000 -5000 (this is just some guess for me) which will go towards getting flyers and pamphlets out and canvassing. Also whomever runs for Prime Minister should have previous political experience. This organization will also organize debates and televise the candidates nationally. Candidates who are running nationally will receive more funding and those running locally will have these debates run locally.
This third-party, unbiased organization also has to be accountable to the public. It cannot give people more money or accept bribes, etc. It has to make all of its financial records and funding public.
Now I know that implementing this new procedure will take many years before it actually works. It will take at least one or 2 generations before people let go of this archaic concept of belonging to a party. Many people who currently are politicians, will not let go of their party affiliation. They will still follow party affiliation even once that procedure is eliminated.
My idea is an idea in progress but I think it is something that will need to be implemented.
So many people are disgusted with politicians and about the whole idea of voting for a party. We need independent people. But when these people try to get this job, they are overshadowed by 'parties'. It isn't right frankly. Being a politician is a job like any other. It is time to level the playing field.
Politicians need to be fighting for themselves and coming up with their own ideas. I know that there will always be corruption in this industry but I think people will feel more comfortable knowing that it's an individual they can oust.
I know that parties were created for one reason and at the time it probably was the best solution but now it is not relevant.
Politicians are meant to serve its citizens and not their own private agenda. This is the ideal, but it is never to be forgotten.

Monday, January 16, 2006

All about me

You Have a Choleric Temperament

You are a person of great enthusiasm - easily excited by many things.

Unsatisfied by the ordinary, you are reaching for an epic, extraordinary life.

You want the best. The best life. The best love. The best reputation.

You posses a sharp and keen intellect. Your mind is your primary weapon.

Strong willed, nothing can keep you down. Your energy can break down any wall.

You're an instantly passionate person - and this passion gives you an intoxicating power over others.

At your worst, you are a narcissist. Full of yourself and even proud of your faults.

Stubborn and opinionated, you know what you think is right. End of discussion.

A bit of a misanthrope, you often see others as weak, ignorant, and inferior.

I'm such a nerd. Seriously. I have this intense need to be evaluated.
It would be great if some higher being, like God let's say, pulls me aside and just gives me a report card of how I'm doing in life.
That's what I so would love.
To be evaluated.
Grade me.
Report me.
Rate me.
Analyze and deconstruct my existence.
What am I doing right?
What are my developmental areas?
No human can give me the objective feedback I crave.
Only an enlightened or superhuman or divine being can.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

He's Not Into You!

I finished reading He's Just Not That Into You by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo.
An interesting book. My ego is having a hard time accepting the idea that guys may not be interested in me. It all makes so much sense now. I have found the keystone piece now.
For some odd reason I've always had this mental picture that guys who date me will fall madly in love with me because I was so irresistable and awesome. Or something like that.
But it's wrong! This mental picture is wrong!
So does this mean I'm unlovable? This can't be true because I know I'm deserving of love. How can someone not be attracted to me?
If I try and reverse the situation, I think of the guys I've rejected. Not that I've rejected tons of guys but I think why I'm not interested in them. And then I come up with the answer, I'm just not into them. I'm sure they are nice, attractive people and would make someone happy but they are not right for me.
So if that's true for me, then it must be true for everyone else. So the reason why guys dump me or become distant from me is because they are just not into me.
Ouch. How can you not take a statement like that personally?
I don't think I'm unique when I try and analyze and disect why a relationship doesn't work out. Everyone does it. But now it all makes sense. One simple answer.
Great now my left brain can relax a bit.

I've been trying to come up with a metaphor so that I can better understand this whole nature of relationships. I came up with the metaphor that we're all like chemicals. For example, let's say I'm H2. As H2, I'm strong and wonderful and capable of interesting things. But H2 wants a partner so that together, we become something different but still ourselves. So H2 decides she wants to be water and is in search for an O. But H2 isn't really conscious of the fact that she's looking for O, she just know she wants a chemical to become a compound.
H2 hooks up with various other chemicals like Na or Au but it just doesn't work. Na becomes distant and then scurries off for Cl, pissing H2. After getting dumped by Na, H2 wonders if there is something wrong with her.
H2 is sending out the signals that she's looking for an O.
H2 needs to realize that all these wonderful chemicals are in the same search for a chemical suited to them. Rejection is not to be taken personally.

