Greetings all,
I have to rant about this topic of Donation. I was in a meetup group and the guy was running a meditation group and he advertised in other places. Typically with meetups, I think the site is geared more for socializing but some people use it to promote their own services, which I am okay with to some degree.
I think meditation groups should be free and if you run them, it should be by pure donation. Most people who run a group, there is a monthly fee and usually some charge a small fee and the rest goes to charity.
Now I have been to one of his concerts as he had meetups for sound meditation and he is a musician as well and occasionally performs. For the meetups and for the concert, they write 'a suggested donation of $10'. For a meetup he just writes on the site the suggested donation. I think $10 is much too much for a meditation group. It's not so bad for an hour concert. Usually people charge a toonie every few events. As well, I feel if I am meditating in a group, I as a meditator am helping the people in the group because I have read that when you meditate in a group, we essentially are helping each other out because some of us are clearer then others in certain areas and I may be blocked in one area and for another, that area might be clear so by being in a group with them, it helps me and vice versa. I feel it is a very personal and co-operative experience. I understand there may be costs but sometimes I think the cost is a little too much
Anyways, the point is making a donation is a free deed and you should not tell people how much they should be donated, because then it no longer becomes a donation. You are telling me what to pay and acting like a retailer!
I've been reading a book called Predictably Irrational and the writer/economist had some interesting concepts. One that I enjoyed learning about was that people would rather do something for free then to do it on a reduced fee. If I wasn't told how much money I should be donating, maybe I'd offer more and maybe they'd collect more.
I feel guilty on some degree since I wind up not paying the suggested donation and it is a turn off and demotivates me. The guy hasn't had any meetups lately but I haven't wanted to go simply because I don't like the idea of being told how much I should pay as a donation.
Suggested Donation is an illusory term!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Ya Gotta Wonder Sometimes
Greetings all,
I had a friend post some article on facebook about how people's EI runs out and they still have no work.
That's what happened to me. My EI ran out in June and I didn't have a job until September and I had a few temp assignments in August so I was without income for 2 months.
I survived because I had savings. Mind you this was money I was going to use eventually for a down payment on a condo and I had lost some money because of this recession so this was a very traumatizing experience for me, especially since I am naturally a saver. So now I am focusing on rebuilding my savings but also on keeping my spending low so I can build up my savings again.
I think people need to realize that it's not up the government to take care of you and while they have a bad reputation and I think sometimes get too much flak, we the people have to take responsibility for our own lives. We complain if the government is doing too much regulating and messing in our lives but then when things go awry, we just blame them. Sometimes the blame is justified, other times it's not.
I think people need to reexamine how they spend their money and focus on saving it and that's not something the government can do for you. Sure maybe they can provide some incentives.
Security seems to be a myth these days so we have to create our own sense of security. If I didn't have my savings, I'd probably be freaking out more when I was out of work with no income (I could have asked for money from my parents but didn't want it to get to that point)
It's not realistic to live in the moment all the time. You have to think of your own future and plan to some degree and be prepared. There are setbacks in life and your best solution is to be prepared.
I had a friend post some article on facebook about how people's EI runs out and they still have no work.
That's what happened to me. My EI ran out in June and I didn't have a job until September and I had a few temp assignments in August so I was without income for 2 months.
I survived because I had savings. Mind you this was money I was going to use eventually for a down payment on a condo and I had lost some money because of this recession so this was a very traumatizing experience for me, especially since I am naturally a saver. So now I am focusing on rebuilding my savings but also on keeping my spending low so I can build up my savings again.
I think people need to realize that it's not up the government to take care of you and while they have a bad reputation and I think sometimes get too much flak, we the people have to take responsibility for our own lives. We complain if the government is doing too much regulating and messing in our lives but then when things go awry, we just blame them. Sometimes the blame is justified, other times it's not.
I think people need to reexamine how they spend their money and focus on saving it and that's not something the government can do for you. Sure maybe they can provide some incentives.
Security seems to be a myth these days so we have to create our own sense of security. If I didn't have my savings, I'd probably be freaking out more when I was out of work with no income (I could have asked for money from my parents but didn't want it to get to that point)
It's not realistic to live in the moment all the time. You have to think of your own future and plan to some degree and be prepared. There are setbacks in life and your best solution is to be prepared.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
What Goes Around Sorta Comes Around
Greetings all,
I did my first stand up show 2 years ago back on February 4 at The Rivoli. I found out as well that for the show Last Comic Standing, they had open auditions at the Yuk Yuk's in downtown Toronto. This was on Valentine's day so I skipped work and made my way down there.
