Tuesday, June 07, 2005


I just finished reading Caroline Myss' book, Invisible Acts of Power. I find myself occasionally reading these types of books and wondering if I am a good person and how can I be a better person. This book has a lot of stories from people and it talks about the chakras. People share these stories of synchronicity or getting help from G-d or giving help to people because of an intuitive sense.
Anyways, I find myself feeling inadequate as sometimes I am impatient about things. Where are these people anyways? In my Foundation Studies course and in my study group, we do bring up these types of conversations but I would like to see that more outside of these situations.
I guess what I am saying is that I'm wondering if these people share these types of stories with people or just to a select group. I guess if I want to hear people share these types of stories, I'd have to share first.
I'd like for my life to be more synchronized. I can see that there is an intelligence to the universe but I think I sometimes am out of sync with it. It's my impatient nature! I'm just impatient in certain areas of my life as I am a fairly calm individual.

Enough of this!
We had a reunion for Foundation Studies on Saturday and we got our certificates. Not everyone showed up. Past alumni from previous years showed up but half was from our class. We socialized and we had 2 instructors introduce to us 2 classes which are considered Foundation Studies 2 (there was no FS2). I don't think I will take any classes. I told them I was interested in seeing some scientific workshops or geometry as Steiner has a Light and Warmth course, has done geometry and concepts related to the Fourth Dimension. The RS Centre offers a course on pretty much everything Steiner has taught. I think they had a geometry course.
We are also getting written feedback on the presentations we did. I told the class director not to be afraid to use words like genius and brilliant when writing my report.
I sure don't have a self esteem problem!

I don't really have much to say in this blog that is interesting but I am desperately craving someone to comment on my blogs. Is there anyone out there who is just reading this for amusement???
Well thanks for reading my blogie

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