Why hasn't our collective consciousness grasped this idea? All these relationship books that get published. All these televions shows and movies that get produced. All the Cosmo articles. And no one ever says this simple observation. Perhaps this is an idea whose time has arrived.

Friday, January 13, 2006


Greetings and Salutations,

Today is my birthday. It is Friday the 13th. I was actually born on a Saturday during a snowstorm. I am now 3 cubed, which for people who are live in a somnolent state, means I'm 27.
My parents were expecting me to be a boy since they already had 3 sons. They wanted a girl. A nice obedient daugher who helps out.
Instead they got Loki.
Since there were expecting a boy, they were going to name me Paul. Instead I came out a girl and they added an 'a'.
How Canadian of these Italian immigrants to do that eh!

Will today be or not to be memorable?
That is the question.

Thursday, January 12, 2006


I had this really neat dream the other night. I had a dream where I was on the Mountain (well in Hamilton, where I live, it's called a mountain but it's really an escarpment) and I was making my way home. Then I ended up being underwater and trying to get home. I was next to this home and there was some of that sea dust kicking about near the house. I was looking up as I was on the ocean floor and saw some boat and thinking how I have to swim up. I found interesting how the ocean floor was so bright, because in reality, I believe there is no light there. I like being underwater so it wasn't scary. I know this is one giant subconscious metaphor. What does it mean and when will I figure it out?

I think it's unfortunate that we live in a world where people are still afraid to talk about sex, religion, money and politics. My personal belief is that we should be able to accept people even if they have completely wacked views that clash with us. Why do we have to take things so personally? I disagree with people all the time and sometimes I think their lifestyle choices are completely wrong but I believe that people have a right to live their life as they see fit, and as long as they are not endangering people.

I think people should be able to freely discuss their views and opinions on the above topics. We should be comfortable with sharing stuff like this. We're all fucked up to a degree. We've all got our 'soul garbage'. Why do we act like we don't? Do we honestly think every single person we meet will have the same view on life?

Today I was learning Bebop riffs in my Jazz book. I've finished learning the Swing section. I still need to work on them but I want to move forward.

I'm becoming sickenly happy. I don't know what to do. Why am I always so happy when shitty things happen to me? Why can't I be miserable and sulk and cry like everyone else? How have I come to acquire this upbeat disposition?
I think it is the anthroposophy. This July will mark my 7 years studying anthroposophy (a philsophy by Rudolf Steiner). This spiritual philosophy has greatly enriched my spirit. It has strengthened my thinking, it has improved my imagination and my logic. It has risen me up from a dark abyss to a place where clarity is my natural state. I have over 85 of his books and have studied the work of Rudolf Steiner on a consistent basis. I can't go very long without reading him. The most I'll go for not reading is about 2 months and that's in the summer. But that is normal and to be expected. The most days I can go without reading him is about 4 days. Then I start feeling myself getting out of 'spiritual shape'. With all the books I've read, you would think I feel like I've accomplished something, but I really feel like I've done nothing. I think like most people, I look to the future. I think of the things I want to work on. If I actually accomplished something with my anthroposophical studies or with my life, I probably forgot!

This Friday the 13th marks my 27th birthday. When I was 23, I knew that at 27 things would turn around for me. What does my future hold? Will I become the person I've always wanted to be? Will my inner creative impulses have a chance to flourish? Will I meet the right person? Will I have the children I have felt?
I am at a crossroads.
All I have is what is inside of me.
Is that enough?
All I have is my courage, strength and love of truth.

When do I make known who I am?
Should I come out of the spiritual closet?
Are you ready for me world?
Am I ready to take responsibility for the power I am being given?

All I can do is wait.
Reality will give me an answer.

Monday, January 02, 2006

My Review of the Diva Cup

Warning: I will discussing my experience with The Diva Cup, a menstrustration product.
If you do not want to hear descriptions of this product and how it relates to my vagina, please just ignore this post!
You have been warned!

