Sunday, June 27, 2010

G20 Mayhem

Greetings all,

I was going to go to a barbecue last night and was making my way to take the streetcar. I was on Queen and saw 3 streetcars stopped with their lights flashing. I had figured this line was down due the G20. There are multiple street car lines parallel to Queen so I decided to try the Dundas line and someone said the line wasn't working. So I finally made my way to the College St line and it wasn't working either.

I decided to head home and I had my friend call me to see how I was doing and I had found out some rioting was going on in the downtown core. I live just outside the core, according to the Toronto map so I am far enough away from the madness. Apparently some cop cars were set on fire and people were destroying buildings. It's near where I work as we are 2 blocks from University Avenue, which is where most of the chaos was occurring. We aren't scheduled to return to the office until Tuesday so hopefully things will have settled down by then.

I was quite angry to hear about these Black Bloc anarchists just being destructive and not legitimately having a real protest. This is my city and I don't want that kind of nonsense going on! I just think these people are unhappy with their lives and just use this as an excuse to misbehave. Why can't they channel their anger in more productive ways and take a boxing class?

Obviously, these G20 meetings should take place in a remote island or something because every where they go, riots happen. It's too much stress for people in the city to endure and it causes too much disruption to businesses. You know, if you want to have your precious meetings, please do so but it's too disruptive to people and there is a better way to have these meetings.

I know some protesters are against these cops and antagonize them and then they get upset at them. We obviously need a police presence. I saw one video where the cops are blocking off a section and these people (I don't know if they are protesters) are saying that this is not democratic. Just because people are blocked from something, doesn't mean the cops are being fascist! Sometimes roads get closed due to construction. Does that mean we live in a fascist country?

Obviously these cops aren't perfect but they are to help keep things from getting out of control. They are just doing their job, why hate on them?

This was the video I was referencing. I really don't know who is behind the video. He says they are being herded in and that they want to go home. I don't know if there was an alternate way for them to go, but in cases like these, I think if you want to go home, it might be best to find an alternate route! Why aggravate and antagonize people who are already in a highly stressed state? Just asking for trouble!

I ended up leaving the city as I was planning to go to a pot luck in Brantford with my older book group so I was going to go to Hamilton on Sunday. I hope things settle down today.

On the way to Hamilton, I was listening to the radio and heard someone being interviewed about why they were destroying the Star bucks. I don't know if this person was arrested. He made no sense. Said something about Zionists and that we have to stand up to Fascism. Something about Star bucks being responsible for social problems. I think he was just using it as a scapegoat. The only problem I could see blaming Star bucks is not treating their workers fairly and exploiting them and not being fairtrade. I don't know enough about them, but even if they weren't evolved, what good is it going to do to destroy their building? They have so many and this will not get your message through.

I had heard the mayor say that these people that are being this way are criminals and that they have told the police that protesting is allowed, provided they are peaceful and that it is a Canadian value to allow protesting. Now I don't know how well these cops followed these orders or even how well these orders were given to cops.

It really just ruins it for the rest of the people who are trying to voice their concerns.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Greetings all,

Apparently just north of Ottawa by the Ontario/Quebec border, there was an earthquake and we felt it at my office. We had temporarily relocated the office because of the G20 Summit and so we were in a 4 storey building. I had noticed the floor was shaking and then my coworker next to me started to wonder what was going on as it was lasting for about 30 seconds. We heard someone say it was an earthquake and we all started to evacuate the building.

Once we were outside, I had made the joke that we moved to a different office for safety reasons and it was ironic that we were experiencing this 'danger'.

Now I'm not really a superstitious person but I do think it's strange that this earthquake occurred so close to the G20 Summit and also was so close to Ottawa, the nation's capital. I wonder if Mother Nature was letting her feelings be known about what has been going on politically.

Things that make you go hmmmm...

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Oh No You Didn't!

Greetings all,

I went to this meetup on Thursday for single ladies and we went to have drinks. We ended up talking about relationships and how a couple of us are on dating sites. The organizer has currently been seeing this guy for 2 months and she has been following 'The Rules'. Now I've read the book but it's too strict for me and I find it doesn't really talk about why you have to modify your behaviour. For people who haven't heard of the Rules, it is a relationship book that tells you how to handle men. Some of the rules make sense but some of them are a little weird. And I find it too strict. I don't need specific rules on how to behave.