I didn't know what to expect but I managed to get interviewed by the host. I don't know if I made it to air, but I think I stood out from the crowd because I was wearing my Canadian olympic winter hat which has the Canadian Leaf around it. Some of the comics that got to go in were already booked space via their agency so the people waiting in line were essentially unpaid extras. I was there for half the day at least waiting in the cold. They were going to let 25 go through and get a spot for the show last night. We got to go in small groups to try our jokes. I heard in line they were looking more for characters, so the one guy in my group did a character and actually got to be in the 25 that got to performed.
I know Yuk's has this annual contest where they award the winner some money. I actually found out from someone they are doing warm up type shows so I'll actually get to perform for one of them on Valentine's day. This will be my first show at Yuk's as I've been getting my experience in independently run open mics. I've tried a few times to get a spot on Yuk's but to no success and now that my book group meets on Tuesday, I haven't really bothered trying again.
I don't know what to expect from this but it is sort of a moment of what goes around comes around.
I did my first stand up show 2 years ago back on February 4 at The Rivoli. I found out as well that for the show Last Comic Standing, they had open auditions at the Yuk Yuk's in downtown Toronto. This was on Valentine's day so I skipped work and made my way down there.
I didn't know what to expect but I managed to get interviewed by the host. I don't know if I made it to air, but I think I stood out from the crowd because I was wearing my Canadian olympic winter hat which has the Canadian Leaf around it. Some of the comics that got to go in were already booked space via their agency so the people waiting in line were essentially unpaid extras. I was there for half the day at least waiting in the cold. They were going to let 25 go through and get a spot for the show last night. We got to go in small groups to try our jokes. I heard in line they were looking more for characters, so the one guy in my group did a character and actually got to be in the 25 that got to performed.
I know Yuk's has this annual contest where they award the winner some money. I actually found out from someone they are doing warm up type shows so I'll actually get to perform for one of them on Valentine's day. This will be my first show at Yuk's as I've been getting my experience in independently run open mics. I've tried a few times to get a spot on Yuk's but to no success and now that my book group meets on Tuesday, I haven't really bothered trying again.
I don't know what to expect from this but it is sort of a moment of what goes around comes around.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
I am not a Man Hater!
Greetings all,
I know lately I seem to be bitching about men. I was bitching at lunch at work earlier this week and was hissing at my male co-workers as a bunch of us usually go down to the underground food court to eat lunch (there is no lunch room in our building). Somehow we talked about men and I was frustrated in general about them.
I really don't hate men but gees louise sometimes I just don't get men and what they do. I just find their behaviour illogical at times!
Why can't men just behave the way you want them to or the way you think they should??!!
Yes I understand that you really can't control anyone and that people need to have their freedom respected.
Men, if you are frustrated by the women in your life, believe me you probably frustrate us as much and possibly more!
I know lately I seem to be bitching about men. I was bitching at lunch at work earlier this week and was hissing at my male co-workers as a bunch of us usually go down to the underground food court to eat lunch (there is no lunch room in our building). Somehow we talked about men and I was frustrated in general about them.
I really don't hate men but gees louise sometimes I just don't get men and what they do. I just find their behaviour illogical at times!
Why can't men just behave the way you want them to or the way you think they should??!!
Yes I understand that you really can't control anyone and that people need to have their freedom respected.
Men, if you are frustrated by the women in your life, believe me you probably frustrate us as much and possibly more!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
My Job
Greetings all,
I've actually been trained last week on doing something new for my job. I'm in administration for an international insurance company. I am now issuing and doing billing for this new customer group. I find though, this company doesn't train the employees properly and they need to be more stricter and having actual training guides. Since I've had so many jobs, I know and expect to be properly trained. Their style of training seems to be 'on the fly' and they need to do something about it because sometimes the trainee doesn't receive all the necessary details to do the job properly.
I was as well being trained by a new person who's only been at the company for a month. I've been there since September. While she has been as compentent as possible about how to handle this new group, it's really the job of the company to make our jobs as clear and simple as possible.
I don't think it was smart of them as well to be putting new people on this new group. It was messy enough to deal with but as well having to deal with learning new processes, it would have made more sense to have experienced people doing this and training us on something else.
