Today is Halloween.
Halloween I'd have to say is probably my all time favourite holiday.
Sure life sucks sometimes, you have to deal with prices of things always going up, people being ignorant etc, etc, however when Halloween rolls around and people open their doors to children giving them candy, for this one evening, I feel all is well with the world.
Think about what Halloween represents. It's an event where we all agree to give candy to kids that we don't know all because they get dressed up.
Halloween touches my heart because I love candy and Halloween was something I always got excited for. I wasn't into getting dressed up, I was just in it for the candy. I always thought the getting dressed up part was lame. Just get a mother fucking pillow case to hold your candy and fucking go. Fuck this costume crap. The whole getting dressed up part takes the focus away from the main purpose of Halloween: getting the most free candy as possible in the shortest possible time.
Halloween was about candy efficiency. You never waste your time going down a 30 house block where only 5 are lit. You go to the streets with the most lit houses.
I didn't give out candy this year (worked late), but I did last year, which was my first time. I had this fear of the children. I usually feel some level of fear when meeting people for the first time so that was part of why I didn't want to give candy to children. My mother usually does it. But I overcame my fear of giving out candy last year. I took my guitar with me on my porch and would play and give out candy. Not too many kids come in my neighborhood. Usually 10-15. It felt good to give back to the community, to give what I so enjoyed taking from people.
I had myself a date on Saturday. I enjoyed it. I'm now wondering when should I put out. I hear stories of married women who didn't even kiss their to-be-husband in the beginning. When is a good time to put out? I'm not a slut. I like sex though. I am mindful with my sexuality. I like to feel some level of intellectual and emotional connection as well.
My dictionary defines slut as: "a promiscuous woman".
Frankly, I was quite disappointed with this short entry. I specifically bought this dictionary because it had swear words like fuck, pussy, cunt and asshole. All of these definitions had several long descriptions.
I'm not lying, these words are really in my dictionary. It's the Canadian Oxford paperback.
So my question is, does having sex early on in a relationship make the woman appear easy?
I don't like the idea of waiting to have sex. I find it better to get it over with early on in the relationship, otherwise all I'll think about is wanting to get laid and wondering what he's like in bed. At least if we have sex early on, we can better focus on getting to know each other because we'd have fulfilled our sexual needs.
Frankly I'll just use a metafuckaphor to better explain because that's what I like to do.
If your hungry, which is a basic human need, you hit a certain point where if you are not eating and getting your basic needs met, all you do is think about food. If at least you ate something, then your body will be satisfied and your mind will be able to focus on other important things instead of food.
So I probably should have sex with this person asap otherwise I'll never really get to know him. I'll just be too busy fantasizing...
One argument for waiting to put out goes as following:
From a man's perspective, if a woman puts out early, doesn't that just make you lose interest to a degree? Isn't it about the thrill of the hunt? Once you get your prey (i.e. sex), really where is the thrill?
My counter argument goes as following:
The thrill is the continual getting of some. This whole idea of thrill of the hunt is ridiculous.
Frankly if you are a man who is just into chasing you need to grow the fuck up.
Fuck the woman.
Then fuck her again.
Then fuck her some more.
How fucking hard is that?
Not as fucking hard as it would require to twist someones arm I think.
I like the fact you played guitar to the kids hitting your door.. I wonder if they found it creepy!
Oh....and Henry told me to tell you to take it easy.
I can relate to feeling anxious about strangers coming to your door, even if they are just children...
Zelda loves Halloween too.
She had a hat, bought candy, had some scary toys as well, and bought a pumkin and carving kit.
I wasn't sure, with the "go-to-church-and-shopping-malls-because-it's-safer-and-not-to-your-neighborhood" if anyone would show up.
They did.
And even if I didn't like handing out the goods at the door and let Zelda do it, I did have fun carving the pumpkin.
On sex.
If you are prepared for the possible, uh, out come, then
G-d made Sex.
Made it REAL FUN.
And finally, made it really popular.
If nothing else, I'd suggest you go ahead and talk about it.
Other wise, you may miss out on a wonderful experience.
You are not going to be compatable for long term with everyone you go out with, but I (now) strongly believe sex is neccessary to get to know someone in a deeper level.(otherwise, they are Just Friends.)
I'd qualify it with "this is sex for sex, and maybe later we can find out if we can get along, but for now, Let's have some FUN! (and other words begining with "F")
Zelda and I hit it off the first date. Liked it so much she called her parental vacation short to visit me again two days later for more fun in bed.
Regarding the guy thinking poorly about the woman. Hey that's his problem, not yours. Let him go and find someone else.
Just be smart about it and always safe.
And now...
The Public Service Anouncement:
It is possible to have sex with STD possitive lovers and never contract anything, but you have to be educated.
(I contracted because both Lasi and I were ignorant of how Herpes is spread...(both our lovers lied)
But in the end, it's just a virus. It won't kill you.
Visit my blog and see the side link to Herpeshelp.)
Have FUN!
And yes, Zelda admited to being "easy", but only "easy for me". And that's the difference!
(See her blog from the link on mine, Dec. and Jan. of 2005 for her words exactly!!)
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