Wednesday, May 18, 2005


I watched Montel Williams this afternoon. I don't watch talkshows much but I watched it because Sylvia Browne was on. I wonder if she is legitimate and if anyone has done a background check on her. I believe in a spiritual world but I am skeptical about people like that. Anyways, I just watched her because I wonder about people like her.
I'm reading Goethean Science (aka Nature's Open Secret). I tried to read it about a few weeks ago but just couldn't get my head around it but today I was able to succeed. It's a Steiner book. He also talks about Darwin in it. I wonder if Steiner talks more extensively about the Darwin theory. I had a debate with a boyfriend about this theory because I see it as a limited theory. And just because I think that, he automatically assumed I was a Creationist, which I am not. I tried to inform him about this book called Darwin's blackbox; the biochemical challenge.
It is written by some Biochemical professor at Harvard I think. And the problem with the Darwin theory according to this book, is that it cannot answer it from a biochemical view. I only read a bit and I hope to read the rest of it. Darwinism only works in microevolution, which I agree with as well but according to this view, it does not explain evolution in a macroevolution view, i.e. how species transform.
I tried telling my boyfriend at the time this but his 'brilliant' argument was:
Fossils, fossils, fossils.
I was not denying the evidence of the fossils but I just think the Darwin theory on evolution is simplistic. I'm going to try and explain this the best I can so if there are any experts in this area, please comment. The processes that occur biochemically in say the eye are actually quite complex while Darwin made it seem like what goes on in the eye is simple.
Anyways, I have to read the rest of the book.
I am neither a Creationist nor am I a Darwinist and I am not against people who are!

I got some email from saying that so many people are blogging but that all the CEO's of companies are not. Did it ever occur to the drones at that maybe a CEO can assume a fake name? And maybe CEO's are regular people as well. And that maybe they don't blog about their company specifically but about the people who work for them? Or maybe they complain about politics or their marriage or how stupid their one child is and despite all their good intentions and sending their child to a private school, the kid is still hopeless?

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