Thursday, June 21, 2012

My Thoughts on the 2012 Euro World Cup

Greetings all,

I thought I would graphically demonstrate my thoughts on this years Euro World Cup. Please note that I reside in the Toronto area, where recently a shooting occurred during a game.

Saturday, June 09, 2012

Why I think Happiness is a Myth

Greetings all,

If you go to any bookstore, you will inevitably come across the Self Help section which inevitably will have numerous books on Happiness and how to get it. I think it's a myth and I think pursuing happiness in and of itself leads to unhappiness. So I have always felt it was pointless to try to be happy.

I have moments where I feel good. I have moments where I feel neutral and am just observing. I certainly don't feel happy all the time but I also don't feel unhappy all the time.

I strive more to be truthful. I strive more to live an honest life and not lie to myself about how I feel or what I think. I don't give a shit about being happy because for me, living truthfully makes me feel good and makes me feel relaxed and this in an indirect way, makes me happy.

I'm not happy with some of the externals in my life. I'm not married with children and desire to have these things. I desire to have more money and be an influential person. I've been chronically underemployed and not utilizing my 'potential'. I don't have a house or property or a car. Due to my financial issues and being out of work, I certainly don't feel powerful. I am dissatisfied, especially since I have been laid off 3 times in 4 years and many people seem better off then me.

I don't know what my future holds. Every day I wonder if I can make something out of myself and have a having family of my own and have the lifestyle I've hoped for. Sometimes I feel hopeful. Sometimes I feel dissatisfied and hopeless.

But I don't go around believing and pretending things are okay. I don't lie to myself. This whole Be Happy and Think Positive sometimes just feels so fake. I know for me, I do try to be optimistic and I think one can be positive but not live in some fantasy world where everything is peachy. I think healthy positivity would mean recognizing weaknesses and flaws and just accepting things as they are and then choosing the best course of action.

I watched Das Boot (a movie about the German U-boats of WWII) last week and one of the key moments was when the boat hit the bottom of the ocean because they were bombed and were well below the limit of how deep the boat could safely be. Things were falling apart in the boat and water was coming in. It was a tense scene and the crew didn't know if they were going to die in that boat. Did they sit around and talk about how they feel and how they feel scared and are worried? No they quickly got into action and trying to save their lives with intense vigor. They had to work hours and hours and endure much physical work to the point of exhaustion. They probably felt very unhappy to be in this situation and probably felt a range of emotions such as fear, anger and despair but they continued to work. They did survive and managed to get the boat running. I think what was important is that happiness isn't the be-all and end-all. When put into a crisis situation, happiness just doesn't matter. Happiness is something people think about when they have too much free time and need to get more active in their lives.

So instead of analyzing why you feel unhappy, which sometimes I do, it's better to just realize that happiness is a myth and that life is better lived when you are being truthful to yourself and taking appropriate action. I think having moments of unhappiness is perfectly normal and thinking that you are supposed to be happy when you are not, just makes the situation worse.

Friday, June 01, 2012

Boyfriend No Moe

Greetings all,

I dumped my boyfriend of about 8 months a few days ago. I am not terribly heart broken over it but I am sad that I won't be talking to him all the time. He was a good friend and a confidante and I will miss that. I just felt like we should feel love for each other by now. I want things to move forward and they don't seem to be. I think his grey hair bothered me too much. I think he just looks so old for his age and it bothers me to some degree. If I loved him, maybe I wouldn't care but I didn't. I felt like if I continue to stay with him, I might be settling. It's not easy to dump someone that you get along with fairly well but love is either there or it's not.

Breaking up with Old Man Winter wasn't as difficult as the situation with English Muffin, which was really emotional. I think some of my break ups with men are not emotional and some are. I would say at least one quarter of my relationships have been very difficult to bear when over.

I am not sure if I want to start dating again. I need to get a part time job and an apartment. My life is a little crazy right now and hopefully things can get in order this summer.


Greetings all,

I've started summer school at university and it has been rather busy. I am going to University of Toronto and have to commute from Hamilton as I have yet to find an apartment. It's been about 4 weeks of classes and I have a midterm for one class and a test for another next week. I am taking Statistics and Economics. Economics is a full credit and so goes until August. Statistics is just a half credit so we are done at end of June.

My statistics teacher is hot and I think he is probably my age. I am a bit behind on homework and hope to catch up this weekend. I tried catching up last weekend but was not able to. Each tutorial we have, there is a short quiz. The class goes from 6-10pm and it's twice a week.

My first week was rough. I signed up for calculus as well. I was sent an email saying students can only take 2 courses and I was planning to drop calculus as I wanted to see what it was like. I was good at math in high school until Calculus where I got a 65%. I will use the summer to relearn some calculus. Some of the content was over my head but I think also, I have not gotten into the rhythm of school, which I seem to now.

I am still apartment hunting but since I am so busy, that has to take a back seat. I might be able to start looking again after I finish statistics. I think Stats has been the class with the most homework and so I think that's what I find overwhelming. I spoke to counsellors at the school before classes and they were saying that taking economics would be enough and perhaps they were right in their advice. But economics on its own doesn't seem too hard for me. The class is called Economics100 and I think it should be renamed to 'boring graphs' because a lot of it seems to be looking at graphs. We have spent most of the time dealing with the concepts of supply and demand and so that makes use of many graphs and how they relate to each other. I take this class with a grain of salt because I know the theory of economics doesn't really match up to the reality of economics. I think reading Steiner's World Economy has been useful because it stimulates more creative thinking whereas the class I am talking about is just giving theoretical knowledge and concepts.

I hate commuting and it is draining my energy. My parents are letting me use their car most times. I recently dumped my boyfriend so now I can't really spend the night at his place and therefore reduce my commuting time.