Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Deal or No Deal

Greetings and Salutations,

I was watching last night Deal or No Deal and I'll occasionally watch it with my parents. Now many of the contestants have a strategy for picking cases. One of them is to pick a case that has some sentimental value to them. For those who don't follow the show, there is a million dollars in one case. You get to choose one case which is yours. During the game, you want to pick out anything low and leave the million dollar case in play(this is assuming that your case isn't the million and the odds are you probably do not have a million in your case). There are several high values ranging from 100,000 to 750,000 followed by low amounts such as 1 cent, $5 or $1000.

This is what I don't understand about this particular strategy. People are seeking to get rid of the lower value cases and they do so by choosing numbers that mean something to them. For example, I was born on the 13th so I might pick case 13 hoping that it is a low dollar value. Wouldn't it make more sense to pick numbers that I didn't like or had a negative association? For example, my grandfather died on the 28th, so I'll go with case 28. Or I dumped the love of my life on May 4th so let's open up case number 4.

This whole idea of picking cases that have some positive association seems rather counter intuitive to me.

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My informant has informed me that my crush has been absent due to possible strep throat. I have forgotten what he looks like. If I do not see someone, usually if I have feelings for them or am irritated by them, I usually forget my feelings unless I see them and they are around me and then I seem to remember my feelings towards them. That's true to some degree as some people from my past haunt me even though I do not see them and haven't heard from them in years. I think every encounter we have with someone leaves some imprint on your soul, whether you are aware of it or not and whether it was positive or negative.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Um... another warning

Ok I'm going to give some background information on what led me to state my previous entry. So again I will have to warn you this could get a little too much for the timid.

Alright folks, what led me to this profound observation that I cannot chew food and trim my pubic hairs at the same time? Well I was in a rush one evening and had to quickly finish my hamburger. I was in a rush because I was going to get me some sex. I hadn't done my maintenance work in about 2 weeks I think and I wanted to be presentable to my sex partner. That's right, I am a considerate and kind sex partner. References are available upon request.

Now there are many ways one can maintain their pubic hairs. Someone I know had laser done on them to permanently remove them. Or you can get them waxed, shave them or trim them with scissors. I have chosen the method of trimming with scissors as shaving makes you rather itchy and waxing is too painful.

I figured that I would be able to eat and do my maintenance at the same time but I was shocked that I had some difficulty coordinating these 2 simple activities. It begs me to ask, how can chewing affect my ability to trim my pubic hairs? Let's look at the task of chewing. It is a simple act of moving your mouth around. One can do many tasks and chew at the same time. I can read and chew. I can dance and chew but I cannot seem to seamlessly chew and trim. I believe this is because trimming pubic hairs requires you to pay a bit more attention to what you are doing. You are handling scissors and you do not accidently want to cut yourself.

I think this observation would be helpful to those scientists who study the brain and how various activities stimulate the various parts of our brains. One of my dreams is to be able to make a contribution to science and I hope that perhaps this observation can be used to further advance humanity in brain research.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Um warning...

Seriously I am warning you. I will be making a crude statement about pubic hairs and food. Seriously if you don't want to read what I just discovered... just ignore this post. See I thought I'd share this thought because it could potentially be used by science. Perhaps it can help unlock the mysteries of the brain or help us to learn more about the various centres of the brain. Anyways, this is my perverted contribution to science.

I just discovered that I can't trim my pubic hairs and chew food at the same time.

Monday, November 13, 2006


Greetings and Salutations fellow future worm food beings,

Today we are having a municipal election so all those who are in Canada, VOTE or give up your right to complain. I know that many people mistrust the government but we all as members of a democratic society must exercise this right. We become too complacent in life. Living in a democratic society requires that we as individuals become more responsible about what goes on. Voting rights weren't given to women until the 1920s. Let us not forget that there are people that fought damn hard for what we now think is a complete waste of time. Voting only takes a few minutes of your time.

Do it.

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Many of my loyal readers may have noticed that my last few entries all have one theme in common, that is: my need to get a man and get laid more.

I may or may not have been so direct about my needs but my excessive discussion of sex is simply because I am a lonely and intensely horny woman. I seek companionship. I am a picky woman as well and so it makes for the process of mate selection a much more gruelling process.