I've read other books such as 'Dating without drama' or the other book I like 'why men marry bitches'. They explain the meaning behind the behaviour choices and how men think, so I find them more interesting and practical.

This was my first time meeting her. She's a year younger then me and says she is a life coach. I don't know if she has many clients because I personally wouldn't want a life coach, especially a young one who is only 30. If you're a coach at that age, you probably have to achieved a lot for me to respect you or have a lot of life experience. I personally would want someone older then me.

I got a weird vibe from her initially. I thought she maybe used to be a crack addict or something as she seemed slow. We learn later on that she has been hit by a tractor (I think) and that she has some visual disability. She maybe that's what I sensed was off about her.

She emails me yesterday to say I need to trim my eyebrows. I have come to accept my physical appearance so I found it a bit rude but at the same time, I was like I accept myself for the way I am. I tweeze my own brows and although they be a bit thick (the thick look is in now), I like them.

I've got a nice rack so I think my eyebrows will be the last thing a man notices.

Monday, June 14, 2010


Greetings all,

I'm a little embarrassed to be writing about this, but I'm not the first person to experience this problem. I've had roaches in my first apartment. I don't think it was a huge problem as my ex-roommate saw 1 once and I had notified the supers and they immediately had pest control come in. I know if you see 1, it means there are more as they tend to hide. We had to - I should say (since my ex-roommate was a lazy bitch), I ended up emptying all the kitchen cupboards and in the bathroom.

All the pest control person did was put powder in the cupboards and on the stove, etc. I decided that if this roach problem happened again, I would fix it myself. I had felt violated because they could have worked around the stuff we had. There really was no need to clear everything.

When I moved into my current apartment, I had been cautious but it's hard to know if there are roaches. I know you can search online for places that have bed bugs. I should hope they do the same for roaches. When I was getting my tour, the super had said there were no roaches. She probably could tell by the way I was looking into cupboards and stuff.

It turned out she was wrong, but I think she was just lying. I started noticing roaches about 4 months into living there. I told her and they had pest control come in but I refused to empty my cupboards as requested. I don't think they ended up coming into my place.

I had started to keep track of the roaches I found. Some I killed and a few got away. I had researched online about roaches when I first had them and I found a recipe for sugar and baking soda. The sugar attracts them and the baking soda I think gives them gas. They can't expel the gas so it kills them.

I decided I'd try something else as I wasn't sure how effective it was. I ended up using boric acid and peanut butter and mixed equal amounts. I spread it directly on the counters or wherever I thought they should go. The next time I did the baits, my mom said I could use wax paper since you need to make fresh bait every so often and it wasn't easy to clean up.

I found it worked. I had put a fresh bait in my bathroom and the next day there were a whole ton of roaches, many babies. It took me 30 seconds to realize they were all over my bathroom. I was getting ready to take a bath and I noticed a few around my sink and then I opened my curtain and one started to crawl on my arm. It was a baby one so it was cute and small so it wasn't grossing me out. I noticed a few around the faucet and then I noticed a whole army of them on my loofah. Since they like moisture, I could see why they were attracted to the loofah. I had to put the loofah in the sink and I drowned them bitches!

I threw out that loofah after I had thoroughly rinsed it out.

I credit my bait for attracting them. The next day there were a few more and after about 4 days I found none. This was back in October. I ended up seeing one, a baby, in there yesterday so I made some traps today and put them out.

I saw one in my kitchen a few weeks ago for May 2-4 weekend as I was leaving for New York. This was an adult one. I've noticed a few are sneaking into my freezer. There is a tiny gap in the door insulation so they are going in that way but they end up dying. The ones I've seen there have been babies.

The adult roaches are disgusting and I don't like to talk about this problem to others. There is a taboo about them and although I am not the most cleanest person in the world, I am neither the messiest. It does make me feel a bit dirty.

The good thing is that I am taking care of the problem and I am mostly seeing babies, with a few adults. It means that the baits work. The baby roaches are cute I must admit. But I know what they turn into, given a few months so I mercilessly kill them anyways.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

I Don't Care

Greetings all,

Lately I just feel like I don't care anymore about things. Not in a heartless manner but rather, from the perspective that I don't need to worry so I don't have to care. Sort of like letting whatever happens happens and accepting whatever happens.