I think that's what I find frustrating about this job. It has so many members but it seems so disorganized and frankly I think management needs to run a tighter ship! I've made a few errors on billing, simply because I wasn't properly trained and usually the mistakes result from a simple changing of some date in the system.
It angers me because then I feel stupid. I am a good worker and don't like making errors like this. And then it creates more problems down the line and in the end is an annoyance for customers. I know it's not my fault. It would be my fault if I was told and kept making the same mistake. It really is the responsibility of the employer to ensure people are properly trained and to know the processes.
Sometimes I wonder if I should quit my job and find something else and work for a company that is at least a bit more organized in training. I know not all companies are perfect but it makes me wonder.
The flip side is that I want to be a professional comedian so I don't want to be changing jobs all the time. But then, why should I stay at a place that gets annoying at times?
I hate suffering and frankly wonder, how much BS should one tolerate? When should one walk away? How do you know when to tough it out or leave?
Anyways, I'll see what happens in the next few months. It is a hassle after all to find a job and I'd rather focus on my comedy.
I've actually been trained last week on doing something new for my job. I'm in administration for an international insurance company. I am now issuing and doing billing for this new customer group. I find though, this company doesn't train the employees properly and they need to be more stricter and having actual training guides. Since I've had so many jobs, I know and expect to be properly trained. Their style of training seems to be 'on the fly' and they need to do something about it because sometimes the trainee doesn't receive all the necessary details to do the job properly.
I was as well being trained by a new person who's only been at the company for a month. I've been there since September. While she has been as compentent as possible about how to handle this new group, it's really the job of the company to make our jobs as clear and simple as possible.
I don't think it was smart of them as well to be putting new people on this new group. It was messy enough to deal with but as well having to deal with learning new processes, it would have made more sense to have experienced people doing this and training us on something else.
I think that's what I find frustrating about this job. It has so many members but it seems so disorganized and frankly I think management needs to run a tighter ship! I've made a few errors on billing, simply because I wasn't properly trained and usually the mistakes result from a simple changing of some date in the system.
It angers me because then I feel stupid. I am a good worker and don't like making errors like this. And then it creates more problems down the line and in the end is an annoyance for customers. I know it's not my fault. It would be my fault if I was told and kept making the same mistake. It really is the responsibility of the employer to ensure people are properly trained and to know the processes.
Sometimes I wonder if I should quit my job and find something else and work for a company that is at least a bit more organized in training. I know not all companies are perfect but it makes me wonder.
The flip side is that I want to be a professional comedian so I don't want to be changing jobs all the time. But then, why should I stay at a place that gets annoying at times?
I hate suffering and frankly wonder, how much BS should one tolerate? When should one walk away? How do you know when to tough it out or leave?
Anyways, I'll see what happens in the next few months. It is a hassle after all to find a job and I'd rather focus on my comedy.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Ball-less men
Greetings all,
I feel like I'm pretty tough and that you just can't mess with me. Sure I may seem soft spoken at times but if I need to, I have no problem standing up for myself or for others.
I sometimes feel like I have more balls then most people, which is frustrating at times - because people would rather cower in fear than stand up for you or for themselves. People who are fearful like that and lack courage, are not to be trusted in my eyes.
But most of all, sometimes I feel like I have more balls then most men, which means I'll probably have a harder finding a good, strong, courageous, reliable man.
Oh well, I am sure they are out there somewhere!
I feel like I'm pretty tough and that you just can't mess with me. Sure I may seem soft spoken at times but if I need to, I have no problem standing up for myself or for others.
I sometimes feel like I have more balls then most people, which is frustrating at times - because people would rather cower in fear than stand up for you or for themselves. People who are fearful like that and lack courage, are not to be trusted in my eyes.
But most of all, sometimes I feel like I have more balls then most men, which means I'll probably have a harder finding a good, strong, courageous, reliable man.
Oh well, I am sure they are out there somewhere!
Monday, January 11, 2010
I want a Boyfriend!
Greetings all,
I haven't had an official boyfriend in probably like 4 years. I was at the Dollar Store and they've got Valentine's stuff up already. I'm not desperate or anything but I'd like a boyfriend. They can be such fun to play with sometimes!