I recently purchased the Diva Cup which is a cup that is used during your period. I've heard of this concept of using a cup several years ago and didn't know it was available on the market. I saw one a few weeks ago at a health food store and did some research online. There are currently 2 major brands and so I decided to go with the Diva Cup. It's also made in Canada. So as a Canadian, it feels good knowing I am buying a product made in the country where I was born.
According to the Diva Cup site, the average monthly flow is around 3-4 ounces (90-120ml). The Diva Cup can hold up to once ounce (30ml). So you can empty your cup 2-3 times in a 24 hour span.
I got my period this Thursday and am nearing the end of my period. I must say that I enjoyed using this product. I have included a link to this site as I think women should start using this product more.
I tend to use pads and tampons. I usually use tampons for the first 2 or 3 days and then pads at night and for the remainder. The cup is good because it doesn't absorb your vagina's natural mucuous, whereas tampons do.

The diameter of the cup is 1.5" and the length is 2" and there is a stem piece about 1 cm. I think it is great and I highly recommend this product for women. If you're comfortable using tampons, then you should be comfortable with this product. My only complaint is that it is a bit bulky to insert into your vagina. A tampon has a smooth applicator but with this, you need to fold it flat and then fold it again so that it forms a 'U' shape. The cup is made out of medical silicone so it is flexible and it is hypoallergenic as well. For me the first few times were ackward getting it in but with enough experience, I was comfortable with this process. Once you get it in you just rotate it a bit to ensure that is fully opens up. Sometimes the cup would unfold as it was partially inside but even then it can easily be inserted. Make sure that you firmly hold the folded cup before you begin the insertion process.

And the cup is to sit at the bottom of the vagina. It does not go as high up as tampons do. It is actually easy to remove. I just don't understand why there is a stem to it because I find it useless. You can cut it to shorten it. To remove it, I just pinch the base of the cup and slowly pull it down. And be relaxed when you remove it. It's just like removing a tampon except you don't have to worry about breaking the string.

I had no leakage problems but it is key to insert it properly. It just needs to be emptied about twice a day and I did so after I woke up and before I went to bed. You can empty it in the toilet or the bathroom sink. Just make sure your hands are clean before you remove it. I emptied it at work because I was paranoid it would start leaking because I had it in for about 7 hours. What was amazing to me was that the cup only had just under 1/4 ounce and still had room for more.

What I found fascinating was just being able to actually measure and quantify how much menstrual fluid I produce during my period. Using the cup made me realize that it's not a lot of blood that gets lost. For some reason, tampons and pads create this illusion that there is a lot of blood being lost but it really isn't. Awesome folks. It's low maintenance, simple to use and you know its reliable and does not require frequent monitoring.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year

Greetings and Salutations Fellow Humans,

I wish all a happy new year. I have been working. I worked yesterday and I volunteered to work today. My shift is from 1 pm to 9.30 pm and I normally have Sundays off but we are required to work a certain number of holidays. I will never volunteer on my day off ever again. I appreciate the fact that I live in an affluent country and can have days off but I feel cheated because I am working an extra day. I am not a fan of the 40 hour work week to begin with. I value my free time. I brought a new book along and read that for a bit. So I enjoyed that.

I had planned to attend 2 New Year's Eve parties, only to have one party get cancelled on Friday because many people were sick. The other party, I found out got moved to another location and I was not informed of this. I do not like driving from one end of the city to the other, getting snacks etc, for a party that isn't going on. I luckily had a back-up plan and went to visit a friend. We ended up watching a movie. A romantic comedy with Drew Barrymore and Jimmy Fallon. It was so predictable.

One question that I wonder is do people really believe that there is something wrong with you if you are single and over 30, especially if you are a man? Or is this just a myth created by the media?
Jimmy's character was a man over 30 who was seemingly nice and normal. Drew's friend questioned that there must be something wrong with him if he is still single and over 30.
I'll be 3 Cubed soon and I'm single and I don't know when I'll find the right person, but there is nothing wrong with me. I'm a great catch. Dare I even say that I'm too good and that that scares off guys or shall I say the boys that aren't mature enough.

Being single doesn't mean there is something wrong with you. Is that something people believe? Or is this a myth created by Hollywood? I think I might believe this idea to a certain degree. I have 3 brothers all over 30 and they are still single. And I know something is wrong with them.

I really want to see movies in the mainstream not end happily. I want to see movies where the couple don't stay together. Hollywood you are so formulaeic and cliched, it's lame!