So folks, I know how y'all like hearing me talk deep thoughts on spirituality, the meaning of life and about how wonderful I am, but those will all be brushed aside with my lusty thoughts on sexuality. It will continue until I find a new man. I will have y'all know that finding a man is not one of my only priorities in life. I do have a life and many things that entertain my mind.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Tropical Blowjobs

I went to my cousin's baptism dinner for his son a couple of weeks ago. In a previous entry I wondered why he would do so, etc etc. I will have you all know that although I may not agree with how people run their life, I usually like to be nice and civilized towards them, unless of course they are doing something evil. I am a proponent of free will.

Anyways, my cousin emailed me some pictures that he took from the baptism. One of them was of my twin brothers and me. I decided not to smile. I wasn't angry, it was a neutral pose. I was surprised by my hotness in the photo. I haven't figured out how to smile and not look goofy on camera because usually when I do smile - it's goofy looking. I was also surprised by the fact that in that photo, I looked...normal. Wow! I never look normal in photos.

From now on no more smiling in pictures!

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I ended up having a flat fire on my way home from work. I thought there was something wrong with the tires and I had to pull over a couple of times but couldn't see the problem. Someone honked at me to inform me I had a flat tire. There was alot of traffic on the road so I ended up going really slow anyways. I pulled over at the mall which normally is a 5 minute drive and that was when the flat tire was visible. I had to call CAA and they were there quickly. I'm not really into cars but I figure I should learn how to fix a flat tire. I had a tire go flat about 2 years ago during a really bad snow storm and luckily someone choose to help me out since I was on the highway with no cell phone. It looks fairly simple to do. The CAA guy had some simple looking jack that looked stable and I asked where I could find something like that. Princess Auto or Crappy Tire (he didn't call it Crappy Tire, that's just what I called it). So I think I'll do that. I liked that jack. It looked simple to use.

* * *

I am beginning to think my informant at work is starting to have a crush on me. My crush at work seems to be sick as the past 2 weeks his schedule states he is absent but now it says for next week he is off. Perhaps my informant has injured him physically in an attempt to divert my lusty feelings for my crush towards my informant. My informant has probably realized that I am easily distracted at times and so has gotten rid of all competition in an attempt to win me over.

This will never work. So many men lust and desire me. I am almost the perfect woman. I have the innocence of a child and the sex drive of an whore, but not one who's into crack, but a whore who is into nature and trees. A tree-huggin' whore if you will. Yes I have the innocence of a child and the sex drive of a tree-huggin' whore.

Every day I always think some man desires me. Some man at work or some man on the street. Every day. I will think 'this person wants me'. I'm either arrogant or delusional. I like to think I'm arrogant because they haven't developed medication for arrogance.

Or maybe I just think about lust and sex too much. I probably lust for men almost as much as I think they lust for me. Perhaps all my thinking about how men desire me is really all about how much I desire them.

Damn it everything always seems to come back to projection...

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I have finished last week reading Steiner's Broken Vessels. I liked that book. I will start reading this weekend his book on Colour. It is based on Goethe's Theory of Colour.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

I have a laptop that has wireless internet but I currently use a dialup service. I can't make a connection in my room to any available outlets, or whatever the technical term is, however I can get wireless in my living room or upstairs, directly above my living room. Dial up sucks but I am not willing to paying $20-30 for cable because I think it is overpriced. So when I was using the wireless, I was able to download pictures and connect to sites instantly. It was most awesome.

* * *

I have not seen my current crush at work for the past 2 weeks. He was away for a couple of days about 3 weeks ago so I am wondering what is going on with him since I do not know. My informant has not provided me with any information to help me assess this situation. Has he been let go or quit or did he pick up my psychic lust vibes and was overwhelmed by the sheer strength of my awe inspiring lust, which frightened him - in a good way - and this has caused him to become so ill that he needed a few weeks to recuperate. Yes that's right. My lust is so powerful it will make you sick if you are not man enough to handle it. Fear the wrath of my unrelenting vagina!

* * *

Since I have not been able to successfully lust after anyone, where were my lust energy go? Where will this potent force travel? If I direct to myself, it will cause me to self implode. What is this sexy beast to do?

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

What level of divine power do you have?

You are one the Chosen. one of the few privileged mortals that gods can work through.
Take this quiz!

Well I am glad now that this quiz has confirmed what the voice in my head has always been saying... sigh... the pressure...