I haven't had an official boyfriend in probably like 4 years. I was at the Dollar Store and they've got Valentine's stuff up already. I'm not desperate or anything but I'd like a boyfriend. They can be such fun to play with sometimes!
Thursday, January 07, 2010
A Prized Possession
Greetings all,
I thought I'd talk about my favourite possession. This is an object that I bought that makes me happy that I bought it. I was actually quite reluctant to buy it. The reason being is that I don't like to accumulate too much stuff and having things that I don't use. I am definitely an anti-knick-knack person. My philosophy is if I can't use it and enjoy it, I have no use for it and will not buy it!
This object is a drinking glass, that I use strictly for water, since I am a habitual water drinker. This is what it looks like:

Now just to point out, that pill bottle on the left is my Vitamin D pills, I am not on any medication, contrary to public suggestion.
This is a glass that obviously shows my sign - Capricorn. I'm not really into horoscopes, I'm open to the possibility that there may be some truth to them but at my core, I am a skeptic - a skeptic of everything. This glass was something I was skeptical to buy.
I didn't want to be one of those flaky hippy type people who believe in horoscopes and actually own a possession related to horoscopes.
I am not sure exactly why I like this glass. The message on it reads:
Capricorns have a most endearing sense of humour, they have great insight and patience is one of their virtues.
Do I like the message of it? I think I do have insight and a sense of humour, but patience? I mean I know I am not patient. I want what I want when I want it! Maybe patience is a virtue I am being trained to learn by the universe.
The other good thing about this glass was the price. I bought it at the Dollar Store for a dollar. I wasn't sure if I wanted to buy it and make that investment. Yes I know in hind sight, it was only a dollar plus tax but I am one of those people that tends to save and usually if I buy something, I have to think about buying it (unless of course my parents are buying it, then I just think less!)
Now we will take a look at the other side of the glass, which features this lovely goat:

Now again, we see a different pill bottle in the background, but that is just my iron pills which my doctor told me to buy since I am on the low side of the normal range. I am not a drug addict!
The goat is nice and maybe has a bit of me in it. It looks like something you don't mess with as the head is slightly lowered and it is showing its horns. It's not a sissy goat and maybe that is why I like it. It's got some spunk, kinda like me.
Finally the text is in green, Capricorn being white and the goat is outlined in brown so overall I like the look of the glass since I find green to be a soothing colour.
I thought I'd talk about my favourite possession. This is an object that I bought that makes me happy that I bought it. I was actually quite reluctant to buy it. The reason being is that I don't like to accumulate too much stuff and having things that I don't use. I am definitely an anti-knick-knack person. My philosophy is if I can't use it and enjoy it, I have no use for it and will not buy it!
This object is a drinking glass, that I use strictly for water, since I am a habitual water drinker. This is what it looks like:

Now just to point out, that pill bottle on the left is my Vitamin D pills, I am not on any medication, contrary to public suggestion.
This is a glass that obviously shows my sign - Capricorn. I'm not really into horoscopes, I'm open to the possibility that there may be some truth to them but at my core, I am a skeptic - a skeptic of everything. This glass was something I was skeptical to buy.
I didn't want to be one of those flaky hippy type people who believe in horoscopes and actually own a possession related to horoscopes.
I am not sure exactly why I like this glass. The message on it reads:
Capricorns have a most endearing sense of humour, they have great insight and patience is one of their virtues.
Do I like the message of it? I think I do have insight and a sense of humour, but patience? I mean I know I am not patient. I want what I want when I want it! Maybe patience is a virtue I am being trained to learn by the universe.
The other good thing about this glass was the price. I bought it at the Dollar Store for a dollar. I wasn't sure if I wanted to buy it and make that investment. Yes I know in hind sight, it was only a dollar plus tax but I am one of those people that tends to save and usually if I buy something, I have to think about buying it (unless of course my parents are buying it, then I just think less!)
Now we will take a look at the other side of the glass, which features this lovely goat:

Now again, we see a different pill bottle in the background, but that is just my iron pills which my doctor told me to buy since I am on the low side of the normal range. I am not a drug addict!
The goat is nice and maybe has a bit of me in it. It looks like something you don't mess with as the head is slightly lowered and it is showing its horns. It's not a sissy goat and maybe that is why I like it. It's got some spunk, kinda like me.
Finally the text is in green, Capricorn being white and the goat is outlined in brown so overall I like the look of the glass since I find green to be a soothing colour.
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