I like this feeling and I hope it sticks around. Feeling carefree is great!

Monday, June 07, 2010

Back on the horse!

Greetings all,

I had decided 2 weeks ago, after I had returned from my New York trip that I will get back on the dating horse and sign up again for online dating. I had decided before I left for New York that I'll decide if I want to try dating again.

I figure, maybe I need to relax. Maybe I won't find the right person right away but at least I have to try. I like to take a proactive approach to my life so I might as well put myself out there again.

I had 'met' the 'english muffin' on eharmony. Eharmony is a bit more expensive and maybe I'll get back on that one another time if this one doesn't work.

Maybe it's my destiny to find the right man in 5 years but at this point, I got to try and date and see what happens.

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Sat Kriya

Greetings all,

I had written that I am working with a few kundalini yoga meditations back in April. I have been working towards 22 minutes from 11 minutes and it has been quite a struggle. I am in an email group for kundalini yoga and sometimes I post questions. Since I am doing my practice at home, I don't really get to have a teacher to ask questions. I just learn from dvds and books. I also go to an ashram that does monthly meditations and asked one of the teachers on how to increase my time as I have been struggling to increase it.

It seemed that the common answer was to just do it. It just seems like you have to force yourself and mentally commit to doing it and not give up even when you feel like it.

Sheer will.

Someone in the email group said it took them a lot of resolve to get up to 31 minutes. My goal is eventually to get to that time but I am doing it slowly. The mantra used in it to keep your focus is sat nam, which means truth is my identity, according to what I've read in kundalini yoga. Wiki defines it as "god's existence is the utmost reality" and that "god has a name and thereby does exist".

On Tuesday this week, it was pretty intense to get through and I only did 15 minutes. I had felt like I couldn't do it and it was very emotional. The next day I took it 'easy' and just did my 11 minutes. On Thursday I had managed to do the 22 minutes and was very firm that I was going to do it. So now I will keep practising at that time and then I can build up to 31 minutes. I think it will be easier because I will just need to increase my time by 9 minutes rather then 11.

It's been quite an experience working with this kriya and my 120 days of it will end on June 20. It's a simple exercise but to maintain it has been mentally and emotionally tough.

I sometimes wonder why the hell am I doing this. I hope soon I will have some sort of payoff. I think mainly mental clarity, inner peace and happiness.

I just hope I don't have masochistic personality disorder because as mentioned this kriya has been painful emotionally and perhaps mentally. I hope to get a payoff, other wise I will feel like I've just wasted my time and I like to feel I am doing something that will help me out mentally and emotionally in the long run.

It's taken me on an emotional journey and I've had to face alot of stuff, like negative stuff, fears. When I am done my 120 days, I will certainly take a few days break and probably go at it again.

Friday, June 04, 2010

G20 Summit

Greetings all,

I've been hearing alot of the G20 summit that will be happening at the end of the month in Toronto mainly from work, however today I was reading about it in the paper and there are plans to have riot police and riot horses. This is really happening in my country. I feel Canada has a certain innocence and purity and seeing how they are prepared, is taking away that purity. I should hope nothing happens and that if things do get out of hand, it doesn't end up bloody and violent.

I don't think it will get out of hand, but there are probably other people from other countries coming to protest. Most Canadians don't seem like the riotist, violent type.

For the week before this weekend meeting, some people will have to work from home or we have to relocate at another office. Our office is located downtown and just outside the area of where the summit will take place. The company is a financial insurance company, so they may be a target (I doubt it though) but they want to take the safe road, which I can understand. If there is an explosion or any violent acts, I certainly wouldn't want to be around.

I'm one of the people that will have to relocate and they said they will cover any extra expenses. I will have to drive to work because it is east and quite a bit north. If I were to take public transit, it would probably take an hour and I can't deal with that!

I gave blood today and some people were talking about it. No one really seems to know what exactly they will be discussing. I did some brief research and so Canadians can't really complain about the cost of this because other countries have hosted it too and it's our turn to host. Still, I wonder if anything productive gets done at these things or if it's just a really expensive social gathering for the economic world leaders.