Monday, April 30, 2007

Help End the Tiger Trade

Greetings and Salutations fellow e-friends,

I received an email from the WWF (world wildlife fed, not the wrestling organization) that has some petition to sign for helping the tigers. Also, you can upload your picture to be apart of a tiger mosaic. If this petition idea appeals to you, please forward the link to your friends. Here's a blurb from my email:

"The tiger is one of the most revered, feared and popular species on Earth. Yet it is perhaps the most powerful symbol for all of our planet's endangered wildlife.
Fewer than 5,000 tigers are now found in the wild and in just 7% of the habitat they once occupied. But it gets worse... a thriving black market for tiger skins and bones threatens to wipe out wild tigers altogether.

We need your help to create the world's largest photo mosaic of this endangered species and help put an end to the tiger trade."

You can help by clicking here

Friday, April 27, 2007

An announcement

Greetings and Salutations,

I have decided to make a change of vast consequence. I have decided to renounce my nerdiness. I am sorry that I have to leave behind the nerd community of which impacted me greatly and which I have impacted as well with my love of all things accurate.
I have decided to leave my nerdy ways to pursue the path of divadom. I now consider myself a diva.

My transformation into divaness begins with the renunication of my past - that of nerdiness and high intellect. I am bringing with me to this divafication process, my committment and dedication. My transition from nerd to diva will be a gradual process but being a diva is my true calling in life.

I bid the international nerd community adieu and I say bonjour to the diva community.

I would like to thank the diva community for accepting me and who will play a pivotal role in my divafication process.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Product Review

Greetings and Salutations,

Today, as I sit here in my underwear, I will write a review about an allergy product that I have been using that I believe has been useful. Since 2003 in May I began experiencing allergies that would appear in the spring and fall. I later got tested and the test did not reveal what I was allergic to. I've tried various antihistamines and they don't seem to be strong enough and I find them to be costly.

I discovered this allergy medicine entitled Nasaleze which is manufactured by Vivitas, and their site is It is a powder that you spray into your nose. Usually one spray in each nostril should be good for the day. Certain days my allergies were really bad and I probably sprayed up to 6 times total. The max dosage is 8 sprays. On my worst days, I found the Nasaleze to be 80-90% effective.

It claims to be a natural product and uses cellulose. It acts as a mucous like lining that filters out pollen and dust.

The powder does become a bit hardened when it interacts with the mucous. My only complaint with this product is that because the powder hardens a bit, it feels like there is booger in your nostril.

The product says it contains 200 doses which they claim is good for 30 days, however, I have had this for more then 30 days and I think most people would not use the full dosage to get positive results.

Overall if you suffer allergies, I recommed using this product.

We also do not use both nostrils when breathing. We use only one nostril and then it periodically switches.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Here Comes the Quadratic Equation

Greetings and Salutations,

There was this article in the paper that featured the picture of the Google founders. They are only 6 years my senior and I found one of them particularly cute - Sergei Brin. The other guy, Larry Page was cute but more geeky cute. I don't know what their marital status is, however, I would be interested in dating Mr. Brin. He's a math and science guy so he would sure be interesting to be nerdy with.

I declare that I would like to be...
Mrs. Google

Sunday, April 08, 2007

All About Me

Greetings and Salutations,

This post will not be about me talking about Easter and what it signifies to the millions of Christians around the world. Easter isn't just about Jesus resurrecting after he died. It represents hope that good will prevail over evil. It represents renewal and the opportunity for those who have made mistakes to make things right.

No this post isn't about this holiday, it is like many of my other posts. This post will be about me.

I purchased a couple of dvds from the Wild Goose qigong series a few weeks ago. I thought they would be the last 2 that I buy but I discovered that there was one more available. It was the instructor's first video and it was originally in video format but became reformatted to dvd. He has 2 sites, one that features his dvds and the other has some qigong articles and his upcoming workshops. That site also has a link for qigong dvds. So the main site actually didn't actually feature this video. So I ended up buying it this week. I could have saved on shipping but oh well!

One has volume 3 and the other volume 9. I pretty much know the form of volume 9 and I went over volume 3 a few times but don't actually have the whole routine memorized.
I also starting practising this other form yesterday entitled Liu He Ba Fa which is an internal martial art but doesn't fall under the qigong category. It is known as water boxing. The form is 9 minutes long but there is a lot of arm movements and leg movements and the direction is shifting frequently.

The form has 66 forms and in the dvd, it doesn't show the individual forms in a continuous fashion. You have to select that you want to view the form if that is what you want. It is rather aggravating and so I figure I might as well learn from the full routine version, which is shown in 3 different angles. I have the slow motion function so that will help me out as well.
This form looks rather complicated but I figure it will be a form that I study on an intermittent basis.

I also ordered another dvd entitled tai chi ruler which involves using this stick that is about 12 inches long that you hold in between your palms. I read a book on it and so it looked like something I wanted to learn. The dvd comes with the 'ruler' so it should be interesting to practice this. The ruler is supposed to increase one's ability to sense qi.

* * *

I started reading a Steiner book again. I haven't been reading so much as I have been practising various mantra disciplines. The book is entitled The Mission of the Folk Souls. Steiner is one of those thinkers who will begin this lecture talking about various things which at first may seem irrelevant to the subject but then by the end of the lecture series it all starts to make sense. So as I am reading this book I get impatient as I would like for him to cut to the chase. I'm 4 lectures into it so it should be getting more interesting.

* * *

I have been obsessed with finding a condo as I am itching to get out. Renting is an option as well and maybe that's what I'll have to do since I haven't found any that I liked that are in my price range. They both have their pros and cons. I find it odd that someone like me, who has a highly independent nature, has this difficulty with moving out. I'm not going to waste my time analyzing why but it is something I wonder about.

It would just be so much easier if I had a boyfriend and was pregnant.

Friday, April 06, 2007


Reason #666 for wanting to move out of my parent's house:

My dad is currently watching a television program featuring a mass where they are going through the stations of the cross.
It also features Gregorian chant

Monday, April 02, 2007


Grrrrrreetings and Salutations,

I won yesterrrrrday my firrrrrrst prrrrrize frrrom the Tim Horrrton's Rrroll up the Rrrrim to Win contest. I norrrmally don't consume Tim Horrrton's prrrroducts but have been known to occasionally have a medium hot chocolate. I've been buying Tim's just to play the game. I managed to win a coffee afterrr purrrrrchasing 5 medium hot chocolates overrrrrr the span of 2 weeks.
